GH5's Hidden setting for highest video quality (Almost like RAW)

GH5's Hidden setting for highest video quality (Almost like RAW)


6 лет назад

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boubnad production
boubnad production - 29.08.2022 22:33

Hi. I like your video. I have question wish is better gh5s or gh5ii for making short movie ?!!

Nowy Kurs
Nowy Kurs - 29.01.2022 07:34

HLG in 6K anomorphic works very well comparing to other codecs. Super clear of noise image which makes GH5 really good even in 2022.

The Crafting Den
The Crafting Den - 09.01.2022 12:42

Why do you like your previews on apple prores?

Wonder Film
Wonder Film - 16.12.2021 20:48

Never would have thought to shoot anamorphic for open gate images 🤯

Philippe Orlando
Philippe Orlando - 29.10.2021 18:15

Even though I'm windows based, I'm going to try this, but here's my problem here: That anamorphic codec encode 4 K footage at 400Mbps. Why would it be better than the FHD 24P encoding at 200Mbps available on the GH5. Do the math, on the GH5 FHD 24 P @ 200Mbps is the highest bitrate available in that camera. It's about data relative to frame size, and nothing beats the FHD 24P on the GH5. Sure, the GH5 is marketed as a 4K cam, but unfortunately the 400Mbps second of its 4K mode are just used to make sure all I-frames are encoded. As I said, do the math yourself, nothing beats the data, available to the 10 bit 4:2:2 FHD @ 200Mbps and that's the only mode you should used if you are worried about preserve color quality. Sure, 4 K has better resolution.....maybe.....on the right screen. 4 K is four times bigger than FHD, so if you think 4 K encoded at 400 Mbps and 4:2:0 is better in anyway, other than marginal resolution than FHD encoded at 4:2:2 and 200Mbps, well, do more home work and come back. Do be as decent as color space your GH5 4K should be encoded at 4:2:2 800Mbps. It doesn't take a genius to realize why it's not done. As far as I'm concerned, after shooting RAW you never look back.

Kim Reddin
Kim Reddin - 27.10.2021 11:30

Solid comparisons!

ThaexakaMavro - 29.07.2021 03:31

better use 6kphoto make h265 10bit video and you have 3:2 5184x3456

mgr5550 - 29.05.2021 12:27

Im thinking of picking this up. What are the file sizes for each format. Say like 1 minute of DCI 4K 60p ? How much space does it take on disk ? .....................

Is there some location where they give a chart of the file sizes for each format and resolution of this camera ? And will the files edit smooth (timeline scrubbing) on a Ryzen 5 3800 ?

Farris Simmons
Farris Simmons - 27.05.2021 20:41

Hey I just wanted to say that this video has literally changed everything, I wanted my work to have that quality it was missing. And that's due to my own lack of knowledge but after putting your advice to use it's already improved so much and just wanna say thank you for all the information, I appreciate it tremendously. 🙌🏼

Gayle Jann
Gayle Jann - 14.02.2021 20:26

what video editing software are you using in this video?

anil sakat
anil sakat - 31.01.2021 11:43


Lightstruck production
Lightstruck production - 27.01.2021 09:32

Very interesting concept. Aside from the extra time and effort of transcoding, I have to wonder if this 6K footage would look better than 4K from the same camera. The GH5 records 6K in 4:2:0 and 200mbs verus 4K in 4:2:2 and 400mbs - plus you are cropping the 6K image. It sounds like it would be a wash, as far as image quality. But I may make a camera test to see for myself. Thanks for suggestion.

ruffdraft - 17.12.2020 01:45

Joo I want to use this settings on the Panasonic S5

David Morrah
David Morrah - 05.10.2020 13:32

I own a GH5s. Can you make a tutorial video on achieving almost like RAW quality if using a GH5s?

ruffdraft - 05.07.2020 12:31

Joo am I able to get this quality with my Panasonic Gh5s and Panasonic s1

David Spidel
David Spidel - 28.05.2020 21:56

Great music!

Flying High
Flying High - 11.03.2020 11:52

Correct me if I'm wrong. This option uses more of the sensor than the other modes. The h.265 is the new HEVC codec but doesn't change the color space or anything like that, just the efficiency at which the data from increased sensor size is processed. The photo styles still apply the same to this as any other codec. But if you downrez from 4:3 to 4k, what are you actually gaining by using it. Wouldn't that be like downrezzing 4k to HD? Except here you're going actually from 4:3 to 4K? I don't get it.

Dronetrotter - 27.02.2020 13:10

is really touching.....What kind of lens you have used?

nelaipiok - 10.01.2020 22:25

Dude raw is not about resolution its about dynamic range

MMO Archives
MMO Archives - 09.01.2020 07:15

word of advice, don't ever use v-log

LEXPIX - 11.11.2019 19:48

Nice find. Although not as good as RAW, especially for highlight, shadow recovery in video stills - although its a great find and useful if needing to extract stills from a video though.

Sergi Medina
Sergi Medina - 03.11.2019 19:15

Almost. But not quite. Nothing like raw as raw itself. If you need it, that is! Most of times you're just fine with H.264 and 4:2:0 8-bit (or even 4:2:2 10-bit for more refined work), if the camera is as good as the GH4/GH5 with a good operator. Nice finding, tho.
Also, don't use Warp Stabilizer so lightly. Use gimbals or something decent. Please.

