Return to Edwards Island - Oxenfree 2

Return to Edwards Island - Oxenfree 2

Gab Smolders

10 месяцев назад

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3m0 - 28.10.2023 15:07

fun fact: the store where riley received the phone call, is the same store from the first game, if u do a second playthrough and “stop” the loop

khadra - 22.10.2023 00:16

The fact this is edited and it’s still 5+ hours

Mary Stieff
Mary Stieff - 21.10.2023 23:53

I just downloaded and completed this game 10/18/23, talk about tired. It was just as engaging as the first Oxenfree I completed earlier this year. I would not consider myself a gamer at all but these games were fun and the graphics were great on my tablet.

Azeroth.Gaming - 14.10.2023 21:33

it's funny how she played this one but jack didn't

Cybernaut - 26.09.2023 08:15

Fun fact: The Sylvar Artisan Abigail Wahl
Sylvar Artisan(voice) provides a voice as Shelley.

Macky K
Macky K - 04.09.2023 09:49

I got SO excited when I saw this game was released and I’m so excited to experience it along side you! Thank you for playing it.

mehdigeek - 04.09.2023 00:27

why are the subtitles in the middle of the screen

IDyce88 - 23.08.2023 17:15

"your a good teacher"
"'s you again." (ghost voice)
Me: figures 😒
oh one recommendation for playing this game to everyone...don't rush too far ahead of Jacob...sometimes he can get glitched or trapped...doesn't happen that often can

Mister Siu
Mister Siu - 22.08.2023 21:35

As a person with depression ans who is surviving just with medicine's help, I can say this game made me to feel something for once in years. It will mark you after you will finish the game. It was beautiful and sad/nostalgic at the same time.

TriggeredSociety - 21.08.2023 09:48

This game is sooooo good 😍 I love games like this and midnight scene's,killer frequency etc.. it's so fascinating the story in this game ,the ending was sad but also a happy one it got me in the feels 😊❤thank you for playing this 💝

Milly - 20.08.2023 21:50

If they ever make a third Oxenfree game, I think it should be a prequel of sorts. We could play as one of the Sunken, or bounce around from one to the other like we did in the first Oxenfree game. It could start off normal in the submarine, but then the experiment goes sideways and we can see how this all began!

Kevin L.
Kevin L. - 20.08.2023 09:20

When Riley dismisses the idea that it could be elder gods or whatever, you asked how it was possible and why she would be so dismissive of it. Well, if you're devoutly religious or devoutly atheist, then the idea of ancient gods really causing the anomalies on the island defies your world view so you'd dismiss it without a second thought. If that doesn't make sense, then consider this example. If Velma Dinkley was there instead of Riley, and Jacob said that all of these things were caused by g-g-g-ghosts, then how would she respond?

Catherine Fyfe
Catherine Fyfe - 17.08.2023 18:35

Thank you for making Riley go in circles. 10/10.

jacqueline Naude
jacqueline Naude - 16.08.2023 23:52

This gives stranger things vibes

usagi rabbit on the moon
usagi rabbit on the moon - 16.08.2023 17:38

This game is really good, it's like a spooky, cozy game that I could play before bed.
