Bannerlord's 1.2.8 / 1.2.7 Most Profitable Workshops + My Top 5 | Flesson19

Bannerlord's 1.2.8 / 1.2.7 Most Profitable Workshops + My Top 5 | Flesson19


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@valkyriedd5849 - 17.01.2024 15:25

The wine press at Ortysia is AMAZING. I have a silversmith at Sanala that is really good though, on par with the tannery at Poros.

@yesterdaytodaytommorrow. - 09.01.2024 04:08

Maybe its just me but i think they need to dumb down workshops just a bit 😂

@inkfan4152 - 07.01.2024 10:48

Just bought first workshop in this play through. Picked a town near where I’d be constantly in the general area for the most part. Average price or lower input with above average (red) output. Really all I based the buying decision on was the output price. I use all of my NPCS for blacksmithing so I bought that. Told the shop to only buy raw materials from the town if they run out of warehouse product. In my travels I buy any and all iron that sells cheaply and bring back to warehouse. They will not run out and aside from the first week after purchasing the shop it has not fallen under 200 per day profit. This has seemed to work very well for me and I will buy shops near that one that sell different items and just make sure the output is high and to bring them back the input they need that I either take from my enemies or buy cheap from villages or towns in my travels. Has worked very well so far!

@kevcole3333 - 06.01.2024 22:00

the economy in this game is way more complicated than it needs to be. and when i say complicated, i mean asinine. the best way to make bank in this game is the same as it ever was... get busy building an army and trade in the loot. maybe someday a total conversion mod will save this game but once manor lords comes out, seriously who cares.

@davislanham6963 - 05.01.2024 05:11

My silver smith makes me bank

@zoriononline - 03.01.2024 20:57

As I've pm'ed you on the forums I belive I did atleast.
Smithy and silversmithy suffer from excessive imo input vs cost of the output.
Example Smithy require 6 units of materials to produce output, which is just excessive high.
When say a velvet requires on my end atm 0,9 mats pr day to produce 1 unit that sells for decent money.

Taleworlds imo dont test the values enough before they push it, and it just makes a mess of things.
I dont have a silversmithy atm, nor a location where it would be logical to put it atm(not to mention the 2 villages produceing the ore is constantly being raided(not our kingdome).

The smithy had they dialed down the consumed mats to say 3, it would have been relative profitable easy.

What I did on my play is just smelt all the weapons instead of selling them.
This gave me "crude ore" aswell, which I put in the workshop which will be consumed, as with all other types of ores or bars.

Consistently the shop gives about 340-440 in my play.(no micromanagement in selling, if I do then its 540++)(micromanage resources though).

I wish that there was some more or better mechanics to it, so that more "casual gamers" could make stable profit from this source.

The other aspect of the game and how the workshops can change over time, so you had a very profitable wineshop set up and where earning 400 a day, and then when you check you are suddenly down to 200(which is decent) only to find that 1 of the other workshops in town is now flipped over to wineshop (as the woodworkshop that ws there owned by an npc's tanked so they went bankrupt - boom start a wineshop..) this can also happend in nearby cities aswell, so suddenly you get competition out of the blue..

@icancarrymyown1533 - 03.01.2024 08:02

My most profitable shop was found by asking the townspeople. They said which shop was making good money.

@solovetsky8213 - 03.01.2024 06:40

The legend is back once again to save my play through

@-themadscottish00 - 02.01.2024 20:01

This video was much needed as my last game I had everything set up and making millions. Then I heard the new update was happening and started a new game to then release the workshop’s changed. So thank you very much I now have a better understanding of the workshop’s unit the next update.

@ders7192 - 01.01.2024 09:13

Hey man, do you need to feed the warehouses resources to make them successful?

@tylerpowers7034 - 31.12.2023 20:38

Great video Flesson! Just wanted to add that with the mod Trade Agent you can make workshops extremely profitably. The mod allows you to designate a merchant to buy goods on a specific price margin that you can fund your warehouse with for production. Then you can instruct your workshop not to sell the trade goods produced and seek out the best prices for them on your own during your travels. The only downside is you will not get trade xp because you aren't buying the goods your workshops produced but it's an incredible way to turn a massive profit.

