So which one really died at the end I was confused ?
ОтветитьBlack Mirror the movie?
Ответитьpqp... se for tão ruim quanto esse trailer...
ОтветитьMeh, was ok, not something wow . What made it better is that they’re great actors.
ОтветитьShe trained so hard that in the end she was killed by poison by her clone. LMAO
ОтветитьA great movie !
ОтветитьParent Trap has taken a darker turn lol but in all seriousness this looks good Karen Gillan keeps getting better and better
ОтветитьThe trailer made this look so good but it was honestly the most boring movie I've seen. The deadpan acting just made it seem longer than it was.
ОтветитьAt the end she should kill not just her twin the fake one but and her boyfriend with mother because like they dont diserve her
ОтветитьThis just like endgame Nebula vs Nebula
ОтветитьThis is crazy i love it I also want this to be a video game for some reason
ОтветитьWHAT IS THE NAME OF THE MOVIE !!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????
ОтветитьThe real Sarah was right that clone Sarah was trying to manipulated her at a meeting for clones/non clones. Than changed her mind about clone Sarah and end up being poison by her. Sarah was stupid to drink the water clone Sarah gave her. Disappointed with this movie because there was no duel. The writers thought the ending twisted plot was a brilliant idea. It was really a snoozefest. 🙄
ОтветитьWow how creative yet another trailer and movie leaning on Vivaldi’s summer song for dramatic effect. As if there aren’t enough films using that song?? It was cool the first time, now it’s just cliché.
ОтветитьIt was obvious that the director tried to have the same tone as the movie The Lobster but didn't come out the same. Just my opinion.
ОтветитьDamm dude picked her clone over her smh
Ответитьhappy to see Jesse Pinkman from Breaking Bad
ОтветитьOne of the worst movies I have ever seen
ОтветитьBrilliant concept! Arts not dead !!!! 🥹🥳🤩🤗😃
Ответитьimplying regular twins aren't clones of each other and look they're not trying to kill each other. just change her name and let her live the way she wants? 😅
ОтветитьDammit, I ended up liking it, now I have to check out the movie 😂
ОтветитьJesse pinkmans glow up. This days finally arrived
ОтветитьThis is a decent movie the question is what would you do? 02-04-23@ 11:42pm
ОтветитьReminds me "black mirror"..
ОтветитьOk well I was not going to continue watching this but the people making comments seems to like it so I will try and continue to watch it. 😀 was not a fan of this movie, even though I love the actress,I regret finishing it. 😞
ОтветитьWow! From the trailer alone it's hard to believe that my home country and home city were the filming location of this movie.
ОтветитьMovie name bro?
Ответитьwhere i can watch this
ОтветитьThey say the outline is sf, but it doesn't seem like sf at all
Ответитьvage film
ОтветитьLiterally threw this movie in the trash. I’ll save you a couple hours, there’s no duel. Real title should’ve been Scam.
Ответитьthe clone poisons her and steals her life in the end
ОтветитьHow can you tell which is the clone when they both have a straight face and never seem to smile in the trailer
ОтветитьI dont think its suppose to be that funny but i laughed like I was watching napoleon dynamite
ОтветитьThis movie gave major "I did not hit her, I did not." vibes.😂 This could have been so good, but I just can't stop thinking about Tommy Wiseau.
ОтветитьJesse come back
ОтветитьDid not deliver the way I had hoped. And the court scene was absolutely ridiculous considering the defect of the clone being eye color and easily verifiable. 😅
ОтветитьReminded me of a Black mirror episode.
Ответитьaaahhh such strange manners. Makes me fart every time😌🙊☺️ I recommend this mewveh also check out "The Island"
ОтветитьBoring movie
ОтветитьMy daughter wants to watch this movie
ОтветитьThis "movie" is just bad joke. It's pretty rare find 💩 like this 🤮
ОтветитьBad Ending... Zzz
ОтветитьI don't understand, why Sarah in the end was limping?
Ответитьstrange movie, and not all the good, but interesting, kinda.