The Future of Colonizing Space- Neil deGrasse Tyson- WGS 2018

The Future of Colonizing Space- Neil deGrasse Tyson- WGS 2018

World Governments Summit

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Elliott4TongieSchoolBoard - 07.09.2023 02:34

Change the title. It is not the title of his talk.

John Yepthomi
John Yepthomi - 06.09.2023 16:00

Hubris Check

xchaser69 - 25.08.2023 19:44


Fernando Duarte
Fernando Duarte - 24.08.2023 01:34

It's interesting that he was predicting no private enterprise would attempt to settle Mars... He reaffirmed the challenge of accurately predicting the future. Hopefully, SpaceX will prove him wrong.

Kata Teo
Kata Teo - 25.07.2023 10:54

hhahaah, ca nhap ca nhap de du khi tao noi ra ha DDD tra tien di thang cho

tonyflatearther - 20.07.2023 03:44

You globers suffering from globeturditus believe Earth is spinning tilted wobbling & orbiting the Sun with planets at 67,000mph while the Moon, over 8,000 SATs & the ISS orbits Earth while Earth is hurling through the universe at 500,000mph all at the same time & The Moon causes tides on Earth 389,000 miles from Earth outside of Earth while all that is going on all at the same time and nothing ever smashes into the Sun magically while perfectly orbiting the Sun & chasing the Sun all at the same time for billions of years & Nasa supposedly orbited the Moon, landed on it, played golf on it, drove the Rover around on it & took off from it while it's orbiting Earth while Earth is orbiting the Sun at 67,000mph while hurling through the universe at the same time at 500,000mph 🤣🤣🤣 👍 WOW holy shît & everything knows & does they're own jobs perfectly without losing speeds or ever gets out of orbit perfectly & magically 🤣🤣🤣 like that makes sense

Miami monk
Miami monk - 19.07.2023 00:33

How are we going to colonize space when we can't even go to the moon now...

9mmAlpha - 07.07.2023 14:17

He made boring subject very interesting, if hes been my physics professor i could had been in his field

tonyflatearther - 02.07.2023 07:28

😂😂😂😂 no ones landed on the Moon 😂😂😂

tonyflatearther - 02.07.2023 07:25

😂😂😂😂 no ones colinizing space 😂😂😂 space doesn't exist

Gux The Artist
Gux The Artist - 13.06.2023 16:00

better start thinking about the future, since the past is mainly a fairy tale

the2ndQT - 31.05.2023 04:09

SpaceX is terrible company run by a terrible person

Saeed - 25.05.2023 15:53

You need to send British people if you want anything to be colonized or else mission failed.

Darrell Sharrock
Darrell Sharrock - 22.05.2023 18:31

How odd , the space station is a short route to the moon , then again , isnt the moon a short route to Mars. We are so impatient arent we .

Darrell Sharrock
Darrell Sharrock - 22.05.2023 18:29

How boring are we 😮😢😂❤

The Last Movement
The Last Movement - 18.05.2023 01:39

You not going to space your going to Antarctica

The Last Movement
The Last Movement - 18.05.2023 01:38

Could you talk about the concert dome

The Last Movement
The Last Movement - 18.05.2023 01:37

Lies and more lies how could someone just lie so much what is his grandkids gonna think of him

Kata Teo
Kata Teo - 09.05.2023 12:23

hahahha, muon moi kien thuc cua tao lam, nhung da qua muon mang, khong bao gio thoa hiep voi bon cuop giut. hahha dau nha, trung huyet, ngay tam, chi con biet nhay can can len thoi DDD

Jesús Aznar
Jesús Aznar - 05.05.2023 02:31

What the fuck is that constant background sound?!?!

Philip BadAwesome
Philip BadAwesome - 27.04.2023 08:18

Knowing man, we will shoot ourselves into every dark corner and crevice of the universe eventually, filling with life every barren place.

Carl Nde
Carl Nde - 03.04.2023 16:17

Yep.. DKvideo7...lol5. CRL-MICHA .ĚL ..₩7nde

Carl Nde
Carl Nde - 03.04.2023 16:07

Well CIUSSNIM-Publics..I guess ..u can't like to a room that welcomes u in Arabic-=4"5"/888

Stevi Schermi
Stevi Schermi - 02.04.2023 17:38

Neil is "biting" ....perhaps he's tired of being surrounded by vapid...silly.... fantasies from people who value Disney movies as truth.... don't get me started...I do bite!!!

