How Enceladus Shocked NASA Scientists | Our Solar System's Moons

How Enceladus Shocked NASA Scientists | Our Solar System's Moons


3 года назад

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Surux Strawde
Surux Strawde - 01.10.2023 21:36

Unfortunate this wasn’t where we ended up going in destiny, but why? For what reason was it europa instead?

Kevin Hardy
Kevin Hardy - 30.09.2023 00:36

If we can stick a probe into Enceladus, that would be a real shocker

john kevil, jr
john kevil, jr - 23.09.2023 07:17

Enceladus and Europa, I believe life exists in some form in both their oceans.

clarence spencer
clarence spencer - 09.09.2023 16:49

Alex, don't you think it would be logical to divide the natural satellites of our planets into two: 1) those satellites that ha have become spherical under their own large mass and gravity, and should be called Moons; 2) those that have not due to their smallness, and should be called Moonlets. That way, the number of moons would be more or less the as as traditional ones (the moons that matter), followed by zillions of moonlets (who cares). Just like planets and planetoids

Jarrod Yuki
Jarrod Yuki - 01.08.2023 01:16

1. if police find you with illegal contraband they will seize the illegla contrabnad antyghin that contains the illegal contrabnad and arrest you.

Jarrod Yuki
Jarrod Yuki - 01.08.2023 01:16

1. enclave ncr and caesars legion and the brotehrhood of steel...........................

Tim Godin
Tim Godin - 25.07.2023 04:37

What kind of backyard telescope would we need to view this close?

Nīru of the 9 hostages
Nīru of the 9 hostages - 19.07.2023 23:24

Triton is the next Enceladus!!! <3

King_tazz - 10.07.2023 07:11

I feel like it's almost time to do another one of enceledus! Lots of new stuff

Daniel Selevërstov
Daniel Selevërstov - 30.06.2023 07:48

It is simply amazing to think that there might be life on Enceladus. I love this video so much Alex thank you.

tolfan - 17.06.2023 22:34

When I was a kid Saturn had no moons

Patricio Cristobal Gallardo zea
Patricio Cristobal Gallardo zea - 09.06.2023 20:40


Jon Saboe
Jon Saboe - 30.05.2023 16:43

How long before Enceladus runs out of water/depletes itself? Could that give us an age?

John Keenleyside
John Keenleyside - 25.05.2023 12:38

I am here under false pretence, I thought it was about mexican food?

Tough titty P Diddy
Tough titty P Diddy - 23.05.2023 02:37

Enceladus looks like what I imagine snow ball earth would like.

Christofer Riche
Christofer Riche - 21.05.2023 05:43


Pink Raven
Pink Raven - 12.05.2023 21:05

when you combine 4 copies of Enceladus you get a huge snow block

Maunda Martin
Maunda Martin - 21.04.2023 08:02

A mission back to ENCELADUS, to get more data from the 200 mile high plumes and going BACK TO TITAN to study the METHANE SEAS and it's geological activity is gonna run about 4 billion dollars.

Thomas Cline
Thomas Cline - 18.04.2023 04:40

Life around thermal vents on earth looks like same species found in shallower ocean environments. Did this life migrate to the lower depths. Lets assume there is life around thermal vents on Enceladus. Did it originate there, or did it migrate from other environments.

LJ Re - 17.04.2023 07:25

I’ve been watching NASA’s missions since the Mercury missions thru the moon walk. Just a sorry thing to wait 50 years before making more advancements. Such a waste of precious time.

Andrew Lewis
Andrew Lewis - 16.04.2023 02:29

My patience when it comes to the exploration of our solar system is practically non-existent. I'm a huge space-nut and and I hate having to realize anything such as landing probes on (or setting foot upon) these other worlds is still "decades away" from happening. My hope is that we have some sort of major technological breakthrough and become able to explore these places far sooner than we believe possible.

Patrick Collins
Patrick Collins - 15.04.2023 11:15

To me it’s cool how a moon can have something on it that is under so much pressure it spews out something that cam make rings. With out Enceladus Saturn would not be the same

arPos Kraft
arPos Kraft - 10.04.2023 18:42

if i had to venture a guess, which in honesty i shouldnt, it might be that its not specifically layers but a water icy sludge, when tidally stretching and thus getting compressed north to south the entrapped water is pushed to the weakest points, id think it can and has plumed at other areas but that currently the south pole (likely also due to relative positions) is the weakest point, soon as it finds its way out the pressure decreases so a bit like squeezing a sponge

Mr. Opinion
Mr. Opinion - 25.03.2023 17:09

Here's something a bit frustrating to consider. NASA knew well before launching Cassini that Enceladus was the brightest object in the solar system (other than the sun). Brightness = whiteness...which means NASA should have suspected that Enceladus...beyond being icy...was quite smooth around most of its surface. Smoothness = newness...and they only thing that could smoothen ice worlds like Enceladus is something akin to a snow fall.

