Diablo 4: A Casual Player Experience | Review

Diablo 4: A Casual Player Experience | Review


4 месяца назад

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@ssneg - 20.01.2024 14:42

I like your style. And your experience is SO much like mine)

@gKingDru - 05.02.2024 06:16

Great video!

@sunnymetcalf1229 - 11.02.2024 18:35

im 13 and i want to play with my dad is it worth buying?

@timesink2660 - 12.02.2024 03:48

Very thoughtful insights; this is the kind of perspective that I really needed. Feels like this is the MO of every Blizzard game these days.

@perplexedblerd1278 - 12.02.2024 06:36

Is this game worth it as a broke university student?

@cathalreilly7813 - 01.03.2024 01:38

Once u get to level 50 try out a new class

@pythontest512 - 03.03.2024 20:06

After i finished the story and leveled my character past 50, i got bored, made a new character which i leveled past 50 and i got so bored i would not even continue playing if they'd pay me to do it.
Also the fact that i had to re-exlore the entire map to find all waypoints was not helping.
This imho is the most boring diablo game ever made. At least, when i quit playing it was which was before the first season started.

I remember i dreaded the full inventory. Not because i had to go back and empty it but because i had to go through it and find the slightly better items in there somewhere which was a serious pain in the ass.
The ridiculous stats on the items is partly what ruined my excitement for new items and thus killed the game for me.

@neojso - 04.03.2024 09:20

I started diablo 4 two weeks ago and am experiencing the same right now not sure whether I should keep grinding (for what purpose?) or should start a new character.... or just leave the game. As you said, I believe I had already experienced the best content already shortly after the main campaign and I really feel tired checking every equipment to look for some incremental improvement perk 🤷‍♂️ thankfully I didn't got it at full price

@azndragon75 - 05.03.2024 06:49

The game is a completely failure.

@pmgpc69 - 13.03.2024 02:03

Your realization of the game after level 50 is shared by many Diablo 4 players. I’m a casual player myself that has 2 characters - a Sorcerer and a Druid. My Sorcerer is level 100 while my Druid is level 96. I’m trying get my glyphs to level 15. I’m also starting to farm Uber Duriel for Uber Uniques. Thanks for the video!

@iBishopEsquire - 18.03.2024 16:55

I was just going to watch some videos on this game because I'm a Game Pass subscriber who is excited its coming. I haven't played D3, Path of Ex, or any other ARPG so I think this game will be great for me because it sounds like its kind of rests on its laurels a bit and doesn't innovate too much. That won't bother me because I'm so new to the genre.

@ValaHough - 19.03.2024 17:43

I have played Diablo 2 for 10 years straigh - once it came out and then since 2016. 1.13c NEVER changes. No new bosses, content or gameplay. The secret there was server restart after 2 years + trading with others (haggling) + duels (trying to outsmart your competitor) + using gems in cube for skiller with life or for a unique finger etc + when leveling up in Baal you get to just chill and chat with the most random people of the world. I haven't played the story since the 2000s. This is the most boring part. And now looking at Diablo 4 which lacks all of those I don't know if I want to give 140 of my money (yes here it's double). Also, I can't understand why people are hyped up about a single player game in multiplayer environment and then get sad when the story is over. And that's why it's a one time payment. The more fun game, which has all of the above, is WoW but you pay every month.

@fedi1920 - 23.03.2024 06:46

Great content you earned yourself a sub sir , keep the good work ❤

@josephdurham4950 - 29.03.2024 08:53

Im playing this on gamepass now. Im glad i didn't buy it, but I'm also glad im playing it. So far not bad

@AstralWolf86 - 30.03.2024 01:48

I’m here because it’s on Xbox Gamepass

@dolahn - 31.03.2024 21:14

Thank you very much for the review from another casual player; I appreciate the work that you put into making this video, which was probably quite a lot. What I would have liked in addition are your thoughts on the shop and the monetization in general. Anyway, keep the high quality work up!

@patchup - 05.04.2024 16:48

This is the first review that I felt was for me, the casual player. I have seen to many reviews and so many opinion videos but this is the only time I have watched one that focuses on what is important to me while still bringing up the more hardcore aspect of the game. You have another subscriber my friend.
I came here because I see the game is on sale for 50% off and that is cheap enough to justify it if it was as least enjoyable for 10 hours.

@wilfredwayne7139 - 06.04.2024 01:22

Got the game 3 days ago and I've already mastered most of it such a fun game.

@scapingby - 13.04.2024 02:10

i don't know why but i just cant get into this game. i love the graphics, the music, everything but the gameplay just isn't fun. i love games like titan quest and path of exile... weird.

@arakaki1406 - 20.04.2024 21:41

What about nowadays?

@gabrigamer00skyrim - 05.06.2024 21:25

Finally a diablo review that I can understand. All the reviews out there are for people familiar with the game
