Download, Activate and Install Cubase Elements | Getting Started with Cubase Elements 10

Download, Activate and Install Cubase Elements | Getting Started with Cubase Elements 10


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Uli - 30.05.2023 11:59

Beware the latest version does NOT accept 32 bit VSTs. Don't waste your money, like I did.

INDIAN SOMA - 30.11.2022 17:01

I bought Cubase Al and usb ur22 ll. Activation codes are input. But it says (failed) on everything?? Please help😱

Tariqul Haque Tareq
Tariqul Haque Tareq - 04.11.2022 05:05

It want password when extract. What is the password?

Y2S Official
Y2S Official - 12.10.2022 00:07

Hello thankyou for the video. But one more thing I need from you is how do you get the activation code

Les TUTOS de Claudio : Le PIANO EN VRAI !
Les TUTOS de Claudio : Le PIANO EN VRAI ! - 25.02.2022 15:54

Thanks !! great .

Alex Temple
Alex Temple - 20.02.2022 15:37

"as with all stienberg software, the manger is really easy to install". You've not read your forums lately, have you?

Guy Hadasi
Guy Hadasi - 12.01.2022 22:17

This is so complicated and messy 😡😡😡

GARfearfak - 10.11.2021 16:39

this video really could do with less intrusive background music.

Pawel M.
Pawel M. - 25.10.2021 20:16

the most complicated and absurd DAW installation. I gave up , nothing was working

Muiz Ish
Muiz Ish - 20.10.2021 18:16

Do i have to buy online first for the key file?

Bortle 1- Astro Photography - Spaceman 56.
Bortle 1- Astro Photography - Spaceman 56. - 10.10.2021 01:18

Steinberg. please turn off the stupid country music noise in the background of this video. it adds nothing and makes it hard to hear the tutorial

Aspire to Inspire
Aspire to Inspire - 21.09.2021 12:50

Hey buddy I m also getting a option cubase elements 11 should I download it?

Aspire to Inspire
Aspire to Inspire - 21.09.2021 12:05

It's not coming what u r showing after it is downloaded. After downloading it is opening something in explorer

MENTAL VFX - 21.09.2021 10:03

Please help me sir

Halit Özkaya
Halit Özkaya - 11.09.2021 03:17

Merhaba Kimsenin Detayını Çekmeyen Bir Detay Yakaladım Daw İle İlgili Cubase pencere çubuğu Üst kısmında Neden hatalı duruyor hocam

Tommy P.
Tommy P. - 06.09.2021 22:20

Whoever green lighted this anti-piracy method should be fired.

Sunil Rautela
Sunil Rautela - 23.08.2021 07:46

Cubase a zero techsupport. Wanted a 11 went ahead and installed this through download assitant like 15-18 GB and then...thers this elicence thing which is nevr traced out by the control centre....i tried it 2 times full download of the entire product and gave up...whats wrong with you guys...and theres no way to reach out the team..for support you are guided to the local dealership who never has a clue on this product installation...its like narrating a story to a dynosaur...

Abhi Joshi
Abhi Joshi - 08.07.2021 15:49

Such a pathetic and complex process. Outstanding software, pathetic installation process.

cliffawesome - 24.06.2021 20:37

i bought cubase 11 and installed the download assistant but than it just opens a page saying To authorize Steinberg Download Assistant, you must allow your browser to open Steinberg Download Assistant. Once authorization is completed, you can close this page and continue working with Steinberg Download Assistant. can someone pls help

3DTree - 11.06.2021 16:39

This is JUST ridiculous!!! I don't CARE about your fancy marketing Diarrhea!! You make it so complicated to download and install your product!??? I'm going for something else.. Cheers!!

Ahmed khorshid arranger
Ahmed khorshid arranger - 10.06.2021 03:01


Working with windows 7 ?

인삼IN3TAI - 08.05.2021 10:20

why is this so god dam hard lol

Hellenion Organization
Hellenion Organization - 03.03.2021 19:40

Thanks, commenters, for helping me not feel like an idiot.

aida gevorgjan
aida gevorgjan - 01.01.2021 17:52

I just bought Elements 11 and I have a little problem to connect it with my headphones instead of the computer speakers (windows)... could anyone give me advice on that? Thank you :)

Zach Sicurelli
Zach Sicurelli - 21.12.2020 00:40

Just wasted my money on this. Trying for 5 hours to get it to work. I hope I get my money back. Going to another DAW.

Sharon Stevenson
Sharon Stevenson - 07.11.2020 23:36

so helpful - thank you

John Rinehart
John Rinehart - 22.10.2020 22:56

I'm being super patient and this is still so ridiculous. Not sure who needs to fix this but Cubase would make so much more money if it was a simple click to download. I can't tell you how many different hoops I had to jump through to get this downloaded. Look through the comments. Not too many happy customers in there. Cubase is awesome but once again, it would be so much better on the brain to have a simple download.

