Multidimensional Time booster

Multidimensional Time booster

Absolute Power Subliminals

4 года назад

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Duhhhhh - 22.10.2023 20:08

I got results ❤️❤️

Beliver - 19.10.2023 08:22

I got results after listening for 2 days. Visible results. But after 2-3 days i got feelings of sadness, could it be because of ascension symptoms? Anyone?
How long it lasts? Should i continue using this? Please help.

July 👑🎗
July 👑🎗 - 15.10.2023 16:20

My head started hurting after putting it in my playlist :(
But it does give results pretty fast!
I’ve had very realistic dreams like for example my hair was long and purple and my skin was also clear, I was flying everywhere with a carpet and the sky was full of stars! My outfit looked like someone of high status can wear, I also had gold accessories all over my body.
I felt the wind and people chatting, no one questioned of my appearance and abilities, it was fun and exhilarating :)

The Sad Cat On The Moonシ
The Sad Cat On The Moonシ - 10.10.2023 02:26

Does this boost results from shapeshifting subliminals?

SCP-3812 - 19.09.2023 13:24

Is there any way to avoid the ascension symptoms or are they bad? Can I use MOAB module A to remove the ascension symptoms?

KiRiN - 19.09.2023 00:09

i've got no idea what i dreamed but every time i listen to this i have the weirdest dreams 💀 legit yesterday i was barbie & ken installed me an new elevator but then raquelle hijacked it & threw me to ground floor. anywayss i'll use this as a mini log, i'm trying to manifest new friends

day 1: kind of noticed some people staring at me, talked to this guy a few times? uhh idk my other friend is needy & my friend was upset today so she texted me.. maybe we are pretty close?

day 2: had another weird ass dream.. buttt i got results-ish? this girl i sit next to kind of talked to me, & this guy i maybee likee talked to me & we walked out of class together :0 gonna switch subliminal though.. still this booster & the same topic though

day 3: hmm.. no results really, some stares & had a convo with a girl? she called me smart lmao, but maybe i should just try to stick to one subliminal like i did previously

day 4: so like this guy i like kind of spoke to me? i gave my candy to him & he looked over at what i was doing a few times & then did his work loll, we also left at the same time? and i talked to my table in german, which they kind of exclude me from things mostly? either how i think i talked to like 2 new ppl at a club thing soo that was fun, otherwise not much to say or add on terms of results but i didnt listen to this and i listened to multiple subs so maybe thats why, i'm going to be listening to an attract guy friends/crush sub bcc thats what's im kind of aiming for now

so i forgot when i updated it’s only been a few days tho 💀 BUT i’m doing well academically i switches to kapelsu’s perfect student one and so far (except for calc 😭) i’ve gotten pretty good grades.. we will see about bio i think i flunked but i’m happy my grades are almost a’s and a’s except for calc 😭

& i interact with that guy more!

day whatever this is: reallyyyyyy easy quizzes i got a perfect score and i study more so yay, i added a glow up sub along with my grades one soooooo yayyyy

thinking of focusing on physical results but i never stuck with something very long to notice any results sooo idk, ill change my pl during fall break & keep what i hv for now :3

BACK AGAINN im using physical subs this time with a popularity sub tho

day 1: listening so not much to write for now

i - 17.09.2023 20:47

I will enter the void state in 5 minutes

StoicCaeser - 05.09.2023 20:25

Is it normal to have scary lucid dreams when looping overnight?

ghlorey - 04.09.2023 08:20


Lord Currency
Lord Currency - 25.08.2023 06:44

Can you explain the difference between subliminals, morphogenic fields, energized audios, and mantras? Can you explain which are more effective from least to greatest? Can you explain the approach each take in affecting the sub?

Jiya Desai
Jiya Desai - 23.08.2023 23:59

I really wish for this one to be a secret😭😭 i used this before my playlist!
I got results in less than a day.

Everyone wants to talk to me and many people are approaching me nowadays, online and offline both.

I'm getting prettier.

I got full marks on a test i didn't even study for, in fact I had once even failed in that subject in the past. I always hated it.
BUT I got FULL 100% marks!
Even the topper didn't!!

My parents stopped complaining about me not studying.

My bf told me that he bought LOTSS of gifts for me!! But it's a surprise until my bday

I had a toxic friend who is slowly getting away from my life I never wanted to be her friend but anyways-

My brother told me to spend 5000 bucks wherever i want to 😭😭
and i got 5 AMAZING OUTFITS😭😭

Teachers are being nice and attentive towards me

I'm feeling like the main character finally
ALL IN JUST 2 DAYS (Yesterday's + today's results)

Thank you so much 😭

So i stopped using subs for a few days because I was feeling lazy and didn't have much time.
I'm back again!!

Idk why I'm manifesting sooo many new clothes 💀💀
I'm looking prettier and my skin is looking pretty too!
We went out on my birthday to a very expensive restaurant 😭😭(I'm not rich) and later donated some food 🤍
My friend gave me a matching sweatshirt and I actually wanted to buy it but I didn't AND HERE WE GO. (She didn't know anything about it)

I went to a book fair and found 3 books I really wanted! And we also bought an elegant flower pot and another cute duck shaped one lol. (Too much shopping this month) also got 3 of my fav drinks (they're also expensive and my mom never agrees but surprisingly she did)

I have been a little bit more productive than I used to be.
Now I changed my playlist so I'll update later!
The playlist includes:
A lucky girl syndrome sub
Some money subs
And some good marks subs.

Sandesh Kayat
Sandesh Kayat - 23.08.2023 19:44

Mannnn... You impressed me a lot❣️

MysticClips - 22.04.2023 06:44

anyone else getting hypnotized by the video spiral

hi - 26.03.2023 22:23

i remember listening to this several months ago and I went to shop and the total was $111.11

Trisfu - 03.02.2023 11:06

Can I use this if I'm under 18?

Sam Williams
Sam Williams - 03.02.2023 04:39

I find that subliminals, and energy files work best if they are treated like food. Portion control and give it time to digest. Five to fifteen minute sessions , then a break away- move around for it to sink in. And less is more- focus on one or two things at a time, focused saturation.

TangyLimes - 09.01.2023 03:53

Is this stronger than Concordia booster?

User065.09 - 20.12.2022 08:55

I already have my desired face. My subliminal results come extra fast no matter what kind of thought i have in mind. No negative emotion can destroy how I am able to thrive. My subliminal results are so quick to show up. I already have my desired physical appearance. I love how I look. I look extremely beautiful. My subliminal results are just the best. Every cell in my body changes to how I desire it to be in this exact moment. My subliminal results come in the speed of light. I’m exactly who I want to be. My subliminal results are boosted a million times to come quicker than ever.

Glicthh - 07.10.2022 05:54

Bro your a Genius and it’s so obvious

Shihab_Sharar - 01.09.2022 18:09

