Debian is 30 this year. Here's why it's still worth using.

Debian is 30 this year. Here's why it's still worth using.

Veronica Explains

1 год назад

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bhstone1 - 15.09.2023 08:14

What are your thoughts on YUM? I ran yellowdog linux on a Powerbook G4 "Pismo" back in the early 2000s.

David Spencer
David Spencer - 12.09.2023 23:00

There is a rolling release of Debian, its called Sid. LOL, good luck!

Benoit Colson
Benoit Colson - 10.09.2023 10:17

well i got to love sid since it's the only way to roll modern debian on a m68k processor ^^' and considering the alternative on m68k would be gentoo that need to be installed from a stage 3... so yeah... debian sid it is

Lektroniks - 08.09.2023 10:37

Just found your channel after installing Debian 12 (Bookworm) onto my Raspberry Pi 400, or at least tried to... I followed the guides verbatim, yet it is error after error. I would say this is the least user friendly installation process out of all the distros I've installed on any system.
Was happy to have found the channel though, as I have a huge passion for retro computing.

Life from Scratch
Life from Scratch - 08.09.2023 03:59

As a windows user, I really wish I understood why an operating system coming with older software preloaded is an issue. Can't you just update or install the latest versions after the OS install?

Matthew Bartlett
Matthew Bartlett - 08.09.2023 01:19

I've been watching your vids only a few months, but they are so good and informative.
Also, entirely unrelated... love your hair- it's so gorgeous!

Doomguy - 07.09.2023 23:56

My Arch machine doesn't break, it just gives me pop quizzes on my Linux knowledge!

Beardy McBeardface
Beardy McBeardface - 04.09.2023 22:21

Someone once tried to incorrect me on my pronunciation of Debian. He insisted that it was pronounced Deeb-ian (like deep).

So I informed him on how the name came to be and asked him if he's ever known any Deebra's.

Ivor Ivor
Ivor Ivor - 03.09.2023 23:40

Debian is my default for my local and cloud. That sweet sweet stability. Delicious.

Cute Void
Cute Void - 02.09.2023 08:30

I can't use debian because then i won't be able to say I use Arch BTW

Maxmillian McGillicuddy
Maxmillian McGillicuddy - 01.09.2023 23:45

So, I'm only a couple of years with Linux, but apparently I was unaware that there was an alternative to apt...

Maxmillian McGillicuddy
Maxmillian McGillicuddy - 01.09.2023 23:41

I want that t-shirt, but printed upside-down. I always need to look it up

Kevin Shumaker
Kevin Shumaker - 29.08.2023 18:38

Thank you, ma'am. I use Debian (currently bullseye) for my base server, with VirtualBox to run VMs. I also run Debians for my dev and test environments. I use VB as my personal version of flatpack... Again, thanks for your succinct explanation with humor.

Russell Muncy
Russell Muncy - 29.08.2023 02:54

where can I get that t-shirt

Aditya Raj Singh
Aditya Raj Singh - 27.08.2023 19:36

hey need your help in gnome shell extension download

El Diablo Ramon
El Diablo Ramon - 21.08.2023 02:38

So what do you guys think about slackware or gentoo? I switched to ubuntu after i quit centos 8+. I like the feel of slackware, i have not really tried debian yet

davsor08 - 20.08.2023 11:24

Currently I run Debian 12 on everything, servers and laptops, except for one laptop which runs Ubuntu Studio 22.04 :).
I started out in late 1990s using first Mandrake (great distro!) and then Ubuntu came along...and I was sold :). But when Ubuntu 10 arrived, I experienced much hassle, most with apt, which is why I switched all-in to Debian and that has pretty much been my goto desktop and private server distro ever since, though I work on all sorts during the day.
One of the first Debian installs I did was installing Debian 4 'Etch' on a laptop that I purchased in 2003; the preinstalled OS that came with it crashed constantly, so it was mostly an experiment but worked great and I could use the laptop for several more years, rather than toss it in the bin. I have since kept it fully updated and upgraded using dist-upgrade so today it runs Debian 12 'Bookworm' 😃 but the old disk is starting to rot, boot takes forever and starting a simple program may take up to a minute..yeah, maybe time to let go now :|
I have installed Debian for friends and family, that want a simple device with a browser, a media player and an e-mail client. I'd leave them with the only instruction: click the Update button when you see a popup saying 'Software updates available'; mostly I never hear anything from them again reagrding this and when I do, everything works like a charm.
Happy birthday Debian, long may you reign :)

