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@bernardodiaz9428 - 08.12.2023 03:29

Hey Ben, tomorrow I´m having my CAE exam! despite having found you 4 days ago, I´ve been watching your content non-stop and you´ve been nothing but most helpful! I really hope to pass my exam with flying colours. P.D This summer, I´ll get into your cpe course so as to be well-prepared

@EmilijaCatoIrena - 08.11.2023 14:50

Hi Ben! I have my CAE exam in 3 days and your videos have helped me a lot! Thank you!

@verufibichova369 - 16.10.2023 18:21

Im so nervous at this point, i’m starting to freak out😭 (oct 28)

@m2productions960 - 01.06.2023 13:50

Hello from Greece!! I am going to sit the CAE advanced exam on Saturday morning and this helped me a lot!!

@milenaperrens - 08.05.2023 22:21

Hi Ben! I've been watching your videos the past few days like crazy and it's been really helpful. I'm taking the CAE exam next week and feel like am prepared but know nothing at the same time.

@yassinehamza5796 - 05.05.2023 19:29

I'm taking the c1 exam tomorrow, and my level is lower than n average b2 level

@claudiaaybar9345 - 02.05.2023 13:20

Hi Ben! I just got my results from the CAE, and I got grade A with a score of 203! 😊 Thank you so much for all your tricks and tips, watching your videos was a game changer for preparing the test! I would have never had achieved such a good result without your help. Especially because I only had a couple weeks to prepare it.😅

@nour6886 - 29.04.2023 21:27

Thanks a million for the superb video!

@nikolaookgeniaal1469 - 08.03.2023 13:11

Thanks for your tips. I listened to you and helped my son who is 14 with his FIRST exam. He got C1 results because of your tips. Only 2 points above B2 but still really happy.
He has never been in an english speaking country.
The best thing we did on the day of the exam was having a hotel room to avoid 2 hours in the car.
Thanks again.

@ahmedayari7777 - 25.02.2023 23:41

Please can you read for us a story like “agnes grey ‘’ by anne brontï 🙏

@nheenglish3081 - 25.02.2023 10:43

Hello, I have a question to ask. Could you add some information on the passive voice in essays, reports, and proposals? when is it advisable to use it? Or is it better to avoid it mainly? Thank you!

@Marina-uw3ll - 22.02.2023 07:35

Excellent video🎉🎉🎉🎉 I enjoyed it while listening. As well as other your videos on this channel. I shall have the CPE on the 4th of March and I stay focused together with your videos 👍👍👍🤝🤝🤝🤝

@franciscopontesvelasco4315 - 21.02.2023 17:49

I never had any breakfast for running, in fact I got the habit of not having any breakfast. I think sometimes its easier said than done, if you're going to take an exam and you are a nervous wreck u might not be abke to sleep, the less you think about the exam the better. That's my humble opinion

@edilsonluizpereira2421 - 20.02.2023 19:41

Hi Ben! I'm from Brazil. I've been taking preparation classes for C1 exam. It is going to be applied in June. I'm looking forward to doing it, on the other hand, these months leading up to the exam are getting me nuts. I am quite anxious. Watching your videos make me feel more relaxed. Thanks a lot!

@Meg-bj4rq - 20.02.2023 04:29

Hi Ben, thanks for the tips. I can recall once in an exam I talked to another candidate that literally said to me that she had forgotten everything. It made me feel so miserable. Her pessimism was so contagious. I was well prepared but I felt so angry with myself for being influenced by a stranger. Perhaps, the problem was lack of rest.

@mub9075 - 19.02.2023 23:22

Great video! My tip is to listen to something you enjoy in the language before the exam to signal to the brain that we are now operating in this it. I have found this helpful in retreaving more diverse expressions from the memory easier when the brain is already warmed up to the language.

@nelliedemshina7874 - 19.02.2023 21:41

Hello, Ben.
Thank you for obvious but very useful words. It's true that sometimes people get so nervous on that day that every little detail, which went differently to what they had planned before, causes a disaster.
I remember when I was taking my TKT exam (3rd Module) I got very anxious on that day because my brother, who promised to bring me to the venue, was late!
Thank goodness I managed to cope with my nerves and passed the exam successfully with grade 4 (as well as previous ones).
But it was such a dreadful experience!
I mean when something doesn't go according to the plan)
So your advice is simple but precious.
Every little detail is helpful. That's true.
Thank you again for your work.
Best regards 🎈

@Agnieszka_Platek - 19.02.2023 21:18

Hello Ben, it's good to see you again. I like your videos very much. My exam will take place on July (C1). I wonder if my English, I mean - understanding - is on this level. I've listened to you very carefully and was able to understand every single word except only one - "imminent", which I've obviously checked in the dictionary. Why have I said all these things? What is the English level you speak while recording the videos? Keep making videos and wish you all the best. ☺

@colthrane - 19.02.2023 20:53

Whenever I watch your videos I become very optimistic with my possible results. Then, a little bit later, I think more and I'm not quite right again. LOL. There is a problem with people that are self taught englis speakers (maybe you can think of anything specific for this public): sometimes we do know advanced constructions and formulations, and we know how to use some complex grammar but we fail at the basic things. Like myself. I always get wrong the most basic things. I'm preparing to take Linguaskill Business test and I'm worried because it is a adaptative test therefore I can get wrong the basics and be leveled below the skills I already have (if the AI is not fair enough. I'm also data scientist, so this kind of AI worries me a lot)

Do you have any word to us that learned by ourselves and fail in the most basic grammar?

Thanks a lot and keep the wonderful jog (editing: I've meant 'JOB') you do!

@martinjokes1610 - 19.02.2023 20:03

We wrote test in English

@martinjokes1610 - 19.02.2023 20:03

I have a hunch you are going to pass the exam
