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@billy_cross5580 - 30.12.2023 14:51

Oh, you’re an idiot of course it has. Sony has been getting exclusive deals even companies that Microsoft now own still have legal contractual obligations to provide exclusives to Sony. Sony does exclusives that they do and they do it well and properly, but this is not an exclusive this is on windows android iOS And yes, PlayStation four and five it’s not an exclusive and it’s it’s an excluding the only thing it’s not on is Xbox and the way Sony exclusive deals work with these companies is that frequently only last for a certain trade of time and then it will come out on the Xboxand Sony does it well and they’ve been doing it successfully for two decades

@billy_cross5580 - 30.12.2023 14:49

By the way, clueless Genshin impact is not exclusive to Sony. It is on.

PlayStation 4
PlayStation 5

But I can’t expect you to know that because you never do any proper research

@billy_cross5580 - 30.12.2023 14:47

Title of this video is the very reason I would never follow. You donate money to you and why I give you a thumbs down on every video the title is ridiculous. It’s sensational, and it’s nonsense. Microsoft is not gonna kill Genshin impact they may compete, but they’re not gonna kill them anymore than the plethora of shooters that are existence have killed destiny. The only people that can kill Genshin impact would be the developer. The only people who can kill destiny would be the developer. The only people that can kill wild would be the developer, there are numerous lesser games still heavily populated like never winter or DC universe online. These games are still going strong fairly strong I don’t know about DC I logged in in a while but for instance, the developer killed and it’s barely hanging on on PlayStation last time I logged in, I went through the main city there’s nobody there, but the developer did that and the developer does it. The division two is dead because the developer fucked it over if they would’ve developed the division one further fix the exploits, then it would still be going strong.

@billy_cross5580 - 30.12.2023 14:45

Nobody’s investing in you I could care less whether you make money I have a job you can go get one as well

@billy_cross5580 - 30.12.2023 14:44

That’s because Genshin impact has like 60 million people logging in each month I mean it is a threat in the RPG genre and more accurately in the anime RPG genre because honestly I would rather it just wasn’t anime. I hate anime anime comes with all these high voices and little girls, and most of the characters are female, and it just unrealistic, I would rather it wasn’t anime. It was massively multiplayer with a good RPG story and yes it’s a threat in the RPG genre because it has 60 million people logging in actively.

@billy_cross5580 - 30.12.2023 14:43

And if they create an actual MMO,RPG targeting Genshin impact, they will win if Genshin impact were actually an MMO I would still be playing it now that’s not true I don’t like the combos the character swapping to get off combos I just wanna play a character I don’t mind gotcha I’ll roll for you. You know to get the good characters but I don’t wanna be character swappingjust to do damage

@billy_cross5580 - 30.12.2023 14:40

Well that’s because they’re targeting Genshin impact it is literally one of the biggest RPG‘s that you could pick and it’s not an MMO so if they want to target Genshin impact all they have to do is make a better four player co-op leave out all the fucking lolly girls, the high voices the ridiculously long dialogues that have nothing to do with the actual gameplay but keep in the cool gameplay and movement oh and leave out that stupid character swapping bullshit. Let me play one character development, skills, and abilities and if I want to change, I change characters not swap around in my team, in any case the point was it’s not an MMO it’s a co-op RPG four player co-op RPG has zero shared spaces. There’s no place you’re gonna find anybody in this game unless they’re on your team.

@billy_cross5580 - 16.08.2023 12:23

They can’t reach a deal because I feel quite certain Sony probably paid most of the development cost for that game, so Sony’s going to reap the rewards for at least you know several for five years I would think before they’re going to or contractually are going to give up the product. You’re talking about it like they have a choice they did fund the development project for a bunch of games that you say seven of already released I am not sure what those are right I know there were some on the list I was interested in, but I also know I haven’t really seen the results of that project produce much in the western world

@billy_cross5580 - 16.08.2023 12:22

But it’s not now nor has a diffe ever been a PlayStation exclusive dude you’re talking out your ass it’s available on windows. It’s available on PlayStation four and five. It’s available on iOS and android and it’s being ported or whatever to Nintendo. It’s not a PlayStation exclusive it’s just not an Xbox that doesn’t make it a PlayStation exclusive only being available as a downloadable bit of Contant or a PlayStation DVD that makes it a PlayStation exclusive. This game has never been that. in fact, it released on the same day on Windows PlayStation for android and iOS that doesn’t sound like an exclusive that sounds like a middle finger to Microsoft but that doesn’t make it exclusive. You can play it on your PC or you can play it on either phone less you have one of those you know offbrand still of bullshit not smart phones and you’ll be able to soon play it on Nintendo switch you just won’t play it on Xbox and eventually I’m sure it will come to Xbox exclusivity on stuff like this never last forever. If Mark is Sony made a deal it, it probably has a time limit on it.

