Google Analytics 4 Events and Key Events Tutorial

Google Analytics 4 Events and Key Events Tutorial

Surfside PPC

5 месяцев назад

5,568 Просмотров

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@codyhowell5054 - 23.10.2024 09:19

A lot of talking and none of it was helpful

@AxH_Challenge - 21.11.2024 22:17

This is a Wonderful Video.. Very helpful❤❤❤❤

@smjl9 - 10.12.2024 00:29

Thank you Surfside, One question, I sell in shopify...How can I track a checkout page or a thankyou page if the url is followed by a series of digits that always change? There is never a "/checkout" or a "/thankyou", it is "/thankyou/hsdfqeu7234823hhagd834"...?

@pixelgap - 11.12.2024 11:39

Excellent tutorial. Thank you. Very helpful.

@user-ht4ds4tv5m - 20.12.2024 19:43

A great video - thanks for sharing - a question if I may - is there a way in GA 4 to track key events (conversions) and page views by source (Organic vs Google PPC/ads)? I could not find how to know which key events and page views are coming from Organic vs Google ads. Thanks! PS

@markototev - 03.01.2025 22:28

how to track events like click data on OBL that isn't real time and has more history

@InternetAdBoss - 09.01.2025 18:10

Ummm too fast

@FaizaRauf-ov1sj - 27.02.2025 02:18

too much fluff, very unclear video
