How to Master AutoHotkey Chrome Part 2 - Button press and form filling with AutoControl

How to Master AutoHotkey Chrome Part 2 - Button press and form filling with AutoControl

TAB Nation - Automation

3 года назад

7,626 Просмотров

In this video I show you how to press a button on in chrome and how to auto fill out a form with predetermined info

Button press AHK (google search)
send ^c
winactivate, ahk_exe chrome.exe
Send ^!b
Sleep 2000
Send ^!c
#HotkeyModifierTimeout 100

Button press JS=

Focus on text field =
Ссылки и html тэги не поддерживаются


Realty Estate Mortgage
Realty Estate Mortgage - 17.06.2023 15:21

I think this is better than tampermonkey which I never got able to work on chrome, this works great! now to learn Javascript

Rightclick - 04.12.2022 09:56

I didn't understand why you needed AHK to trigger AutoControl which has it's own trigger defined. I would be interested in seeing how you could exchange data and/or execute commands between the 2.

Pucho Web Solutions
Pucho Web Solutions - 29.11.2022 06:20

Hello from New York City! Want to click the blue "message" button on an arbitrary LinkedIn profile page and then continue processing my AHK script to send a chat message using text expansion. Is there a way to do this? Thank you for informative video.

Life on Roatan
Life on Roatan - 22.10.2022 07:11

Thank you for spending your time making these videos. I only started learning AutoHotKeys a few days ago. Your videos were a good start, but I read the documentation to absorb it faster. Since this video is 2 years old you most likely know the answer to your question now but just in case you didn't and as a help to others who watch your videos. Regarding the stickness of the modifier keys. . Basically, unless you use DownTemp it will indeed stick.

"By default, Send will not automatically release a modifier key (Control, Shift, Alt, and Win) if that modifier key was "pressed down" by sending it. For example, Send a may behave similar to Send {Blind}{Ctrl up}a{Ctrl down} if the user is physically holding Ctrl, but Send {Ctrl Down} followed by Send a will produce Ctrl+A. DownTemp and DownR can be used to override this behavior. DownTemp and DownR have the same effect as Down except for the modifier keys (Control, Shift, Alt, and Win).

DownTemp tells subsequent sends that the key is not permanently down, and may be released whenever a keystroke calls for it. For example, Send {Control DownTemp} followed later by Send a would produce A, not Ctrl+A. Any use of Send may potentially release the modifier permanently, so DownTemp is not ideal for remapping modifier keys.

[v1.1.27+]: DownR (where "R" stands for remapping, which is its main use) tells subsequent sends that if the key is automatically released, it should be pressed down again when send is finished. For example, Send {Control DownR} followed later by Send a would produce A, not Ctrl+A, but will leave Ctrl in the pressed state for use with keyboard shortcuts. In other words, DownR has an effect similar to physically pressing the key.

Steven Chelli
Steven Chelli - 21.05.2022 09:47

hii. in the part 2 u said u shown how to auto press the login button in part 1 of the video and in part 1 i didn't find how to auto press a button or press a website button using ahk

Bình Nguyễn
Bình Nguyễn - 25.10.2021 14:50

I'm learning new languages, and I want to search for a new word on many pages at the same time, and I used add-on "Instant Multi-Search", but each time I have to open a new chrome page, type "m" to address bar, press "blank space" button for add-on appear then I paste the word I need to search for in the address bar and enter. Now I just want to use only one hotkey and it'll do it all, and I did like your guide, but I don't know how to add the action [press "blank space" button] in AutoControl, can you help me? Thank you.

: - 28.09.2021 23:23

I'm sure this is just an example but there's a much easier way to do a Google search, or really any search on any website

razorback6996 - 16.09.2021 21:01

thanks! How do i loop with a list of data?

Just for YOU
Just for YOU - 08.11.2020 19:07

We don't need to compile Ahk script to Run it. We need to compile it only when we want to use it on PC in which Autohotkey is not installed.

Just for YOU
Just for YOU - 08.11.2020 19:06

I'm 12th Subscriber :)

Getfree - 08.11.2020 04:30

Why use a shortcut in AHK which in turn triggers a shortcut in the browser?
It would be simpler to just set the first shortcut in the browser.