WhoDoneIt - 18.08.2023 22:28

Very well done presentation, I enjoyed! I have used Windows since 1991 but nearing retirement and don't like the tracking and dumbing down anymore. Started out using Linux Mint, what a great community they are so polite. Tried a few others along the way, didn't stay long. Then I came to appreciate Arch and Fedora, not so much regarding openSUSE. Back then I did not see the richness of Debian as well I should or could have. Debian changed their non-free frimware policy, YAY! Today (8-23) I have come back to Debian 12 and use gnome for a rescue USB with rescuezilla, clonezilla, testdisk, gparted etc. etc. and I LOVE it! On 3 laptops I chose the KDE Plasma desktop and I have them all dressed up. Being a desktop user for office apps and photo apps and some creator apps I enjoy the gnome and kde the most. Back to the point, if I had seen your presentation earlier I might not have had to wonder around so much in distro world so much. It was indeed a process. Love your work and positive attitude. Linux is Awesome!

Maria Luiza
Maria Luiza - 16.08.2023 19:15

Happy Debian Day!

Francis Earl
Francis Earl - 16.08.2023 00:58

I feel like it doesn't really need justifying...
The project has some of the most intelligent people on the planet contributing...
So many companies depend on what Debian is doing...
If you're a fan of open source there is perhaps no organization more important.

Rocklin KS
Rocklin KS - 15.08.2023 22:48

You can try debian sid which gives latest updates not like arch, fedora but more than stable one

Dynamic Cat
Dynamic Cat - 13.08.2023 23:20

I agree. Flatpak just makes installing my software so easy. I always get the latest app updates and for me, that is what matters the most. Combined with the more iterative updates of components like Gnome and the recent release of Debian 12, the "outdated" feeling is way less of a problem than it was in the past for most average people.

NGoLC - 12.08.2023 01:46

I'm not even 30 and I need to stretch everyday. Slipped a disk at 21 by coughing so maybe should have been more active as a teen

Patrick - 11.08.2023 11:54

If it breaks you get to keep both parts.
Aint that the truth.

Humpá-Pá - 11.08.2023 11:47

debian is the best... :) ... using since 2000... :) ... all other linuxes and OSs i tried ::: are missing stuff or have too much... :) ... debian is more like a suit that fits only my needs... :) ... no more, no less... :) ... for other software i tend to use nix/nix-shell.

EUGENE LANE - 09.08.2023 15:54


Roeland Jansen
Roeland Jansen - 07.08.2023 10:41

for "yourself" may be nice but in the corporate world.... nah no. Not even close. (And neither the derivates). I've been in many enterprises the last 15+ years and and saw HPUX, AIX, Solaris, RHEL and SUSE. And yes for some helper systems I did see the debian/derivates. but no customers using it. So you monitoring may be something like that. Maybe your salt/ansible "masters", even git alike local installs. For the real world workload: no. (I must say that I don't generally do webserver farms etc; may skew my view a bit)

Alex Ramos
Alex Ramos - 03.08.2023 20:45

Debian was my second distro, after Slackware. Used it from 2000 to 2008, when I switched to Ubuntu.

A few weeks ago, decided to use some spare SSD space and added Debian back, it's a stable, "minimalist" 12 install. This PC also runs Ubuntu Studio LTS, Windows 11 Home and of course BlissOS/Android-x86. :^)

ETA: said PC has 2 2tb SSDs.

Mike Lieberman
Mike Lieberman - 03.08.2023 12:56

OK,so there's the issue with Debian as a Desktop. [Just so you understand, I have been running Debian servers since 1997 (Slackware before that). (And before that it was SunOS.) My Laptops and three Workstations, including mine run Debian as well. So, I think you can say, I like Debian, and I do. But, as a desktop, Debian is not for the non-sysadmin. And here's below classic reason.

Today, once I learned that Oracle VirtualBox has a Debian 12 release, (and I use VBox to test things) I decided it was time to move from bullseye-backports to bookworm. My workstation uses MATE, and has an NVidia GT-730 with four monitors. Previous upgrades on other computers running gnome and xfce desktops, with non-nvidia graphics, worked fine. The video drivers on my workstation are the non-free ones from NVidia. I fixed all my problems listed below but would the non-sys-admin be able?

