Had to cut the countdown because of a copyright claim- BUT I'M HYPEDDDDDD ABOUT ALL THE POKEMON GOODNESS. What was your favorite part???
ОтветитьTrick room eviolite stantler is the future of VGC calling it now
ОтветитьLegends looks SO GOOD. I was skeptical at first but I'm interested now!!
ОтветитьI really like the survival aspect they added for legends arceus Sooo pumped for them all great presentation
ОтветитьCyllene, Cyrus' grandmother or great grandmother?
Kamado, Prof Rowan's grandfather or great grandfather?
They must be. That can't be coincidence. I hope so, because I love when lore is expanded.
I'm definitely getting all 3 games. Pearl and legends digitally and diamond physical copy.
ОтветитьAwesome reaction Steph!!! I'm so excited for Gen 4 remakes and Legends. Looking forward to both games. Keep up the amazing work :)
ОтветитьWelp, time to reset masters so that when N comes out I can just MASS PULL, I WILL play that game if I get N and freaking RESHIRAM!! I have been wanting Reshiram, so, bad.
ОтветитьYou remind me of Pinkmushroom with how excited you are. Too bad she doesn’t make videos anymore.
ОтветитьCan someone tell me what is the theme that played during the Team Galactic bit? The remix sounds amazing but neither me or my brother can remember what it is
ОтветитьMy wallet is in tears. They both look fantastic!
ОтветитьI love how everyone instantyl fell in love with Hisulian Growlithe!
ОтветитьAmazing Reaction! Great video that you made!🤩 I'm so looking forward to the new Pokémon games!!! Keep up the good work!😊👍
ОтветитьI honestly can’t wait for this game
ОтветитьI love how at the end they just casually dropped the news that VGC would stay on SwSh in 2022 lol. That was the #1 thing I wanted to know about the Sinnoh games. Hopefully we can transfer Pokemon from the Sinnoh games to SwSh through HOME!
ОтветитьOne of my mons is defo named Levi
ОтветитьAs much as I might like the pre-order bonuses, I prefer to have a Physical copy of the game.
ОтветитьI kid not I redownloaded Masters EX when sygna suit Leon was announced and thank goodness I did cause now I need N
ОтветитьI loved it.
ОтветитьI was excited about how big the map is in legends of arceus.
ОтветитьThere was genuinely nothing I didn't like, this was just an amazing Pokemon Presents!
ОтветитьIt's not Fuedal Japan, it's the Meiji Period, which was around 1870-1890 or somewhere around that time. The industrial revolution wasn't far off from hitting Japan, and already had in Britain and the U.S. Japan was getting colonial and this is where they seized Hokkaido, or Sinnoh in Pokémon's case, and massacred all the native people there. Kinda like the Native Americans were here in the U.S., unfortunately. Life was so good for the Japanese whilst the Indigenous people were being slaughtered and faced heavy racism. Japan was charting and, like Legends Arceus, surveying the ecosystems of Hokkaido. They conquered Hokkaido because Russia was claiming islands just north of them, so they acted quickly. I HIGHLY recommend watching Lockstin and Gnoggin's videos on the matter.
ОтветитьIn the new Games... Wheres the Regional-Forms that FIX Evolution-Lines and/or give Credit to Pokemon who Need it? Yaaaa knooow: The Options that Regional Forms give?
What about Skitty, who could need more Forms, including an Evolution where it does not lose its Cuteness?! Where is that? What about Dunsparce, which is on Fan's List for a new Evolution for Ages?
Actual programmers and g-designers
are cracking with Laugher about Arceus...
Legends Arceus is more like Monster Hunter rather than BotW, but I mean it’s fitting since Monster Hunter has their spin-off series (Stories) that’s more Pokémon-like so now Pokémon’s doing the same back. Not complaining though, Monster Hunter (normal and Stories) are really fun and Legends Arceus looks like it’s going to be a fun time, especially with Basculegion, Hisuian Braviary and whatnot
Ответитьur birthday is nov. 6?
im november 25!
I like how the pokemon the way it has. The graphics may seem weird and some are disappointment, but this pokemon games are the new test that'll be released to new pokemon games. We don't want to over do it cuz it'll be just boring and other people won't be able to play the game if it has high size, and always glitched and crashed so they need to do it safe than risk.
I mean in the past it was just black and white sprites but, after making so many pokemon games it turned into this and it will eventually be evolve into everyone wants in the next future pokemon games. So we just only need to be patient and wait.
For me I want to add something that is when you're in battle mode and your picking a move, but you haven't picked yet there's a timer it'll be 20 or 25 seconds after the timer is done and you haven't do anything yet the pokemon will attack you. I wish they think of that idea.
I think I want to play Pokemon Cafe remix it seems better than candy crush and Homescapes. Furthermore, most of adults play this type game always for some reason.