What is a Portfolio Worthy Image? | Photography Portfolio Tips and Tricks!

What is a Portfolio Worthy Image? | Photography Portfolio Tips and Tricks!

Stewart Wood

2 года назад

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@bencoles2462 - 23.08.2022 20:09

When did you take your first portfolio worthy image? I've been taking photos for 2 months and hope I can get at least one within the first 18 months

@MichelleCox - 23.08.2022 20:40

I thought you were having a heat wave over there. How is the kid not melting in that heavy jacket? LOL! I'd be dying in that.

@ronnie4217 - 23.08.2022 21:07

Love your video's. Keep up the good work and buy Jessica her own camera, preferably one with a strap lol!

@quarkyman1 - 23.08.2022 21:59

Great info, I really need to cull thousands of pics. 🥴

@botanicaltreasures2408 - 23.08.2022 23:20

It takes experience and skill to be able to judge your own work so rigorously. My husband categorizes photos into record keeping and art worthy. I’m gradually starting to recognize which of my photos are better than others and why.

@mdturnerinoz - 24.08.2022 01:42

This is where you and I will differ; "portfolio" ready is as subjective as whether or not one likes guacamole. It's YOUR TASTE versus someone ELSE's. Great that you project the idea of gauging whether one is or is not "worth". But I consider your approach somewhat snobby irrespective of how many followers you have or your output. A "snapshot" MAY BE just as emotional to a viewer as a six-hour manicured photo would be to someone else.

@bethanyblakecaiden - 24.08.2022 02:46


@mrwates - 24.08.2022 13:01

Brilliant & so well explained :)

@CR-ou4hl - 25.08.2022 04:56

How am I just now finding you? This is fantastic. Thank you!

@mawavoy - 26.08.2022 10:11

I think starting-out set the number at 15 upgrade as you build to 15 when you have a new photo that must go in the portfolio but you can not select one to remove now you expand to 16. Continue this process until you reach 20 before going to 21 the new image must be as good as every image in the portfolio, but the weakest must be as good as five other images. Continue this process until you reach 25 - 30. Do this to build for a show. On a website only show 20. Rotating 5 to 10 in and out for variety balancing color offerings,subject matter and themes.

@LeonardoLacchini - 14.11.2022 14:30

your words are very inspirational, great video, thank you

@jianchen4664 - 09.03.2023 19:05

Dear, I did photograph Jumping spider for few days, that is one thing trouble me :Does the camera flashlight hurt Jumping spider eyes?