NASA should have suspected that Enceladus' terrain was being smoothed by this process and prepared the Cassini mission accordingly.

Mr. Opinion
Mr. Opinion - 25.03.2023 17:05

Should NASA go to Enceladus and get down into the liquid ocean below it's crust, it's 90%+ certain they will find life. And since that life may be centered around geo-thermal vents, it's 90%+ certain that life will resemble the life here on Earth found around geo-thermal vents.

What does that mean? It means one thing for certain.

Enceladus likely harbors the most expensive shrimp dinner in history...should some be returned to Earth.

Aurore Taburiaux
Aurore Taburiaux - 24.03.2023 18:26

I was so surprised with the results of the Cassini mission. I just encountered your presentation: very good & supporting images are of great quality. Thanks for sharing!

Ghoulish Theories
Ghoulish Theories - 21.03.2023 18:34

So it's possible that the south pole of Enceladus which has the plumes causes maybe a "fresh sheet of ice" with some of the particles falling back to the satellite, which is why the southern hemisphere looks like it has less asteroid/meteor/meteorite impacts?

Bill Milosz
Bill Milosz - 23.02.2023 00:42

Why doesn't the ice on the surface of Enceladus just sublimate off?

Paul Mkz
Paul Mkz - 22.02.2023 21:11

Enceladus is tiny. Smaller than Ceres. But basically a mini Europa. Shows even small worlds can be fascinating

Luthier Vandros
Luthier Vandros - 15.02.2023 22:14

We can’t even validate what’s within our moon.

channelsixtyeight068 - 11.02.2023 13:11

Cassini went for the equivalent of an inter-planetary car wash from Enceladus' water plumes, farting out of its southern pole.

Krzysztof Saa
Krzysztof Saa - 07.02.2023 12:30


Jagjeet Pal
Jagjeet Pal - 01.02.2023 01:19

Keep making such videos.

Richard Evp pro
Richard Evp pro - 28.01.2023 00:38

Why are there only crater holes in the North pole? dose the lower part create movement from Jupiter and thus heats the water to blow out at the Southern pole?

Fbi Agent
Fbi Agent - 27.01.2023 08:25

Dude I could literally travel this entire moon two time over faster than I can get through Dallas once

pretorious700 - 21.01.2023 17:34

You're not much of a scientist if new data "shocks" you.

TheLottolandus - 05.01.2023 05:29

This is for Robin who works for JPL. This is Adam. You don't need to bore through the ice sheet. Just land on the planet because some of the organic matter will land on the surface.

zion lego gaming
zion lego gaming - 04.01.2023 16:46

Earth When will we ever run out of oil?

Enceladus When will we ever run out of water?

Tyler K
Tyler K - 31.12.2022 09:48

Might not be the most fascinating moon, but it certainly has the coolest name.

Solorhypercane - 26.12.2022 16:58

Hello planet who’s name sounds like salad in spanish

chi yamamoto
chi yamamoto - 26.12.2022 09:10

物質変わると変わるからseason color🤩同じ事100万年遅れた文明だったから早送りした回転率上げろ進化論スピード上げろ!💢物質レベル上がる⤴️経験値高い良い早くしろ!💢

Plane Sight
Plane Sight - 24.12.2022 08:18

Perhaps this is where the Octopus Kingdom is??

Jesusandbible - 21.12.2022 16:07

They are trying to rob Pluto off us, our ice Planet, so a bunch of no mark scientists can leave their mark on history.

Kwalified - 20.12.2022 03:19

water leaking from a moon creates an outer ring of Saturn...mind blown

Alex Hilton
Alex Hilton - 16.12.2022 03:53

Fun fact: Enceladus and Kerbin are roughy the same size

TheUpstateIdiots - 14.12.2022 07:15

I feel like we need to spend more time and money on space travel. Or be more productive with the current funding. There's so much more we should know by now.

Good ONE
Good ONE - 29.11.2022 23:40

They need to collide this with titan, so tan can become bigger and have more water

FefferRyerr - 18.11.2022 05:05

Reminds me of Europa, that also has ice on its surface, water plumes and an ocean beneath.

 Bergen Street Gifts
Bergen Street Gifts - 18.11.2022 02:24

