NCR80 with Agile Moon Switches Typing Sounds

NCR80 with Agile Moon Switches Typing Sounds


2 года назад

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@dpactestaccount - 19.08.2022 04:50

I really like this sound.

@keagan5379 - 19.08.2022 04:54

Sounds really nice and lively. It’d be amazing if someone made an alps pcb for this.

@TheJulian316 - 19.08.2022 14:40

In your experience, you’re able to use to hotswap pcb for the plateless mount on this board right? You don’t have to use the solderable pcb to go plateless?

@dyno269 - 19.08.2022 19:58

For the price it doesn't get much better than this
Mine is built with 5-pin Jades and it's the best thing I could do
Big roomy plastic case? Clicky switches are the way

@Atrain009 - 28.08.2022 00:19

How are you liking the agile moon switches? Does the stock “hand lubing” actually feel hand lubed? Trying to decide between them and Gateron oil kings for my next build. I would love not to have to do any lubing lmao