@billy_cross5580 - 16.08.2023 12:17

You’re talking about this like it’s a good thing first and foremost. Gotcha games are the worst kind of monetization I would rather put $100 in a crown creates an elder scrolls and get nothing useful then put $100 in the pouring wishes because with those kind of games, you know you just got it I mean you literally can figure out the dollar amount you have to spend to get a character because statistically speaking it’s gonna come most exactly the same expenditure every time so you were literally just buying it anyway, but you have to go through all that process risking you know, committing a bunch of money and then you just gotta commit more and more and if they fiddle with the formula little bit without telling you you might commit $200 before you get it because they change the formula it’s sketchy it’s anti-consumer and going into you have to understand that you’re getting cheated every time you put your pull your wallet out wallet out

@billy_cross5580 - 16.08.2023 12:15

There’s no confirmation of what you just said there’s just a lot of Chinese games coming out or being purchased western games being purchased by Chinese companies or by the Chinese government China who doesn’t want their own people playing video games more than a couple hours a day wants to only games were playing because all you idiots on PC first of all will be giving them your information in order to play And secondly because they want our kids the western world they want us playing video games 10 hours a day instead of doing schoolwork and becoming engineers and scientists they would rather we just wiggled twiddled away our time. Nobody wants to play a Chinese game. it pisses me off that the Chinese on the biggest majority the shareholder majority of war frame digital extremes controlled by China And check many good games that are out today are controlled by China. The fact that a Chinese company made a Japanese anime game that is like in arguably one of the most popular anime games right now is kind of sketchy because it’s Japanese anime by a Chinese company, examine that unpack it think about it don’t burn out but give it a thought and think about why why didn’t make a Chinese game

@billy_cross5580 - 16.08.2023 12:12

Again, you are misinformed gentian impact doesn’t require PlayStation plus in fact, most server-based games don’t require PlayStation plus PlayStation plus is required for games were Sony does the authentication and Sony provides any server based services? Genshin impact is served by Joya for some pretty sure in any case PlayStation plus is not required so your argument that gentian impact is to try and get subscribership. It’s just bullshit. It’s a free to play a game that doesn’t require PlayStation plus.

@billy_cross5580 - 16.08.2023 12:07

And coincidentally, when you log into gentian impact, no matter how you normally play it, you will be in the world all by yourself no other players in the world and tell you team up with someone else or they team up with you. You will be all alone that is the definition of a co-op if you logged in and there were three people there already Then you’re not in a co-op because co-ops require you to join another team when you login you’re not initially in that team it would be a small MMO but it would still qualify plant planet side two is an MMOFPS when you login and you drop down to the planet, there will be a butt load of people on me. Unfortunately, they changed it so it logged you in at sanctuary then you gotta transfer down to the planet. I mean you may be in the sanctuary with several people who are in the same boat you are they just logged in but then you have to join the fight by going down to the planet stupid additional steps that I thought I didn’t understand why people wanted to start out in sanctuary because nobody literally nobody it’s not like anybody stands in sanctuary using it as a hub in fact, already in the world on the server with people whether you’re at the exact location of everybody or not, you’re still in the world with them, your server was chosen when you logged in assuming there’s more than one operating anymore which I have my doubts about because half the time when I login there’s nobody there it’s like 20 people on koltyr and that’s where the fight is going on but the same with Elder scrolls BDO Neverwinter everyone of these games when you login there are people around you for Neverwinter it’s going to be 20 people because that’s the limit to the size BDO it’s gonna be in the hundreds if not thousands of people elder scrolls, it’s a mega server, so everybody is on the same North American mega server or UK mega server those are MMO‘s and that’s how it works you log in people are there in Destiny in warframea or are sort of hybrids and that when you login you’re in your ship, which is your hub which is actually on your consul or computer you’re hosting it yourself but when you choose to drop down to a planet or go to the tower than you’re with 16 other people in a 16 player instance anywhere you go you’re in a 16 player instance unless you’re in a strike or some other smaller size instance or even a bigger one I forget what the biggest PVP instances are but either way that game is kind of a hybrid so it’s war frame and so are several other games in that category not really MMO’s but not really co-ops either but I guarantee you Dension impact other than being a really odd co-op because of the team compositions it’s still a co-op never more than four people

@billy_cross5580 - 16.08.2023 12:02

Seriously gentian impact is on every platform, but the Xbox, so not really a threat to the industry just a threat to Microsoft because actually anybody but Xbox players can play the game on android iOS PlayStation, four and five Windows and coming to Nintendo switch which you can get away with because again it’s not an MMO it’s just a co-op

