Camera 3D Orbit with Mouse Input in Unity - Proper and Simple Way

Camera 3D Orbit with Mouse Input in Unity - Proper and Simple Way


1 год назад

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@kospatui - 02.06.2023 02:49

I repeated exactly the same, but for some reason it works very well up and down for me, but it is extremely naughty when rotating horizontally, why?

@imlostlmao - 07.05.2023 23:56

instead of needing to hold a button, can you make it so that it just moves with the mouse from the start(no button press)?

@talismanskulls2857 - 01.04.2023 17:56

Been trying to add this to my camera script but to keep it from drifting and only orbiting if holding down middle mouse. Unfortunately it conflicts with the camera script I already made. Plus its huge as is.

@galdranis - 22.02.2023 07:29

Thanks for the video! I'm super new to C# and Unity so these types of quick tutorials are great for experimenting. I'm getting an error however. Invalid expression term '||'. Any suggestions on how to address it?
