Fusion Planar Tracker in DaVinci Resolve - Introduction and advanced Tips

Fusion Planar Tracker in DaVinci Resolve - Introduction and advanced Tips


4 года назад

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KOLIS - 20.10.2023 04:41

Very informative, but advance for me. I’ll have to learn some things and return lol.

sl3nder mmo
sl3nder mmo - 26.09.2023 08:22

my issue is the tracker stops tracking at a certain frame and im not sure why. I set a reference point in the middle and it tracks to the end fine. When i go back to the reference point and track backwards, it starts and then stops about 30 frames from the beginning. Any ideas guys?

reelWEAVER - 05.09.2023 21:45

hammer vielen dank

Dzyan Wattimena ⭕
Dzyan Wattimena ⭕ - 16.03.2023 14:12

This was an amazing tutorial, thanks a lot!

Shoba Sadler
Shoba Sadler - 22.12.2022 04:47

Hi, thank you for this video. My problem is I can't seem to draw a perfect rectangular as you have done in the video. When I first click on the area I want the text/image to appear it draws a straight, horizontal line at the top. Then when I try to draw a vertical line from the point on the extreme right, the whole horizontal line at the top slants down and won't stay straight. Sometimes red lines appear and that complicates things further. Can you assist please?

Chris - 21.12.2022 03:51

I can't get the mask to be transformed by the PlanarTransform node. I double checked the reference frame and that I have it linked to the proper input on the PlanarTransform node, but it does not move. Anybody have any suggestions? Is it a limitation of the free version?

Rokon Official
Rokon Official - 03.12.2022 12:25

Thank you so much

Navik Nanubhai
Navik Nanubhai - 22.11.2022 03:33

So so helpful! Love how you had real time problems come up and showed how to approach them. The bitmap tool will be a game changer for me, haven't seen it being used in any other channel yet. Thank you!

Dr.Pixels - 19.11.2022 02:34

thank you for this tutorial, im watching a bunch of yours lately, Im still having a problem, i need to do a line selecting a part of a land but the drone shot turns to reveal it and my reference frame can't cover the whole shot so my line cuts out, maybe im doing something wrong? i can solve this in blender im sure but i want to keep it in fusion

Morsmedia TV- und Filmproduktion Ulrich Mors
Morsmedia TV- und Filmproduktion Ulrich Mors - 26.09.2022 19:06

Color Correcting FUSION: Is there a way to grade the insert not within Fusion, but in Color ?

Tarik - 18.09.2022 01:55

Hey VFX I need help with fusion's planar tracker. Every time I press track till the end of a video clip it just sits there and does nothing. I am using the free version of resolve 18 on windows. Is there a solution?
Btw thank you for the videos man they really help a lot.

Maurice - 12.09.2022 17:30

Great tutorial followed it all the way through. Most problems were discussed in the video and the ones that were not (such as how to rotate the video inside the screens) were solved with a few quick google searches. Thanks a lot!

Alex Pott
Alex Pott - 31.08.2022 04:59

This is one of the best tracking tutorials mainly due to the fact you didn't use absolute basic footage where everything stays in frame and even the dumbest trackers couldn't fail. Occlusion and perspective errors is something so common on real-world footage that I'm glad you tackled this and spent the time. Well done.

Ma'ndien K
Ma'ndien K - 09.08.2022 00:19

Great, thank you 🙂

Dan Topic
Dan Topic - 30.06.2022 15:55

So great tutorials you make. Thank you for all your effort spreading your knowledge among us!

Chao Chao
Chao Chao - 30.06.2022 13:46

Very useful and helpful tip! Thank you so much!

Gabriel Aguayo Fregoso
Gabriel Aguayo Fregoso - 25.05.2022 02:45

Hi there
It is an excellent tutorial, but I wish to know if you have a video explaining only how to use draw tools in fusion starting from zero. Thanks

Nere - 02.05.2022 06:19

Thank you for using a real example with challenges like track going off frame and being obscured by other objects. 99% of other tutorials use perfect green screen footage with minimal movement which breaks down completely when you try to apply it to your own project. Also very clear and efficient delivery discussing the why in addition to the how. Great tutorial.

Matt W
Matt W - 11.03.2022 00:29

Richtig gut, Bernd!

Skyërn Aklea
Skyërn Aklea - 07.03.2022 00:53

Thanks for this awesome tutoriel ! That's what I was needing.

Muralirajan Fx
Muralirajan Fx - 04.03.2022 13:56

Thankyou very much

Sumrise - 02.03.2022 18:34

Super Arbeit! An dem Akzent könntest du aber noch etwas arbeiten :D

Dmitry Lubenskiy
Dmitry Lubenskiy - 20.12.2021 18:31

Hi! I do exactly what you show: I added a planar tracker, pushed Set, and tracked to the end. Frames created. But when I attach a background Node to the planar node like you did -- nothing happens... Why?

Rignold - 18.12.2021 00:16

Best planar tracker tutorial I've seen so far. Very very helpful! Thank you.

Kekshoernchen - 03.12.2021 12:23

Thank you so much for this very thorough tutorial! Helps a lot.