@billy_cross5580 - 16.08.2023 11:59

I have an invested shit in you. I wouldn’t give you two dollars for gas to get home if I ran into at the gas station and you were broke hell I’d be far more likely to ask you when the last time you ate was and buy you a sandwich instead of giving you cash because you know you’re just gonna go spend it cash on drugs Specially, if you consider or think of Genshin impact is an MMO it’s an RPG definitely co-op RPG for player co-op think borderlands not an MMO because there are only ever maximum of four people in the world and typically speaking there’s only ever won. Where is Anna actual MMO room light literally be hundreds or thousands in the world I think tower of fantasy even though play station claims eight players that might be your max team size I don’t know what I kinda for some reason I have the impression that the distances are limited to 100 players, so still an MMO if if that’s the case, but Genshin impact is a co-op you don’t just login and find yourself in a world with other people. It’s not an MMO. I don’t care what they call it that’s the definition really that the only one that works all the time if you login and there’s 10 people in the world, I don’t mean log in and go into a queue for an arena with 10 people I mean if you login standing in front of your house or in town and there’s 10 people in the world with you you’re on an MMO if there’s just you then it’s a co-op or a single player game

@billy_cross5580 - 16.08.2023 11:55

Way it doesn’t matter what the player thinks of it it either is or isn’t an MMO you can’t just considered an MMO because you like it it has that massive number of players in the world playing together gentian impact is co-op. There’s no other set up it’s just co-op and nobody even plays co-op. They play single player I mean seriously I do have people always trying to get into my world and I just ignore them because to be fair they’re probably just going to come in grief at me give me problems and trouble but it’s still maximum of four players in the world regardless of what you think of it and that’s not an MMO that’s a co-op. It’s literally the definition of co-op.

@billy_cross5580 - 16.08.2023 11:54

You do understand I know you’re not stupid you just act stupid all the time you don’t understand that there’s no such thing as a killer. All you can do is create another product that looks and acts similarly but it won’t kill the original. I mean if Ultima online isn’t dead by now, nothing is going to kill the original.

@billy_cross5580 - 16.08.2023 11:53

Well, that’s because Genshin impact is not in MMOARPG Jesus Christ I don’t know how many times I have to say this to you and others. It’s a goddamn, four player co-op and technically it’s really just a solo game a single player game. Nobody plays co-op will be nearly impossible for everybody to adventure together, and I don’t think the people that join you’ll get anything out of you completing quests, in any case it’s a goddamn co-op at best for player co-op maximum and I think Microsoft can piss off a tree because I don’t think they’re gonna put a dent in the 60 million active players in Genshin impact. Nobody else has similar games I mean even now tour tower of fantasy isn’t actually meant well it’s it’s Emma more like I don’t know how many people are in the world play station claim *8 players in online play but that I don’t think that’s right but in any case that game is so buggy and horseshit clearly made for mobile devices in Port of the PC and Consol‘s full of fucking problems that it’s going to fail on lunch I mean it kind of already has, it’s still the best selling and end at nearly the top of the most downloaded list on PlayStation but it just released so give it another 2 to 3 weeks and you won’t be able to find it anymore except by searching directly for it if somebody took a game, like with the polish of Immortals Fenyx Rising made that into an MMO You know added more world area and things in and added people it doesn’t have to be a massive mass of MMO but you know 20 or 30 people running around doing separate things could make the game a lot more fun I mean I’ve played it for a while and then realize that it’s a single player game and it’s all but inevitable that I’m going to complete it and at that point, I lost interest even though it’s really fun to play. It’s got really cool combat really cool everything and it’s polished and it in and it take cares about your time or give me some thing like gentian impact without the necessity of switching between my four characters all the time to accomplish damage, origami tower fantasy, but without all the associated bugs that ported over from mobile but whatever you give me unless it’s on PlayStation it’s not going to take over

@devastator17187 - 27.07.2023 07:24

I'm so down for this

@youngrydah4374 - 26.03.2023 10:56

Genshin Impact, Honkai Star Rail, Zenless game. Microsoft can't mess with hoyoverse.

@youngrydah4374 - 26.03.2023 10:54

Microsoft cant make with hoyoverse.

@shane5914 - 11.02.2023 19:51

What game is that the one playing on the background

@ryuukiM - 29.01.2023 19:56

ends up investing in neteaseಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ

@luckyeumel4570 - 22.01.2023 13:19

Yes Graphic is very good! But i hate this asia style , wurgh

@lturtlezzl7378 - 19.01.2023 04:18

All I can say is why can't sony and Microsoft just have it on both it would make the game larger and more people would play and it's kinda annoying how they don't work together

@StarLord66X - 13.01.2023 05:21

Yo what is this game in the background it looks good

@G4m3r4Lif3 - 11.01.2023 10:18

Just make genshin impact into an mmo and there you have the perfect mmo rpg

@iyaitusayadanandabenar3900 - 21.12.2022 07:15

Yes this gonna be genshit ripoff and this the best game ever between zelda, dmc, bayyoneta and nier😎

@124deaper1 - 20.12.2022 18:13

If its by microsoft it'll be an instant... garbage!