@kentpoos - 31.12.2023 05:56

Good to see you on the forums, man taleworlds and their grudge against the us 😂

@Archa762 - 29.12.2023 20:09

Why i'm I watching this I'm just using shop for beer/olive factory lmao.

@eyllyssaunders5345 - 29.12.2023 06:36

I'm happy because the first workshop I bought was on the top three and I wanted to know why my other shops were just not doing anything now I can fix this so thank you very much

@damnmonster9856 - 28.12.2023 17:00

Bro Ur hero

@mattgchev - 28.12.2023 16:33

I know its said a lot, but guys like you and Strat are saving this game.

@Max-Attacks - 28.12.2023 11:13

Thank you again for this information and your time!

@jackfrew-brown1005 - 28.12.2023 00:34

I can’t build a wine press in Ortysia?

@Java42069 - 27.12.2023 05:46

wished i watched this before i made a wool weavery lmao fml

@TheBrickMasterB - 26.12.2023 10:49

Were Wool Weaveries really profitable in the past???

I'd use them in my campaigns where I saw sheep being produced and it's like there were periods where I just wasn't making anything off of them.

@fkzx77AkaJonasTornqvist - 25.12.2023 15:01

Did taleworld fix the bug for workshops when you are a merc? I could own a workshop in kuzait land even if i switched to someone who was at war with them! I also find that the tannery in lageta is good they have a village that have hogs and has rather good prosperity! But that also depends on wars in my playthrough now battania aserai and Western has take over lageta!

@boweniscool - 24.12.2023 22:34

One thing i always really appreciate about this channel is the Volume level, it's never too loud for me! May not seem like a super important thing but I really am thankful
sometimes a vid being on 5% volume seems loud, even when Windows is already set to 50% and my headsets dial is at about half!
Their voice sounding nice is a decent plus too lol

@bobbydurland - 24.12.2023 18:52

Fantastic analysis - the entire Bannerlord community thanks you!

@AndriiGryganskyi - 24.12.2023 04:09

I just tried to set up wool shops in Odoch, Chaikand and Ortongard, and zero profit for several months, had to close them. Patch 1.2.7.

@troysdownfall6547 - 24.12.2023 02:25

How viable would it be to buy competing workshops in the area and convert them to create a monopoly of sorts?

@deseanstamps8902 - 23.12.2023 22:25

Thanks for the awesome info my birthday brother .... happy holidays

@DadReaper1967 - 23.12.2023 19:42

I have a question specifically for people to play on consul. Is there a better way of leveling up your troops? Other than just pressing the button once For each time you need to level up a troop. I've seen PC players seem like they can do it By clicking one stack of troops and upgrade all of them. Is there a way to do this, specifically on PlayStation 5.

@tolveor - 23.12.2023 15:31

Good video as always man. I always go sturgia, and figure they still have bad shops? should just let us produce either dried fish or fishoil. I kind of wish we would get like a 50-100 base income on shops so we could just set and forget. but thats what mods are for i guess

@jeffdomingos7010 - 23.12.2023 04:44

Hey bro so you asked for bugs and I'm on xbox and since the patch dropped when I load my save it let's me play for a few minutes but then just like force closes back to the Xbox menu

@lucianjaeger4893 - 23.12.2023 01:31

Cool stuff I wonder why my silver Smith was performing horribly. I'll swap it up tonight thanks brother 👍

@enricobustaffa7461 - 23.12.2023 00:38

Bezos face Is over the top

@feathur5 - 23.12.2023 00:26

Thanks so much for these videos! Im newer to bannerlord & workshops have been frustrating to figure out. My first was actually the velvet weavery in Saneopa. After, Ive been comparing others to it and reloading because they make nowhere near as much lol! At least now I know 200+ is a good profit. I just struggle with the thought of spending 20k on something that won't turn a profit for 100 turns & caravans have hemorraged more money than made with being captured... But at least it all makes a lot of sense now. Hopefully I can find a few more that can turn 200-400 a day like that one.

