Klipper 3d Printer Firmware - What is it? Why do I want it?

Klipper 3d Printer Firmware - What is it? Why do I want it?

Nero3D the Canuck Creator

3 года назад

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Hicak 024
Hicak 024 - 19.09.2023 23:08

raspberry pi 0 as I that credit card sized thing?

Westy Crypto
Westy Crypto - 27.07.2023 20:59

Great information. thanks a lot. I have used marlin a lot and am now building my first Voron 2.4V2. Lots to learn and lots to work out.

KCR_ JOKER - 24.07.2023 13:00

Klipper and octopi together now

str8up - 22.07.2023 22:21

Anyone setup klipper on duet wifi?

Brett Pinnington
Brett Pinnington - 17.07.2023 22:57

Does anyone know how to upgrade there printer to a Hemera XS Extruder

Guy in a Garage
Guy in a Garage - 13.07.2023 15:11

For a while there, I was a Klipper fanboi.

Then I bought a Bambulabs P1P.

Bye-bye, klipper.

George Glasgow
George Glasgow - 29.06.2023 17:45

I always get stuck on how to properly flash Klipper to the printer I never seem to choose the proper options

Brian Graves
Brian Graves - 28.06.2023 16:29

If your board is already 32 bit, how can you run it without the pi?

Tom S
Tom S - 17.06.2023 16:30

Thank you for making the effort of making this helpful video

Johan Jotun
Johan Jotun - 06.06.2023 22:57

Does: rasburyPi 4 model B, Klipper, and Orca sound like somthing that would work properly?

airingcupboard - 31.05.2023 20:55

Thanks. This was really informative.

Charles Lee Scoville
Charles Lee Scoville - 25.05.2023 14:17

A hard requirement for a Raspberry Pi wouldn't be so atrocious if it wasn't for the fact that the prices and supplies of those SBCs are abysmal and influenced by what are essentially malicious parties. I know it's not a hard requirement, but, even so, the project needs more officially supported boards.

The Kaveman
The Kaveman - 15.05.2023 11:34

I have some old original raspberry pi boards.. Would it run on those?

Ron Rico
Ron Rico - 13.05.2023 08:58

I always see everyone saying that you need to ssh into whatever klipper is running on. I got plenty of old computers laying around with linux on them. Can I just run klipper on a computer right into my ender 3 or do I need another computer to shh into the klipper box? My printer is in a metal shed that blocks Wi-Fi and is far from the router.

Andrew Meredith
Andrew Meredith - 11.04.2023 15:21

Im about ready to say F it! Im tryin to install klipper on my ender 3 pro with skr mini e3v3 with sprite extruder and cr touch but im having a hard time configuring it!

Captain Falcon
Captain Falcon - 20.02.2023 04:04

sounds cool. " .. it runs on python .. " nope. leaving.

Enrique Hernandez
Enrique Hernandez - 17.02.2023 17:01

I found your channel by pure luck i love your content and klipper is something i want to try , i seen people do it on thin client hardware is there a way you can look into it and maybe make a tutorial?

Alan Wesley
Alan Wesley - 17.02.2023 06:52

Little kid I didn't understand a word you just said. I'm proud of you for following your dreams. 1973 I bought a box truck full of fake pussy and set out to build my fortune. Best of luck to ya.

Jason Griffin
Jason Griffin - 10.02.2023 01:32

Completely random question- what small 3d printer is that in the background with guide rods on the x and y axis?

Monte Goodner
Monte Goodner - 30.01.2023 14:15

I just installed klipper.. then uninstalled that crap real quick. it just has the same settings available in marlin turned up and smooth stepping disabled.. bump up the acceleration and jerk, disable smooth stepping, tune input shaping, turn on linear advance and, up the serial buffer size, you'd literally have the same exact results. I didn't pursue it, but the first thing I lost when I installed klipper was my on board display.. some say it's redundant.. I find its convenience priceless..

Moreover, people keep trying to sell its better because "changes are faster".. I couldn't disagree more. It takes no time at all to make a change in the marlin configuration files, build a new firmware and use the firmware flasher plugin in octoprint to send over the new firmware.. no terminal bullshit, no sending files back and forth over SCP.. screw all that.. I honestly think people think it's better because with all the steps, you feel like a real hacker..