@darkestdock675 - 18.12.2022 21:15

Well there goes any hope of playing genshin on my favorite console... This is depressing.
I mean dont get me wrong, I am glad we will finally get more japanese games on xbox in the future, but I was holding out hope Genshin would arive to xbox one day. I dont have another way to play it.

@IridiumOG - 30.11.2022 01:59

Microsoft will probably fail this. But MiHoYo/Hoyoverse NEVER expected to see their game blow up that way it did when it launched. Though if Microsoft can figure out how to get a good gacha system that includes a pity/sparks, good core gameplay mechanics, make it very much f2p friendly and not p2w, has a good overworld for exploration, has good endgame content, a good story that has cutscenes with good animation, and MOST IMPORTANTLY adding the fanservice to the game then MAYBE genshin finally has a competitor.

@RavenousFallen - 28.11.2022 02:14

Genshin is a masterpiece and no, Microsoft can't buy it.

@MikeG0ld - 24.11.2022 13:10

MS could and should buy Hoyoverse.

@slimyghost2807 - 24.11.2022 07:48

Genshin is overrated

@keinanth - 23.11.2022 15:40

HAHAHA it has been well done!

@BNuts - 22.11.2022 19:46

I can see Microsoft wanting to dig into some cross-platform success, but I laugh at Genshin being what they want to emulate -- the game model, and not the company's business and development model. Genshin is not Hoyo's first game (Fly Me 2 The Moon), or even their first game with a global release (Honkai Gakuen 2/GunGirlZ), but it did become their most accessible global, cross-platform release with an English dub. It is their best known game currently, as most people forget Tears of Themis exists, and Honkai Impact 3rd often gets passed over as 'just a mobile game.' This is a shame, since HI3 evidently gets more attention and love from its team at Hoyo, making it the easier game to like and enjoy, especially for how much less RNG you have to deal with.

The model from Hoyo Microsoft and other companies should be emulating is their tireless and fearless ability to invest in new and different things, while also avoiding putting all their eggs in one basket, a lesson learned with GGZ . None of Hoyo's games have been of exactly the same genres, allowing them to reach gamers with different tastes. Additionally, once players are drawn in by one Hoyo title, they inevitably look at the rest of Hoyo's catalogue to see if there's anything else they'd like to play.

Yes, Genshin has seen great success from its launch, but it also sees its share of issues, from the toxicity of its own fandom (especially Genshintwit), to the comparatively stingy rewards, to the high RNG, the difficulty disparity between players who don't spend to maximize characters and gear and those who do, looking for challenging content. A combination of this may drive Genshin 's demise as players get fed up and exhausted by the game, and decide to leave it. Even in the best-case, if they intend to come back when the story updates, that's still time people aren't playing the game. The amount Hoyo does or does not listen to its players will, in the end, determine whether the game remains profitable enough to even last long enough to play out the content planned and revealed way back in the 'Travails' trailer. And if the game does fail before then, Hoyo still has HI3 and the upcoming Honkai: Star Rail and Zenless Zone Zero . As well as GGZ on two servers, and of course, Tears of Themis . Hoyo is now big enough to have several games as live services at any given time.

If Microsoft wants to back an upcoming project, they may want to try American McGee's Alice Asylum , although currently EA does still own the rights. American is still, according to his streams, looking for investors, and continues to refine the game's planned content with fans.

@MrPherae - 22.11.2022 01:36

What game is being played in this video ? If anyone can answer it looks so gorgeous and haven't seen it before

@WI-FI_GOD - 21.11.2022 05:08

If they make a genshin mmorpg I’ll quit tower of fantasy in a heartbeat

@orcthebot - 19.11.2022 12:43

looking at genshin impact it makes me feel like im gonna vomit. its literally a pedo game. why the hell people still praise them

@zix47 - 18.11.2022 16:10

plis no more gacha games, just because they are gacha is not good games because of dat.

@kanzakikoijiro7466 - 17.11.2022 19:44

Microsoft invest to Blue protocol MMORPG 🤣

@Queen-dl5ju - 17.11.2022 10:34

if the west is making it, it will be an ugly ass game with ugly ass characters... look at new world

@Dsaberz - 17.11.2022 07:56

Really an American company trying to do fan service. MURICA is really woke right now. I doubt they can make one.

@ritajingoku50 - 16.11.2022 17:14


@kingzkun2546 - 16.11.2022 06:17

surely come to xbox Genshin, please
