Race to the Finish: Python vs C++ in OpenCV and Computer Vision Speed and Performance Test

Race to the Finish: Python vs C++ in OpenCV and Computer Vision Speed and Performance Test

Nicolai Nielsen

3 года назад

18,014 Просмотров

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@jimxu1825 - 06.02.2023 01:49

Great work! and where can I find the code?

@xcoderliu4787 - 05.11.2021 08:16

thank you, amazing sharing~~

@arifaltiok216 - 02.10.2021 00:48

I think your visual studio mode is debug, although I can't see it exactly. Why didn't you run the release mod? I think opencv's release mode will work more than debug mode. Thanks for sharing.

@user-hh4du9ry9g - 28.09.2021 00:21

Was wondering about this until seeing your video. Thx a lot!

@isaacdavid3334 - 17.04.2021 18:06

i've checked and you are running c++ in debug mode :V

@leosmi1 - 05.04.2021 04:28

Is there a way to integrate Lua (python lupa) with openCV? Lua is based on C

@ranjansapkota5008 - 03.03.2021 18:35

Really Great
I hope you will soon make videos for geospatial data too... arcpy and gdal libraries

@gwamoniakable - 19.02.2021 20:22

Typical problem of the runtime external libraries, similar problem occurs with Matlab (ImageProcesing toolbox) and C++ integration. A solution can be crate a function where you initialize the runtime library first and then call a desired algorithm. Another question would be how the OpenCV has been compiled along OpenCL? At the industrial level if the OpenCL has been chosen as the main GPU library I would check maybe SYCL implementation and create my own representation of the algorithm. Thanks for the test...

@stefanAH97 - 19.02.2021 19:38

interesting and hard to understand, why for loop affects python performance so much
any idea how to integrate cython in python application? :) maybe that will help the issue

@Elektro768 - 19.02.2021 18:50

