Timing Contractions | WHAT Are They? WHEN To Start Timing? HOW Can Partners Help?

Timing Contractions | WHAT Are They? WHEN To Start Timing? HOW Can Partners Help?

Bridget Teyler

3 года назад

117,645 Просмотров

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Anastasiia DeVera
Anastasiia DeVera - 01.05.2021 08:36

Bridget you are amazing. I have your course and 100% happy with it. Learning so much from each video.

Mamas if you still deciding to get it, don't wait. It is so worth it❤️❤️❤️

Atandek Regina
Atandek Regina - 31.12.2022 04:42

Thank you for all your lovely videos 😘.I gave birth 2days ago❤️

Fat n Natty Trav
Fat n Natty Trav - 06.10.2022 10:35

Baby due is in a few days and I'm doing a last minute gouge on how I can help my wife lol

April Haley
April Haley - 24.09.2022 00:30

Well crud. I’ve been stopping the timer when the pain stops. It’s been stopping before my stomache loosens back up. I guess I need to change that. I have a high pain tolerance, but was also told to time them regardless since I’m had some bleeding.

Akoya Manns
Akoya Manns - 10.12.2021 22:29

I couldn’t find any other video that was clear what to do . Thank you this really help me 💕

Contessa West
Contessa West - 20.11.2021 06:11

38 weeks pelvic pressure and cramping

Bookkeys - 17.11.2021 12:42

Hi Bridget, just to let you know that there are a few women who are single and pregnant and going through their pregnancies alone. When you give examples in your videos and you mention for example 'let your partner do this for you'...please give options for those who are alone as well. Thanks

Ashley Young
Ashley Young - 12.09.2021 02:57

37+3 with baby 3, this time a boy. The whole pregnancy has been 100% different. I never felt contractions with my other two, I leaked and had pressure. I’m 2cm dilated based on my appointment three days ago. Tonight I have been feeling mild surges as you say. All cramping near my hips and then towards my lower back. I’ve been using a labor ball each day and walking. Noticing a change in the cramps tonight. But nothing to make me stop talking. I would love to have little man this weekend, but of course when he’a good and ready. My first two were early. Baby 1 born at 38 weeks (full term, but before due date) and my second was born at 36 weeks. If this baby comes this week he’ll be right in between his sisters. You videos are awesome, I wish I had them with my other two. Lol

Akuma1312 - 01.09.2021 04:48

I have a question. So I'm 37 weeks pregnant with my first kid, and I know labor is suposed to last longer, but I was my mom's first kid, and she was in labor with me for 9 hours. Could that mean that I can have a quick labor as well?

G Del
G Del - 11.07.2021 18:47

im 3 days of my 40 weeks and its my 4th baby but im confused because with my first two babys I went to the hospital in early labor and sent home few times, my oldest child is now 12 years old so im trying to go back and remember the contractions 😓 with my 3rd child I got induced ☹️ hopefully I could go to the hospital on time to have my baby and not get send home 🙏🏼

Manda Lynn
Manda Lynn - 16.06.2021 19:28

From getting quiet and reserved to clamping the cord took 15 minutes, ftb. Please start adding caveats or at least mentioning that precipitous labor exists. There are so many resources for people that have long painful labors and need help, but it's as if the inverse doesn't exist and none of these birth channels prepare birthing people for the possibility

Manda Lynn
Manda Lynn - 16.06.2021 19:25

She's probably fine, she can talk is a stupid and dangerous mentality. I was walking and talking and treated dismissively at 10 cm, effaced, station +3. Then they panicked when they finally actually examined me

c cc
c cc - 18.05.2021 06:32

I'm 39 weeks and ready to pop

JoJo - 09.05.2021 13:25

Wish I had watched this when timing my babies... You're so informative!!!

IngeMaritz - 08.05.2021 21:43

Hallo Bridget


I have a question.

I have had a HYSTEROSCOPIC PROCEDURE done before we did a IVF, i am 37 and a couple of days pregnant.

Now my question.

If work was done on my Uterus ( because it wasnt shaped correctly, hence why we didnt fall pregnant naturally. Can i opt for a Vaginal birth or should i opt for a c-section ? Im really worried about this and no one is giving me a straight answer

would appreciate a reply if you can. ❤

Larrisa Neetz
Larrisa Neetz - 26.04.2021 18:29

Bridget, I love your video's and they helped me a lot with my first pregnancy and Labor. Unfortunately, my first pregnancy ended in an emergency C-section (Feb 8, 2020). Due to having a C-section I have been having quite a bit of pain with this pregnancy( currently 19 weeks). Is there any information or tricks you know how to cope with the pain?

Brenda Rosas
Brenda Rosas - 26.04.2021 00:13

My baby is literally due tomorrow...but I havent felt any sign of him coming. I just hope everything turns out ok!

Tristen Williams
Tristen Williams - 25.04.2021 16:36

Could you do an epidural vs natural birth video?