Turquesa Morena
Turquesa Morena - 06.09.2019 18:14

little hardcore...

joewilde - 09.08.2019 04:53

"Hey Mates" Love the start........

theBrothersThre3 - 04.07.2019 15:11

Not sure if its really much better than H264 4k. RAW gives you about 2 more stops of dynamic range and is still noticeably sharper as can seen by the eye test.

J. khalil's work
J. khalil's work - 16.06.2019 19:00

too lenthy process,i wish i would do this on my canon dslr 70d

FrankValchiria - 17.04.2019 22:16

i used my nx1 with h265 on adobe for 2 years. no issues at all, might just take a bit longer to edit but it pretty ok

Survesh Bajpai
Survesh Bajpai - 09.04.2019 03:54

What camera you shot this video with???

Ire Gre
Ire Gre - 27.03.2019 19:13

The main advantage of shooting real RAW is that you can adjust the white point LATER and that you can apply a nice picture profile, i.e. the interpretation of the sensor data, LATER.
It is hard to believe that a lossy consumer codec H265 should be closer to RAW than a less lossy codec like ALL I 400 or external Prores 422 HQ?? Does anybody know?

Renegade Media
Renegade Media - 15.03.2019 20:45


NineTeen seventy4
NineTeen seventy4 - 13.03.2019 10:09

Great video - by the way - do you usually use Photoshop for grading your videos? What software would you recommend to a beginner with some experience in iMovie?

Wayne Cooper
Wayne Cooper - 03.03.2019 19:36

Thanks for pointing out the hidden codec for the GH5, and for also taking the time to show us how to use it, how to get around problems when saving it and which file to convert it to in order to keep the 10 bit information. I read through the comments below and regardless of what constitutes a RAW file, I took a lot away from this video in regards to the "open gate" codec within the GH5.....HOW TO USE IT....and why you would not want to!

KikujiroChan - 03.03.2019 18:33 found the 6K photo mode.

Henri T
Henri T - 30.01.2019 01:07

Just shoot prores 422 HQ

Pavel Malý
Pavel Malý - 24.01.2019 09:24

This video is an April fools joke, right? 🤨 unsubscribed

Ricky Maxx
Ricky Maxx - 05.01.2019 21:53

Nonsense talk about resolution here, if you really want to illustrate people, please learn a thing or two about the science of raw, otherwise you are just wrong with the whole nonsense talk.

Charles Gates
Charles Gates - 27.12.2018 08:03

Awesome tutorial. Very informative. Thank you.

Andrew - 20.12.2018 22:36

this is beautiful

Adrien Gremaud
Adrien Gremaud - 18.12.2018 11:56

here is another exemple of how people are misundersstanding the raw concept.

Juggalo University
Juggalo University - 15.12.2018 23:31

Good vid I subbed cool style well spoken

Jet A1
Jet A1 - 14.12.2018 19:11

Tread carefully Mr Joo Works...your information here - while it may not be 'false' - it is inaccurate. Like you suggest, 'without proof, arguments are just opionions'...everything you allude to regarding information within an image is purely subjective. Maybe ask yourself why motion picture films are not shot with a micro 4/3rds sensor instead they're photographed with high end cameras and (35mm or larger) sensors equipped to record uncompressed RAW files. This workflow is not a pissing contest to see who may fill the most Terrabytes rather it's to capture the most information to provide in post. So next time (as MartiS suggests) please consider your demographic and reveal the truth in catch phrases like 'RAW' 'sharpness' 'resolution' and 'codec' till then keep swimming with the minnows.

Dlavar Dehesh Joo
Dlavar Dehesh Joo - 04.12.2018 04:46

Dude this video rocks! always nice to see people pushing the bounderies of what our cameras can do.

Tiaan van Aardt
Tiaan van Aardt - 09.11.2018 02:03

You are an idiot for trying to compare lossy h265 video with 14bit RAW imagery...

Harsh Doshi
Harsh Doshi - 29.10.2018 22:20

Complete bullshit. The truth:

- H.265 is the worst codec and meant only for consumers (and direct upload), NOT for editing.
-What about motion blur in a video? Do you want people to shoot at 11degree shutter angle to be able to extract stills out of the video? (ANY video)
-Raw is NOT about details. Video DOES not have an advantage for noise reduction, RAW images DO.
-Trying to compare sharpness with RAW images is silly without first processing RAW images.
-This should've been a giveaway of your lack of knowledge - why zoom in on the photo instead of cropping top and bottom to get the desired aspect ratio?
-The reason H.265 isn't a professional codec is out there if you look for it, instead of using only your brain to come up with false-reasoning.

Stop making these videos to misguide people, please. I don't think you're lying. Not at all. I just think you are genuine, honestly, just stupid, but you think your false 'knowledge'is the truth. That is a dangerous thing, especially if people are following you and paying money for it.

anto vega Mk2
anto vega Mk2 - 25.10.2018 11:59

this is quite dumb.. damn
