iOS Developer Mock Interview | Tech Round (Round-2)

iOS Developer Mock Interview | Tech Round (Round-2)


1 год назад

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@saurabhsrivastava2994 - 22.02.2024 16:58

This is myth, first thing there are few good companies which works on iOS even for 7 years experience people in India,
And second not each round companies will ask iOS, questions only they will focus on data structures more.
But anyway Pallav you are doing Good job.

@venuvenu2719 - 22.02.2024 17:46

Awesome 🙌 , please do more of these.

@abhiram5347 - 22.02.2024 18:22

Excellent Videos it will be very helpful for so many people, Thank you Sir

@RavikanthMarri-r2i - 22.02.2024 19:44

Excellent video, thanks for the great content. Looking forward for next videos in the series.

@sudheerkumar-fj1kr - 22.02.2024 20:53

Very nice video sir …one of the best channel for ios development content

@sathyamacos5880 - 22.02.2024 21:16

Thank you so much for this video... both Tanya and Pallav rocks

@translatingIdeasIntoCoding - 23.02.2024 08:10

Great video.
After system design, I suggest 4th round as live coding interview and 5th round as debugging interview. 6th round may be a behavioral interview.

@sahilamrutagashe1696 - 23.02.2024 08:21

Very Interesting learning ❤

@narasimha4079 - 23.02.2024 09:36

Useful Video Pallav, keep doing it💌

@Mishra_8931 - 23.02.2024 14:55

Thanks Buddy.

@victorriurean - 24.02.2024 23:29

@PeanutJam1807 - 07.03.2024 12:06

I love your channel but man this is such an exaggerated interview. Seems like SDE2+ level and the example of concurrency was not at all on point. Maybe the level has raised to this bar but I can't stress enough on how hard this was.

@haripalwagh - 08.03.2024 21:14

Great work, Pallav.. I got the right video at the right time.. Thank you.

@Davieeeenok - 06.04.2024 22:04

so how much year of experience holding a guy can expecting these type of question

@MayankAndVallabhi - 14.04.2024 21:49

Very informative. Thank you guys!!!

@harshit2629 - 18.05.2024 12:20


@yogeshkumarverma2125 - 13.06.2024 22:01

Totally helpful, thank you guys

@ravneetsingh8790 - 13.06.2024 22:13

As an ios developer with 10 months of experience this is little more overwhelming for me 😅

@ashok2089 - 30.06.2024 23:56

Helpful, thanks!

@PiyushSharma-u6f - 11.07.2024 16:16

Great conversation ! While the concepts discussed are well-documented by Apple, it's unfortunate that the transition from documentation to practical implementation remains limited at the industry level. Additionally, frameworks are often used as a primary filter in interviews (in some organisations).
Having in-depth knowledge of frameworks is crucial according to the Job Description, but relying solely on them for the filtration process can overlook candidates' problem-solving abilities and their enthusiasm for continuous learning. Developers should prioritise honing their problem-solving skills and mastering core concepts rather than restricting themselves to a narrow focus on frameworks for long-term success.

@pradipdeore8068 - 15.07.2024 06:35

Hey Pallav and Tania, this video is super helpful! 👍 Really genuine and packed with good information about iOS developer interviews. Loved how you guys covered everything from app states to concurrency, and the delegates. The whiteboard coding parts made things so clear. Big thanks for putting this together 🤟, it’s a great resource for us iOS devs preparing for interviews. Looking forward to more from you guys! 🚀🚀

@shashwatsingh1626 - 11.10.2024 22:48

So happy to see a GOOD Indian iOS Channel. Please keep uploading videos more frequently.

@JinkProject - 16.02.2025 06:07

Lol. this is more of a Distinguished iOS or Principal iOS interview. Definitely don't expect any of these interviews to go into this much detail on core iOS tooling.

@everyontech2716 - 05.03.2025 10:09

very good quality of questions..please keep making this kind of video