Stevi Schermi
Stevi Schermi - 02.04.2023 17:02

Neil is absolutely right.... I'm 84 and live in my van with my service 🐕‍🦺 on scant social security....have watched all this nonsense with human conduct all my life... head in science since I was 4-5 years old. We've pissed and shat all over this planet and now we go to another planet to do the same????? Humans are a plague on this planet...FACT!!! There is no changing the basic DNA of the human ape. I know humans extinction kicks in about 2-300 years. Finished. As would be any other group

RK4000 - 31.03.2023 14:41

"sorry we still use lbs" :'D :'D :'D

Kata Teo
Kata Teo - 26.03.2023 05:47

muon biet tao da thay nhung gi lam phai hong, nhung muon roi, tao ko bao gio cho bon may biet dau :D ky nghe tui bay chi dung lai o muc bat du lieu, chua du kha nang suy nghi :D:D:D

Mark ModiTidang
Mark ModiTidang - 20.03.2023 17:06

His passion just easily makes you want to know more. Great talk Dr.Tyson, sir!

Fabio Caetano Figueiredo
Fabio Caetano Figueiredo - 16.03.2023 23:11

One of my favourite narrators...
One of my least favourite scientists

VOLVONATOR75 - 16.03.2023 01:30


AJ Dakoulis
AJ Dakoulis - 14.03.2023 01:38

We all are looking up to "space" meanwhile these world leaders are dividing up antartica

AJ Dakoulis
AJ Dakoulis - 14.03.2023 01:37

This dude is fraudulent why doesn't he debate erick Dubai bubbles in space Google that this dude talking is a liar and a bad actor

Dan Tyler
Dan Tyler - 02.03.2023 11:00

Weird, the dutch guy is easier to understand and follow than the Tyson and his broken, erratic recording.

Sphereitis - 27.02.2023 23:46

thankyou for JWST

soupymist - 27.02.2023 15:21

i saw this in 2019

Mike Kincaid
Mike Kincaid - 26.02.2023 08:38

Einstein?? Hell I want doctor Tyson who can explain stuff in a way than a guy like me can understand it

Mike Kincaid
Mike Kincaid - 26.02.2023 08:20

This is what I love about this show.. who knew about this water stuff..

Mike Kincaid
Mike Kincaid - 26.02.2023 08:09

There again people asking .. is this space program thing really worth it? Yes you bet it was.. look what we got now .. GPS ..cell phones..medical products that sustain life.. pizza and garlic bread and Tang

sar50anga - 26.02.2023 02:52

it is all a ridiculous non-sensense...made to earn money off U-Tube....there is nothing to colonise space is un-habitable to carry your own Oxygen food water air etc for 2 or 5 humans spending trillions of dollars and then to carry back your own urine piss an poo back to mother earth..... your grave is here mister

CobaltBomba - 13.02.2023 20:42

This guy is deeply into cosmos I think he eat and sleep cosmos.

Organic Grow
Organic Grow - 13.02.2023 20:00

Can the world just stop about living in space/mars etc ridiculous & self torturing.

Pattern Recognition
Pattern Recognition - 11.02.2023 18:31

Destinations of imagination. 📺 Santa Claus for grown-ups. 🤡

Էմմանուել Էզենվան Մեղր
Էմմանուել Էզենվան Մեղր - 31.01.2023 04:15

There's nothing as exciting as listening to intelligent people.

matthew lee
matthew lee - 29.01.2023 23:45

We have morons who think the Earth's flat that the moon landing was a hoax and brain dead morons who think they can switch genders, ...we're long time away from colonizing space.

Ivano Stellato
Ivano Stellato - 28.01.2023 21:27

The future of colonizing space isz to STFU and DO WHAT RAMESESZ SAYSZ

mohinder kumar
mohinder kumar - 24.01.2023 16:36

Tyson has read Karl Marx :
"Who Owns This Universe?"
His message : Abolish private property in land. Debunk Capitalism. 👏👏❤👍

darrin webber
darrin webber - 18.01.2023 04:40

Re: Going to other stars...
While FASTER THAN LIGHT "warp" drives require crazy shit like "exotic matter" and "negative energy sources"...that don't exist...
(And, thus, are totally pointless)....
There are "warp" drive ideas out there that theory...achieve a decent fraction of light speed...with normal physics and normal power sources (fusion...or some kind of antimatter reaction). These could get us to other stars. Neil points out... Governments would still need to lead the way.

darrin webber
darrin webber - 18.01.2023 04:28

Sorry... But the Falcon - Heavy is a really cool looking rocket. Just saying.

darrin webber
darrin webber - 18.01.2023 04:09

And he's correct.
Musk, Bezos, and Branson want make money.
But... There are people out there... Kids, really...that are just dreaming of Moon and Mars and Ceres and Titan.
Dreaming and planning for time when they can go to these places and start their own kingdoms.
Neil didn't include this... Probably doesn't see it...But Freedom from authority of others is also a strong motivator for doing things...for going to a new place. Like the Jonestown cult went to South America ... Or the Mormons going to Utah... Or the Puritans going to New England.
The drive to behave and act , free of outside authority is very powerful.
But we're not there yet.... Give it time.