I'd just say about the ONLY advantage klipper has over marlin is being able to have multiple controllers but let's be honest, those use cases are few and far between.. for the common bed slinger.. Marlin + octoprint is the way to go..

Point being, klipper is over rated..32bit motherboards are more than capable of processing anything we'd need to print and most of the people sayings klipper is better haven't bothered enabling all the features disabled by default in marlin. I suspect they do this so it's not overwhelming to new users.

Grant Coultrup Productions
Grant Coultrup Productions - 12.01.2023 09:36

Hi Nero, I'm currently running octoprint deploy to handle two printers from a single RPi 3B. Do you know if I can integrate klipper into this setup without overloading the pi? love the content btw!

J C - 09.01.2023 04:13

On my Journey to klipper i have learned a few things i want to pay forward. first off if you do go klipperscreen install it at the very end i had a bunch of issues with dropping moonraker not sure why also when using balanca etcher it would not flash my sd card because it was a larger one for a pi from raspberry and would fail everytime i used win 32 disk imager and it worked perfect the first time maybe my sd was too big not sure . i am using a flsun sr and when leveling every time i would use the probe because of the speed in which it drives it into the bed it cant read correctly i slammed into my bed several times because of the probe i ended up using all manual probing from klipper doc with fluiddpi on my cell phone adjusting the head with paper with the printer headless on a pi 4 and worked great i cant say it was klippers fault i would say a noob fault def mine :) but just trying to maybe help someone else out also when i went to the supplicant file if you dont uncomment your country it wont work at all i thought i did had to go back and uncomment it. i first tried mainsail and it kept making my pi cycle which may have been klipperscreen but it would hang up every coulple minutes and was a pain to edit set files. then looked at octoprint which was very hard with no wait to edit much i dont see it being viable with adding features to make adjustments etc i believe there are some but i had just set it up and hadnt enabled all the features so before being able to flash fluidd pi because of the etcher issue also on fluiddpi they said there are issues to use kiauh i tried to go that route only to have kiauh is messed up wont do anything until klipper is installed first but says klipper is unavailable I left my z height about 3 millimeters above my bed and slowly dropped it during a square print to avoid hitting my bed anymore it was perfect and has over 800hrs on it now it has a scratch anyways hope this helps someone if not sorry for the large block

DIGITAL VISION - 04.01.2023 05:10

Would that work on MakerBot replicator ?

Sérgio Pedro
Sérgio Pedro - 02.01.2023 17:56

Hi. Congratulations for your video. I'm wondering if the XYZ Davinci Mini W+ can run Kippler? Could this be possible?
There are some annoying issues with the filament limitations that I think this firmware can solve. Please correct me if I'm not right. Thanks!

HappyPel - 26.12.2022 03:59

What is wrong with running Marlin on a 32 bit boards? You get pretty similar speed and you don't need an additional controller.

LaMar - 25.12.2022 09:03

Where can I learn more about this Klipper & Pi Zero?

Brazuka_TXT - 13.12.2022 20:01

Can you use an Android phone instead of a raspberry pi?

Live Deliciously
Live Deliciously - 07.12.2022 12:48

Very clear, articulate explanations.

JT McFarland
JT McFarland - 29.11.2022 23:02

I’m a bit new, well…resurrected, into 3D printing; I’m not sure how much has change between your video and my post. I was going through my Marlin firmware last night and the vast majority of features you implied are special for Klipper were easily activated in Marlin. I would have liked to understand better what features are unique rather than a broad overview of ALL the features. YMMV

lifehackertips - 27.11.2022 21:48

wow. is there a 1 minute version of this?

be3ho7nm - 23.11.2022 00:10

What is the best place for the Raspberry Pi board if I want to use it with one printer? Should I install it inside the printer base (ender 3s1)? Or is it better to make a separate case for it and put it somewhere on the printer side like the printer's screen? Does the Pi need cooling? I can see lots of manuals on installing software but cannot see recommended scheme of hardware installation.

drxym - 14.11.2022 15:54

I have installed klipper for my Ender 3 pro (which has a skr mini e3 1.2 mainboard & bltouch) and I got it working as well as it did before. However I don't think I'll see any benefits until I do input shaping & pressure advance. I'm still waiting for my accelerometer so for the meantime I run at normal speeds. I tried doubling up the speeds in Prusa Slicer and while it worked I was getting a lot of ringing & stringing so it's not worth going much further. I'm also still using Octoprint with it though I might switch to another web UI like fluidd when I have the bits to proceed.

