The Mandalorian | The Boba Fett Chapters Recap

The Mandalorian | The Boba Fett Chapters Recap

Star Wars Alert

1 год назад

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@cbacara3711 - 27.02.2023 08:47

thanks as always!! only two more days to go until season 3 so excited!!!

@kswindl - 02.03.2023 08:03

Thank you. I wasn't about to watch all that bullshit.

@mylatahiri2572 - 05.03.2023 01:48

Dang, the mando show gave zero info about any of this for those of us that didn't watch Book of boba. Thank you!

@jeison69 - 07.03.2023 01:57

without this before the last episode of the Mandalorian got me confused AF i thought i had amnesia or something lol

@saylabrown2109 - 07.04.2023 06:42

This was supper helpful thank you!!

@pain2573 - 26.08.2023 02:06

Thank you for this, cause I was not about to watch Boba fett

@bencarlson4300 - 25.09.2023 22:06

It really sucks that I had to ironically watch Boba Fett to get a decent conclusion to a much better and essentially unrelated show.

@Dirty2D - 11.08.2024 23:19

started season 3 now, was super confused, why would they not make it obvious when you go from s2 to s3
