When is this from?
ОтветитьNever been hit harder then from one of his students...
ОтветитьRussian Psychology! ;-)
Ответитьthis kind of work can be very confusing for the person on the receiving end. we call it trinity work in class because there are ideally three or more of these relaxed strikes "bouncing" into the person. a muay thai friend of mine trained with us only once and it was a day we were working on this and really liked this work, but now he thinks it's all systema is, he hasn't gone back to train with us, I think because it was so weird to him
ОтветитьThe strikes are to pressure points, If you hit them right in sequence, they work the best. I have studded a lot of styles from all over the world and Systema is one of the best and simplest. Thanks for posting this.
ОтветитьQuiero aprender esta técnica donde me dirijo...?
Ответить@ Vladimir How much time is usually used in systema with those relaxed exercises? (like 80% of the trainingtime?)
Ответитьhe said when
Ответитьits super
ОтветитьVlad is a true master! Glad I can watch him on here.
ОтветитьDoing systema examples is the most terrifying thing ever, no wonder the dude receiving looks on edge.
ОтветитьI can see how these strikes are effective here. Are they as effective on a more agressive or adrenaline pumped attacker? I love systema but have only seen passive attackers and wonder if the response would be the same if the attacker was more intent.
ОтветитьYup Russians still fight better than Americans
ОтветитьJust came for the accent
ОтветитьWspaniałe dopracowany system walki. Może to być za mało, żeby obronić się przed lawiną ChRL i MasoneriiUE, którą Wam niestety szykują. My bracia Słowianie jesteśmy w potrzasku. Proroctwa Sławika Kraszennikowa zaczynają nam się sprawdzać. Bóg z Wami.
ОтветитьMaybe this works for police training where they can sort of take the upper hand and would be trying to immobilize a drunken lout but can't see how you'll strike an arm in a special place when you've got fists flying. This is why this stuff hasn't found its way into actual full contact fighting arenas. Any theory that can't stand up in a real fight is a waste. Even Bruce Lee realized his Wing Chun training was outdated and ineffective in a real fight so he developed Jeet Kune Do and incorporated what worked in full contact training by experimenting with other fighting forms - like a boxing stance for more power and less target and boxing punches.
ОтветитьName boss??
ОтветитьSir. This is awesome martial art, reminds me of internal arts! I wish I knew more about its history! & more of historical lineage! Anyway thanks. Its a great fighting system!!!
i wish i had your skills
Ответить¿Quien presta el brazo o se queda parado para que le den esos golpes alguno poco efectivos por su corta trayectoria? Muy malo el vídeo en su contenido. Saludos!
ОтветитьI did send a letter
ОтветитьTommy morres defensive tactics fair bairn