Skanda Sharma
Skanda Sharma - 20.10.2020 14:48

If anyone knows how to do it properly can you pls help me out Via team viewer Or on a call.
I really want this urgent but dont know how to download it. Pls anyone who knows help me out.

User Friendly
User Friendly - 20.10.2020 02:45

Thank you so much

鼓神成某人Drummer M.T. Seng
鼓神成某人Drummer M.T. Seng - 13.10.2020 15:08

uh...i don't have any musical instrument. i just have a pc

Christ Nico
Christ Nico - 12.10.2020 23:25

Thanks men

Shubham Gupta
Shubham Gupta - 11.10.2020 06:25

Cubase 10.5 full virson lene ke liye sampkre kre 7717797566

V1-CONTACT - 24.09.2020 16:11

Thank you so much Steniberg i try Trial this month and bay next !:)

PutPoleCat - 17.09.2020 09:28

Whoever came up with this installation process must be a pure sadist.

Tony Miller
Tony Miller - 31.08.2020 18:17

Installation is a joke even following this video. “It will take some time” is the biggest understatement ever. Seriously! I’ve been sat here ‘installing’ Elements for an hour already and haven’t even got to the licensing! Hope this is worth it?

Dottie Free
Dottie Free - 28.08.2020 02:41

Downloaded the free trial. Very interested in purchasing this software, but receiving ERROR message. Compressed Zipped Folders Error. Windows cannot complete the extraction. Destination file could not be created. What do I do now? Please be very specific bkz none of this is intuitive for me.

ARIHA ASSURANCE MONDAY - 16.08.2020 16:00

Notifications désactivées pour cette chaîne

Flavio Gullotta
Flavio Gullotta - 13.08.2020 15:43

Hello, i cant installa properly my Cubase 10 AI. I downloaded the full one from the software's manager but it won't install all the additional contents. I'm using Catalina ad i tried also with older version as High Sierra. Can someone help me?

Christian Forbes
Christian Forbes - 08.08.2020 23:47

If I didn't have some old sessions that I want to remaster .... I would NEVER EVER accept all this bullshit. Steinberg, get it together. There is ZERO reason to make using a DAW this convoluted to install. Native Instruments and SSL made the process so easy in comparison. Ableton Live = Easy. Reaper = Even Easier Yet. Steinberg is not doing anything so unique to warrant this level of difficulty.

Andy Trullinger
Andy Trullinger - 02.08.2020 14:23

yeah, there's no chance i'm gonna jump through these hoops. I've already lost interest in this DAW. cheers, etc

Robert J Kral
Robert J Kral - 28.07.2020 22:18

I have the free trial version of Cubase Pro 10.5. How do I purchase the full license and preserve my presets etc that I've already been working on? Emailed Cubase etc no response.

DP - 26.07.2020 15:27

Currently, there is no eLicenser connected to your computer which you
can download your license to. Please connect an appropriate
USB-eLicenser to your computer.

The Big Picture
The Big Picture - 26.07.2020 14:43

Way too complicated. Gotta go through all of this just for the trial version. A turn off. Will try another DAW.

The Big Picture
The Big Picture - 26.07.2020 14:36

Decided to download the trial version of Cubase 10 Elements on a brand new Windows 10 dozens of error messages during installation. There's no way I'm gonna pay for a product that is going to give me a headache during installation.

Emmanuel Mutabazi
Emmanuel Mutabazi - 25.07.2020 13:35

-is it the same way for trial too or it deffrente

Brayden Crosen
Brayden Crosen - 15.07.2020 05:18

im just trying to use my free trial to see how l like it, and its telling me I don't have a usb e-licenser, and to contact my developer.

JJ - 11.07.2020 21:47

I really want this software because I think it’s absolutely bomb from what I’ve seen. But the comments are seriously turning me away. Is it as difficult as the comments suggest even if you follow the instructions? Has anything been simplified as of recently? I would love a response because I need this software

Anton Ekholm
Anton Ekholm - 11.07.2020 01:29

How do I change the place to where I want my Cubase setup file to go when extracting from WinRAR after installing from the installing center? Its default possession is to extract from WinRAR to my C drive. I don't have enuff space on my C drive and would need to have it extracted to another drive on my computer! (This is for Cubase pro 10.5)

free electron
free electron - 07.07.2020 16:21

Distorted country rock music in the background is distracting and adds nothing pleasant.

Daniela Delgado
Daniela Delgado - 22.06.2020 23:49

this is bullshit, i was gonna try it but i wont even bother after seing this
