The Problem with Canada’s Economy | Canadian Economy

The Problem with Canada’s Economy | Canadian Economy


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@andyanderson3628 - 19.06.2024 17:24

Maybe you should figure in the cost of American healthcare.

@OpTiCNoobtube - 21.06.2024 23:43

THE PROBLEM ARE THE FUCKING MONOPOLIES. The govt won’t let doctors in, it won’t let anyone invest in telecommunications, etc.

@vinrod34 - 22.06.2024 03:53

Voting for stupid has consequences. Stop voting for woke Marxist democrat party now. conservatives only.

@frankstared - 25.06.2024 15:18

Canada has furthered neoliberalism for the past 4 decades and with it has expanded the gap between the rich and poor. This has essentially closed off self-actualization for the many while the few privileged are coddled by selective state socialism. In the meantime (and it is a very mean time for the poor), socialized infrastructure built up over decades has been sold off to private interests and class divisions heightened. It is a shystem that is neither sustainable nor ethical but because neoliberalism furthers ideas of selfishness, most Canadians don't care because they believe the lie that the individual is responsible for twisted economic and poltical policies.

@romans883 - 28.06.2024 14:23


@LeviticusMoriarty - 30.06.2024 22:27

homeownership isn't even in the realm of reality, renting now is a dream. Rent is astronomical if you can even find a place.

@smokeymacpot76 - 01.07.2024 23:08

the trouble is our gov are whoores..they rather sell off natural resource than alow us and help us to create manufacturing..largely in part to fookhead usa neighbors

@vancegosselin - 03.07.2024 09:40

Yes the Canadian dollar is now worthless. All the best Canadian companies and talent are now gone.

@-qt5ry - 10.07.2024 21:33

Boutta be annexed

@J0s5p8 - 13.07.2024 23:42

immigration, including 144,000 refugee claimants drives rental demand . So do foreign students. The difference is that the foreign students pay money into the economy and are not housed temporarily in hotels . The Trudeau solution is to reduce the number of foreign students while increasing immigration levels . That's such a good plan. He has also increased the public service by about 80000+ in 8 years, with no noticeable change in the service. He is also raising the capital gain tax to encourage more investment in Canada. Right? I hear Communist countries have a command economy , where central planners run the economy . Trudeau DID say he admired the ability of the CCP in China to get things done by government command. He has no use for the loyal opposition who are always asking questions, even if they do get more than half the votes .

@halopearls - 16.07.2024 04:26

I hate looking at my paystub. Literally half of my paystub goes into taxes. 😢

@user-yc2wn6yu2g - 19.07.2024 14:08

Out of control governments and over taxation

@greggieboy393 - 20.07.2024 18:53

Trudeau and his Liberals created this mess.

@TheLastAvenger1000 - 21.07.2024 06:10

How do you expect people to be competitive when we are getting taxed to fucking death. People can’t even save any money, let alone trying to start a business. There are no jobs, housing is impossible, taxes are through the roof. If you have a good idea, you will take it to another country so it doesn’t fail due to tax

@DaniMartVTen - 23.07.2024 03:17

If that keeps on track, America's debt will be paid by dissolving Canada for the exploitation of its natural resources in exchange for American affordability, with Provinces & Territories joining States in Congress will bring cultural softness to present radicalisms. It might be mutually beneficial, but it means re-writing both Constitutions in order to reconcile now antiquated history.

@_flargy - 28.07.2024 04:42

If youre under the age of 35, youre cooked.

@_flargy - 28.07.2024 04:52

On average, if you spend every dollar you make on your home, you can buy a house in BC in just 15 years. Just stop buying starbucks

@marajevomanash - 29.07.2024 00:57

Canadian laws, regulations and policies are way too strict and that limits growth. For example, compared to UL standards in USA, CSA standards for products in Canada are stricter.

@Greggsberdard - 01.08.2024 13:09

A weak dollar can signal an economic downturn, making me to ponder on what are the best possible ways to hedge against inflation, and I've overheard people say inflation is a money-eater thus worried about my retirement savings .

@jayeshkumarmandani974 - 02.08.2024 16:58

Not least but one of the most corrupt country

@rongendron8705 - 02.08.2024 19:16

When the narrator quotes comparisons between Canada & the U.S., he often fails to say
whether they are in CAD or USD! Currently, the CAD is only worth about $.73 USD, so he
should use only one currency for the comparison! So, the wage & price differences,between
the two countries, may be even more significant! To me, Canadians are getting "ripped off'!

@paulv7744 - 03.08.2024 04:43

Trudeau letting in way too many turbinators is another reason.

@Deniz-Alberta - 05.08.2024 02:33

Stable democratic government? That's BS

@danielcassar8293 - 06.08.2024 08:16

This isn’t totally accurate, and comparing Canada to the US is like comparing apples to oranges, a more apt comparison would be Canada and Australia (similar government structure, similar population, similar economy) unlike the us that has 8x our population and is the richest country in the world lol.