My biggest frustration so far, is klipper seems to have changed how it defines speed in the printer.cfg so a lot of the online help for getting up and running was broken because klipper wanted rotational speed and stepper motor info instead of the legacy way.

Gun Lover
Gun Lover - 10.11.2022 04:10

I have a ender3v2 and got a ender3 s1 on the way. want to add klipper to get some speed on printing. Raspberry Pi are hard to find at fair price. Any suggestions?

Zincyellowmach1 - 04.11.2022 03:24

Very thorough video, thanks. Been using marlin for years but want to dive into corexy this helped me know what to expect

Bradley - 01.11.2022 22:55

will I still be able to use octo pi?

Andrew du Toit
Andrew du Toit - 23.10.2022 01:33

When you do install Klipper on say the Ender3v2, how does it communicate or how do you upload a g-code to it. Does the Raspberry Pi have WIFI connectivity or do you need a wire from your PC to the printer?

Mimoja - 09.10.2022 17:30

Please allow me an "Um, actually". Uart is not necessarily a lower bandwith than USB when the USB just is a USB -> UART chip. The bandwith to the USB chip might be higher (given that the USB chip speaks its own protocol) but for the printer the control speed is identical. Those 250000, 115200 or 9600 Baud is what goes into the Arduino-esque chip, no matter if there is a USB chip emitting it or a RPI itself. This applies differently to chip-integrated USB controllers like e.g on the RP2040 over USB cdc which is stdin/stdout over USB and not so much UART in the physical layer sense.

Chasing Midnight
Chasing Midnight - 05.10.2022 21:19

I'm really interested in using Klipper but having a hard time finding the proper setting for a stock ender 3 pro with BL Touch. Any help in that

Have Drone Will Travel
Have Drone Will Travel - 23.09.2022 16:51

"zed" is like nails on a chalk board to me. "z", we don't need to add more letters.

Moritzvario - 13.09.2022 00:24

Thank you a lot :))

Craig Tinson
Craig Tinson - 02.09.2022 22:38

I'm relatively new to 3D printing... 3 weeks since I bought an Ender 3 (V1) with a 4.2.2 board... I've already compiled new firmware for it... so am comfortable in that regard... I use Linux as My daily driver so that part of it isn't an issue... I am however curious that this video being a year old? and marlin seems to have advanced quite a bit... what are people using these days for their firmware for this printer? I've already spent probably double the initial cost on upgrades so now have a better extruder... new motor....CR Touch... glass bed etc... so I might as well make this as good as it possibly can be at this point!

Joseph Mama
Joseph Mama - 03.08.2022 01:56

Excellent explanation. 😙🤌🏽 mwa

Fred Henning
Fred Henning - 01.08.2022 12:00

I realize this might be off topic but I'm trying to figure out how to configure CW2 extruder in Klipper any help would be appreciated

uriel morales
uriel morales - 01.08.2022 02:29

Can i run klipper on a raspberry pi A+?

thumbwarriordx - 12.07.2022 01:05

The raspberry pi makes a lot more sense to run Klipper as with any kind of robotics control you do want the deterministic unitasking performance over high performance.
I've run it on a laptop with all the desktop linux stuff running though with no noticeable issues.
Best practices for my setup would be running a realtime kernel and sequestering it off to its own cores separate from the desktop and all that but I haven't bothered.
That would apply to running it alongside OctoPrint on a more powerful Pi too.

am - 11.07.2022 22:57

what sizes of voron 2.4 do you have?

SiFire - 19.06.2022 06:14

Klipper is a good firmware but unfortunately the amount of toxic people in the community, at least in my experience, have been toxic as hell and unhelpful with anything other than telling you to turn it off and on again. I'm still going to use the firmware but that vocal minority needs to be silenced before I think about being a part of the Klipper community

c000159 - 14.06.2022 22:02

Where did you get that apron?? Very cool.