Following the upgrade:
1. Graphical Display issues (a)x-org set to xfce / login set to gnome. Both had to be fixed. [update-alternatives --config and a logout and chose MATE before logging in]. BTW, in gnome, Settings would not load. The monitors were screwed up (see #5) and as I wanted to at least for a short-term fix to sort that out as I worked on other things, but no, there was no way.
2. The linux image that booted up for Debian 12 was a Debian 11 '6.1 image.' [ apt install linux-image-amd64]
3. Debian 12 does NOT work with the NVidia drivers for Debian 11. [apt remove --purge nvidia* && apt install nvidia-tesla-470-driver]
i. The bullseye image does not work with the nvidia drivers for bookworm. The upgrade flagged the problem that my bullseye nvidia drivers would not work on bookworm , but didn't replace the linux-image. Adding the new drivers video does not work until you remove the old drivers.
4. There was a broken install. [apt --fix-broken install]
5. Debian 12 had my monitors out of order and the MATE system/preferences/Hardware/Displays applet just refused to allow me to move the monitors in the order I wanted. So I had to shutdown and physically move hdmi cables. (This is a bug in MATE.)
7. My Bluetooth headset was showing it was attached when I turned the device on but sound was still going to the speakers. I had to change the default Sink to my headset. It was set to Build-in Audio when I look at it initially. It had the correct setting before the upgrade.

For me, while the issues were maybe non-trivial, I had all the problems resolved within maybe thirty minutes, Do you think the average desktop user would have been able? I love Debian, but it isn't for the newbie or the average computer user. Yes, once it all gets sorted out, it's a rock solid platform and that it exactly what I want.

Chris - 31.07.2023 02:27

So you use Gnome Eh? lol

2bitgen - 29.07.2023 21:08

I remember installing Debian instead of Redhat (think it was RH 7.xx) around 2001 to run HLDS on a 386 I had kicking around, then installing smoothrock (?) and then running it as a router with pump etc to connect my cable modem to it which was brand new tech back then.... overwhelming, frightening and extremely satisfying in the end. Now apparently its a breeze to use? I did end up going back to RH to run the HLDS, metamod, psychostats etc.

Josiah Hoodenpyle
Josiah Hoodenpyle - 27.07.2023 20:45

That "advice for a 30 year old Debian" was cringingly impressive 😄😄

CoasterMan13 - 27.07.2023 19:30

I love Debian. And I find their naming system cute. I loved the Toy Story movies growing up.
Edit: I like running unstable Debian on my old Latitude. I love rolling release distros! They're awesome.

Trader's POV
Trader's POV - 26.07.2023 05:28

i'm turning 30 this September, I might as well take that advice

Felipe Clayton
Felipe Clayton - 26.07.2023 02:58

Very nice, first video I see in your channel. For sake of information, use Debian stable on my media server and main (PC) computer. Eventually Debian testing or Arch on VM's. I REALLY do not see need for other distros.

Dr. Beco
Dr. Beco - 24.07.2023 15:31

Slackware, strong and stable. Best for servers. Just perfect balance for desktop users who want to get work done, but want also to learn.

Firdaus Zainudin
Firdaus Zainudin - 24.07.2023 03:19

So Debian is PHP of Linux. Or C maybe

Andrew Payne
Andrew Payne - 23.07.2023 21:58

Im a basic pc user emails content consumption tax returns booking holidays mostly stuff you use a web browser for oh and zoom meetings 😅 i build my own computer so the fact its free is a big advantage i dont mind the older packages only occasionally do i need a flatpak to get something newer i just updated to debian 12 with all ots updated packages and i havnt yet noticed any difference 😊 love debian lo e ots reliability coz im a Toyota driver for the same reason i wa g my stuff to just work

Doug Tilaran
Doug Tilaran - 23.07.2023 15:08

NOOBZ,,,, Well. Debian works. LMDE and MX try to make it moron(window user) easy migration .

Don Wald
Don Wald - 22.07.2023 11:11

I remember installing Debian bo over Slackware lol.

Nate Wynd
Nate Wynd - 21.07.2023 21:16

I love all of your doodads and stuff you have around the room.

wBot - 19.07.2023 12:16

IMHO, the best Debian is LMDE, as the best Ubuntu is Linux Mint. Excited with Debian 12, and waiting to LMDE 6.

Matías Javier Buselli
Matías Javier Buselli - 18.07.2023 02:12

A Voyager reference? Now I understand better why I love this channel. <3

Kanok - 17.07.2023 07:47

I actually just started using core Debian again since the first time in a very long time and I'm pretty happy with it. Stable, easy to customize and a good distro. Using KDE Plasma with it and it fits my needs perfectly. I highly recommend it to anyone that needs something that works and wants to learn their way around their OS.

Chris Lane Jones
Chris Lane Jones - 15.07.2023 09:28

I should have tried Debian, I am on Ubuntu and it is working great.

Richard Hartung
Richard Hartung - 14.07.2023 14:53

Debian is King ❤

Tobias Östh
Tobias Östh - 13.07.2023 11:41

Arch for everything new, Fedora for almost everything new and rather safe, Debian to just have an OS that will NEVER break.

That's how I feel about it. Now with all the RHEL implications I don't know my stand on Fedora anymore tho.