That being said the problems with the Canadian economy are pretty straightforward imo, for housing it’s simple, the Canadian government has invested heavily into the real estate market with things like the Canada pension plan being largely invested into the CPP. There is also a huge amount of people who have banked their retirement on the value of their home, for the most part these are blue collar workers. These two things combined have created a huge problem for the government, it basically has to choose between fixing the worsening housing crisis and in the process wipe out the savings and retirement accounts of millions of Canadians or let the problem get worse and worse until something boils over. This problem is also being compounded by the increasing number of international students being misled into coming here, they are being promised world class education but are receiving bogus diplomas from what are essentially sham colleges (thanks Ford).

When looking at the competition in the country it’s a more complicated problem than people like to admit, in order to not become a client state of the US we have to place stronger protections on our industries and media, this insures that Canadian money stays within the Canadian market but has the drawback of discouraging competition. Now if you ask me the solution to this is to nationalize large industries that are being controlled by large oligopolies who unnecessarily manipulate the price of goods like Bell, Rogers, Loblaws, air Canada, petrol Canada, etc. By taking control of these industries the government could have better control of the price of goods and should result in better prices for consumers in turn we’re leaving some of the pressure placed on us by the cost of living crisis. This worked wonders for alcohol which in Ontario brings in 1.5 billion in revenue for the government each year, imagine how much internet, electricity, phone service and produce could bring in.

@AnhTuPhucDerrickHoangCanada - 07.08.2024 17:57

there's no one at the mall because they're all employed tehehe

@PlebThinker - 08.08.2024 17:20

not very stable gov they do freeze bank accounts if they don't like what you are up too ;)

@Kevin-sq1fk - 10.08.2024 06:22

Canada now is a colony of Indians

@ManpreetSingh-gh1zz - 13.08.2024 18:36

Giving free money to refugees from Gaza Ukraine, Afghanistan etc

@northernmetalworker - 15.08.2024 18:24

Canada is suffering a massive brain drain in the skilled trades as well. This has a subtle impact on companies, because they end up taking longer to complete projects, and costs are higher, as less competent people are having to get the projects done.

@Vincentorix - 22.08.2024 15:56

I saw how an American company bought out my Canadian Aerospace company I worked in. Moved company headquarters to the States and replaced all the brass with American’s. Complete takeover and control. Then started moving different divisions to the States and laying off multiple Canadian workers. Basically dismantled a great Canadian Aerospace company that was a world competitor.

@emekakhamun7005 - 22.08.2024 20:50

Goofy pep talk at the end

@wes5977 - 27.08.2024 14:49

Canada has one of the most corrupt governments in the world in the last 9 years

@Lourd-Bab - 30.08.2024 01:27

Amazing video, A friend of mine referred me to a financial adviser sometime ago and we got to talking about investment and money. I started investing with $150k and in the first 2 months, my portfolio was reading $274,800. Crazy right!, I decided to reinvest my profit and get more interesting. For over a year we have been working together making consistent profit just bought my second home 2 weeks ago and care for my family.

@dcoughla681 - 30.08.2024 09:38

I must admit as a non-Canadian that I was ignorant about Canada’s economy before I saw this video. I thought Canadians were well off mainly due to its natural resources. They live in a large country so they’re not overcrowded. It’s safe, democratic country with low corruption & less inequality. The Canadians I’ve met are extremely talented & intelligent. How wrong I was about the economy. It has similar problems to other western countries but is cushioned by and reliant on its natural resources. As long as those resources stay owned by its own people.

@kinechallenger2205 - 30.08.2024 15:54

Now finding job is really hard

@kinechallenger2205 - 30.08.2024 15:59

International students could be one reason for this too, they come here and get work permit and work and send money in India, the citizens don’t get a job and they don’t invest them .

@CRIMSONKING7666 - 31.08.2024 18:58

Oui Oui Beau Beau two faced Trudeau.

@Def-x9g - 02.09.2024 21:49

I will forever be indebted to you Mrs. Vanessa Kyla. You have changed my whole life, I will continue to preach your name for the world to hear. You saved me from huge financial debt with the little I had. Thank you Mrs. Vanessa Kyla.

@user-bf7ht7sl8q - 06.09.2024 00:44

Trudeau, Singh & their Liberal/NDP coalition!!!!!

@user-bf7ht7sl8q - 06.09.2024 00:45

Canada IS the LARGEST country in the world, we have MORE land mass than any other country! However, NOT all of it is liveable!

@larryhammond5907 - 06.09.2024 22:04

Most of these problems are global, so how much is really about the government? It's happening everywhere. It's also a very socialist to think the government is both responsible for the economy and has the power to fix it. The big global corporations are playing bait and switch to get you to blame anyone but them.

@FxnaticYBM - 08.09.2024 00:31

I literally have to wait 4 months to get 1 of my painful wisdom teeth removed I can’t wait to be able to leave this shitty country

@jpd9355 - 08.09.2024 01:52

Don’t forget that they don’t have to pay health insurance in Canada. They is a big factor in income.

@GAURAV25855ify - 12.09.2024 04:09

Is canada really a country

@GAURAV25855ify - 12.09.2024 04:10

Canada has the worst ecomony in the world

@GAURAV25855ify - 12.09.2024 04:12


@Dean-vm7ws - 12.09.2024 10:21

Because Canada and all the countries for that matter are run by psychopaths bent on destroying all Western and European countries.

@DavidLuiz-t6c - 12.09.2024 11:03

my first Investment with automate gave me profit of 50,000

@econYT - 19.04.2023 15:16

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