@DucNguyen-Dalexa - 22.12.2023 23:11

Merry Christmas to you and your family! I have been away from the game for awhile experiencing other games , but it is great to have you updating news on workshops and caravans, as I am not the fighting guy while more preferring making stuffs . Will come back to the game soon.

@maxwallace9491 - 22.12.2023 22:13

Had a silversmith in Qasira that very comfortably outperformed all my other workshops, usually 200-500 a day. Perfect storm of no other silversmiths in Aserai lands, a silver mine nearby, no disruptions because it's Aserai, and Qasira's prosperity being like 8k. Had to sell it before forming a kingdom though, next best almost never hits 300.

@toker93 - 22.12.2023 22:12

Great video

@surlyunicorn9461 - 22.12.2023 21:48

I’ve been waiting for this video in particular. Thank you and Merry Christmas to you and yours.

@lynkonline5997 - 22.12.2023 21:02

Warhouses !!

@Ruffster - 22.12.2023 20:55

You have people cry if their workshops doesn't make like 1k+ a day. A lot of people seems to have quite unrealistic expectations for what is a good income for workshops or not. Winneries in Battania land have always neted me good income at least on my 1.2.x campaign. Even reached up towards 600-700 some days.

@Harambre - 22.12.2023 20:24

Hey love your videos. I recently got access to 5.0 realm of thrones. Would love to see a let’s play by you for it!

@samuelrussell5760 - 22.12.2023 20:19

The ability to send a percentage of the outputs to your warehouse is actually a gamechanger. Previously, a fully operating workshop would simply flood the market unless the town was very prosperous (and thus able to consume more goods) or the town was visited by lots of caravans that would buy the goods. Now, you can choose to sell just 50% of the goods to the market. Even though that means less is being sold, the workshop still remains profitable since the price of the goods doesn't plummet. I have a bunch of workshops in less prosperous towns operating at 50% sold to the market and they are still in the black (although all less than 100 per day). However, the profit I get from them comes from the other half of the goods that I pick up from the warehouse occasionally. Those goods are now effectively free to me and I just take them somewhere else and sell them for pure profit.

It's not technically set it and forget it, but it's fairly manageable since you just do it as you pass by and there isn't a time sensitive issue where if you don't get back your workshop keeps losing money by flooding the local market with more cheap goods. You just have to make it back often enough that your warehouse doesn't overflow.

@camilososa6163 - 22.12.2023 19:11

Hi Flesson, nice video!
NOTE: You switched over the bad and good workshops in the time stamps.

@AutisticHermit - 22.12.2023 18:53

Great video, I've never properly understood workshops even when I buy and swap workshops nearby to try and create monopoly's it never seems to work. I was wondering if we need to micro manage the warehouses more on this new update? As I usualy set up on the other side from where I go to avoid them being destroyed when factions go to war

@fkzx77AkaJonasTornqvist - 22.12.2023 18:38

It feels like you also would drop the perk that give you 20 % effective workshop?!? The workshop will probably produce more vares that will flood the market! But this is speculation on my part!
So when taleworld change the wanderers did they also change the caravans? 🤔

@renaldoawes2210 - 22.12.2023 18:24

Surprised more people aren't doing testing like this... I guess you could say you have quite the market share on these videos :D Mr monopolist over here. Keep it up, because my attempt to restore the Empire depends on these videos :D For the Republic!

@tdotfun - 22.12.2023 17:47

Great stuff! Ty

@walulu6531 - 22.12.2023 17:17

My man

@MichaelBlanchardII - 22.12.2023 17:14

Flesson, thank you so much for making these videos! Workshops keep changing and I love that you do updated videos to help with that. You are doin' the lord's work! Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays!!

@sininheaven - 22.12.2023 16:48

Flesson my man can you do a video on flags, hero troops and battlefield tactics pls.

@sininheaven - 22.12.2023 16:44

Way to go Flesson! Once again you're the go to channel for anything we want to know about bannerlord with no BS!