Tinni Merritt-Swift
Tinni Merritt-Swift - 17.11.2021 20:29

This is probably a very dumb q and not sure if anyone will see it now but how do u preview the track channel like luma or rgb to see the amount of shadows/contrasts? Not sure what I'm missing looks like he just clicked the viewer but that didn't work for me

Thiago Yoshida
Thiago Yoshida - 02.11.2021 16:30

Nice Tips! Thank you !

GaryH - 27.10.2021 21:56

Great video! I'm trying to place an image, png, on the inside bottom of a jewelry box with a hinged lid. The box starts out closed and is slowly opened and rotated a bit, finally showing the entire bottom of the box. I can use planar tracking to have the image correctly placed when the bottom is in full view but opening the lid of the box and the rotation are really difficult for me to figure out how to work with due to occlusion and rotation. This video addresses the occlusion but the occluded area traverses side to side and rotates. Can you help at all? Thanks!

Zufar Agleev
Zufar Agleev - 15.10.2021 00:45

Great tutorials! Thank U, keep going!

Aleksandar - 30.09.2021 22:51

Awesome tutorial! It helps me a lot to solve few problems, but I have one big problem with planar tracker and can't find solution or answer anywhere. Maybe you could help.
Planar tracker works OK when clip speed is 100% But if I want to apply planar tracker to clip with the speed that is different from 100% (it doesn't matter if speed is above or below 100%) planar tracker doesn't work. If I try to delete planar tracker node, I got the message that asks me am I sure that I want to delete this node because planar tracker still working. I left it to "work" for hours. When I try to delete planar tracker node again, I got the same message - it still working. But without any movement or result. Maybe I need a faster PC, but I think this problem isn't that much related to speed of my PC. Or it is? Any thoughts? Thanks!

Squeaky Buddha
Squeaky Buddha - 13.09.2021 20:46


Philip - 31.08.2021 03:29

So when you make a planar transform it auto syncs with the planar tracker?

FourWindBadger - 28.08.2021 23:53

Omg Really useful! So much better than any tutorial i have seen so far!

Although now im sitting with the feeling how am i ever to figure out how to do all this stuff by my self xD

mnbvcx - 03.08.2021 23:44

Thank you so much! This was so helpfull. btw i subscribed

DobleC rider
DobleC rider - 18.06.2021 07:54

Hello Bernd, could you be so kind and make a tutorial to track a wall and someone goes through the wall as you mention in this video.

True Viking
True Viking - 18.05.2021 21:03

You are a master, learn so much from your tutorials, Thank you very much

Ahmet Baykara
Ahmet Baykara - 15.05.2021 16:09

Why should we have to export transform information node from the planar tracker to use the mask movement? Can't we just add an polygon mask node to the planar tracker node itself like the blue background node?

Fabrizio Garnero
Fabrizio Garnero - 22.04.2021 10:56

Thank you very much for the very interesting insights you gave in this video. But one thing I can't understand in my real project. If I add a secondary CornerPin that always refers to the same PlanarTraker that works very well on the first CornerPin why on the second it returns a very nervous tracking effect and jerks making this second CornerPin unusable? Where am I wrong? Thanks so much!

Galin McMahon
Galin McMahon - 13.04.2021 05:09

I am using a fusion clip and am trying to planar track something. It tracks just fine if I"m not using a Fusion clip but then of course doing that makes it so it plays back at 0fps in Edit. But when I try it with the Fusion clip, it doesn't track. It goes along for maybe a couple frames then the tracker just stops moving. There is really good contrast so I have no idea why it's not working.

HR.Dronepixls - 05.04.2021 14:10

Thank you very much... one question please. I need in the same tracking area not 1 picture but 3 pictures. Do i have to repeat the planartracking on the same way but only with 3 different trackpoints?

Papa Charlie
Papa Charlie - 24.03.2021 23:33

Starkes, detailliertes und nachvollziehbares Tutorial! Vielen Dank, werde mir mal die Kurse von dir anschauen.
Very good, detailed and easy to follow tutorial! Thank you so much, I'll consider taking a look at one of your courses.

KillingArts - 27.02.2021 20:02

This is so much better than those 4 minute tutorials where they just pick a perfect example and don't talk about any of the problems that you face in most shots.

Jeni Arifin
Jeni Arifin - 26.01.2021 23:49

when i try it, than i got headache

Ziiio - 26.01.2021 19:35

This is the best tutorial! Is there anyway for us to do with moving object?

Will Gibbons | 3D Rendering
Will Gibbons | 3D Rendering - 13.01.2021 00:20

Fantastically helpful!

Marcin Rucinski
Marcin Rucinski - 08.01.2021 14:58

I love that you choose the example for tutorial when you have to think a little bit out of the box to overcome certain problems in the project. This is not just another brick wall planner tracker tutorial, this is a real life example where where you have to really know the tools how to work out the project. Thank you very much. The funny thing is that you don't actually have that much subs, because you are just too clever... LOL but I'm sure it will come with time!

Miguel - 30.12.2020 01:30

Is it possible to use this technique for masking? The color tab tracker (for when Im trying to isolate an element from footage) doesnt seem to cut it

Waldemar Schaffrinski
Waldemar Schaffrinski - 26.12.2020 16:28

Du bist der Hammer... super gemacht!
