BEST Glue for Guitar Finish Repair

BEST Glue for Guitar Finish Repair

Beau Hannam Guitars

1 год назад

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@ivanriverajr5012 - 13.01.2024 18:55

Kinda quick at showing the stuff slow it down. Jesus. Gluboost people yeah I think it's gluboost lmao😂

@The_Joker_ - 10.12.2023 17:29

I still see the crack 😮should’ve used tinted CA or resin. I’d have reinforced the interior of that crack too.

Marker 🤦

@rileydark7631 - 29.11.2023 08:05

Mr. Hannam,

I would respectfully ask that you specify which Guitar Center you believe the sub par repair came from, as I assure you, the guitar repair tech at the Grand Junction store takes pride in his work and would not take a job he would not be able to complete to an acceptably high standard. Thank you.

@blackbirdpie217 - 09.08.2023 13:50

You could scrape the surface with a rubber spreader before it hardens. This will prevent having to scrape off the hardened gluboost. It's similar to applying grain filler then wipe it.

@michaelaiello9525 - 28.06.2023 05:04

I have Starbond super fast thin. But it seems that Glu Boost is gonna be preferable with nitro?

Do I need the accelerator.., if I’m trying to save some $$ ?

@michaelaiello9525 - 13.04.2023 10:44

Love this, but I repaired a Blueridge once with such a heavy gloss finish and the glue got under the finish and opened up a can of visual worms. I could see this working on many finishes though .. but test a small area first right? (PS surprised an Acoustasonic top already split!)

@MoGiMaL - 04.04.2023 10:00

I’m working on my first CA glue drop fill now. I’m using gorilla thick. How long is the “few days” you let it harden?