Kay Geen
Kay Geen - 23.04.2021 17:21

I would disagree with waiting an hour or two to time contractions after the first 2or 3 only because I had my 3rd baby in less than 3 hours. The contractions were all over the place too. Not consistent, but this could have been something that is out of the norm🤷

ashley020309 - 23.04.2021 13:39

When should we start packing our hospital bags? What Is needed.

Brit Brat
Brit Brat - 22.04.2021 20:32

Hey Bridget, I have a question for you that I would love if you could take the time to answer. I’m a huge fan of your first off! Anyways, when I had my son a little over a year ago, I didn’t have “surges” as everyone else describes. I had what felt like one constant contraction. I’m wondering if you’ve ever heard of this happening with anyone else before? And what would have maybe caused it? It really threw me off and I wound up getting the epidural. I would love to go all natural next time around.

Lindsey Humphreys
Lindsey Humphreys - 21.04.2021 22:14

Not sure if you read comments, but would love a video on either swaddling a newborn (there’s so much conflicting information out there) or bathing a newborn (same with this one — every day? Once a week?). Oh, also, formula and breastfeeding (mixing? Alternating between the two if you have sore nipples, how to know if your baby is getting enough breast milk, etc.? Can formula help with immunity, too?).

Dulce Sanchez
Dulce Sanchez - 21.04.2021 03:13

Can labour develop faster after a c section for a second pregnancy?

NicOfTime - 21.04.2021 02:54

Anyone else not time their contractions when they were in early labour or just me? 😅

Stevie Moon
Stevie Moon - 20.04.2021 23:53

Hi Bridget!
Hope you are well— quick question, what camera and lense are you using??

Ashley Gaska
Ashley Gaska - 20.04.2021 14:31

35 weeks today. Getting so excited and nervous lol. Good luck to all the other mamas!❤️

Carla Cunningham
Carla Cunningham - 20.04.2021 04:30

I’m 38 weeks and super nervous for labor. I have a playlist of your videos ready incase I need them during labor. Thank you for all your educational videos!!

Whispering Creature
Whispering Creature - 20.04.2021 03:35

I’m 34 weeks pregnant my dr said baby is 4lbs and it’s on the bigger side.. is it possible to deliver a 9 or 10lbs baby vaginally?? Tips please!!!

Caitlin Cordova
Caitlin Cordova - 20.04.2021 01:18

I’m due tomorrow and just waiting for my baby boy to come!! I hope I don’t have to be induced. Love your videos!!!!

Jaynae Jaynae
Jaynae Jaynae - 19.04.2021 23:13

35 weeks pregnant binge watching your videos, and having my husband watch them as well. Thanks for all the info

Sally Gomez
Sally Gomez - 19.04.2021 20:25

Bridget, I had my 3rd baby this morning at 5:23 am. I did it completely unmedicated and laboured mostly at home. Delivered my baby within 3 hours of arriving at the hospital. The midwife told me she was so surprised at how calm and quiet I was and couldn't believe how far along I was because of my attitude. I owe it all to your birth education! Your videos helped me achieve the natural birth I had always wanted. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Princess G
Princess G - 19.04.2021 20:07

Thank you! I am due April 24th and this is perfect timing :)

Candice Thaxton
Candice Thaxton - 19.04.2021 19:05

When I was in labor I felt constant pain, I didn't feel any distinct relief to be able to count. Was there something off?

Raegan Price
Raegan Price - 19.04.2021 19:00

Question. My doctors told me I was never displaying and they could “tell” because I remained talkative. I’ve always coped with physical pain with humor and did continue to chat through my entire labor. Will nurses and my midwife just never take me serious because of this? Should I try to NOT talk, to help contractions somehow??

Know Nonsense
Know Nonsense - 19.04.2021 16:08

33 weeks pregnant with my first. Nervous!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for your vids!

Jessica Hillier
Jessica Hillier - 19.04.2021 16:05

37 weeks pregnant with my first! Starting to feel a lot of pelvic pressure and cramping!! Thank you for the video!!!

Sherre Copeland
Sherre Copeland - 19.04.2021 15:49

My second pregnancy I never timed them...I was 41 weeks and already 4 cm dilated...and I got super strong contractions immediately that morning that I couldn’t talk through....went immediately to the hospital and baby was out 3 hours after we checked in

Emily Willingham
Emily Willingham - 19.04.2021 15:47

Question: how long can you have contractions that are 5-6 mins apart, lasting a minute to a minute and a half, but not be in labor? I had two days in a row that this was happening, the contractions were getting slightly stronger, but I could still talk through them. Is it normal for this to happen for 2 days and then they just quit? I’ll be 38 weeks tomorrow and I’m trying to not get frustrated.

zs refi
zs refi - 19.04.2021 15:46

36 weeks pregnant, was just thinking about this topic, thank you!

Annabel Moreno
Annabel Moreno - 19.04.2021 15:06

I always watch your videos 💕 Thank you 🙏🏻 Keep safe.

Daily Dose of Medicine
Daily Dose of Medicine - 19.04.2021 15:02


Karla Silva
Karla Silva - 19.04.2021 15:01

Almost 34 weeks pregnant. Always watching your videos,helps me to prepare in my big day😍
