Subqueries in sql   Part 59

Subqueries in sql Part 59


12 лет назад

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@slobodandjuric1033 - 18.07.2016 13:56

Dear Sir,
you made excelent examples. Very intuitive and helpful. Far better than the most I found via internet.
Hope you will continue with great work
Best wishes

@justinli19901027 - 21.07.2016 09:48

this man is a hero, a legend and a god!!

@parvezmullah794 - 07.08.2016 13:23

Thank you sir. your videos are very helpful.

@nk911 - 08.12.2016 22:02

sir plz make some toturials on php's framework laravel....

@sarikabiwalkar4037 - 10.12.2016 21:22

This video clearly and concisely explains subqueries thoroughly. The explanation is awesome and simple to understand. Thank you, Sir! Your videos are really good to understand the concepts of .Net and SQL Server.

@poonamnegi7728 - 23.12.2016 15:01

Hi Venkat,

Your videos are very simple yet very helpful. You make things really easy for people to understand.Keep up the good work Cheers :)

@natureofmusic0 - 08.01.2017 14:14

hi all, I am students, and I am working on my project. I have to create below requirements :

1. Prepare the specifications of semi structured extensions to your Database. Minimal Requirements: 3 extensions in data model and 5 operations on XMP data. Each extension of data model should be described with: name, affected relations, the method of storage of XML used i.e. CLOB, XMLType, CHAR. Each description of operations on semi structured data should be described with: name, corresponding SQL operation from workload, tools used for implementation i.e. SAX, DOM, XPATH, XQUERY.

2. Implementation of at least 3 semi structured extensions to data model.

3.Implementation of at least 5 operations on semi structured data. Document the execution times with semi structured extensions.

I created database and I use SQL SERVER 2012. So can any one tell me what should I do for these ?

Plz give me good example and explain me ..thank you .

@Bestodds1 - 19.01.2017 08:00

Thank you so very much for your very clear and understandable examples. They caused me to look at your other playlists and I plan to be watching many, MANY more of your tutorials. Again, thank you!

@krzysztofs8535 - 26.01.2017 12:45

Thank you Venkat. This is next topic i have learned sth new. Keep goin'
I'm going further and further learning SQL with your videos.

@rajinikanth9602 - 24.02.2017 06:44

sir,your class good but one suggestion but the veiw is not clear can you zoom it and show

@josemanuelbarajasgaytan3604 - 28.02.2017 05:17

best course of SQL, thanks man

@salmanabdulkarim1950 - 26.04.2017 16:26

what an explanation , thanks sir <3 <3

@kellyfreet351 - 17.05.2017 00:22

Great examples, keep up the good work!

@brijeshmavani9138 - 27.06.2017 16:51

thankyou venkat it's verry helpfull

@karthik21bharath - 14.08.2017 18:21

You are awesome

@vijaykothawar1818 - 26.09.2017 10:14

Thanks for these videos. Can u make s video on nested subquery?

@aakankshagupta7899 - 25.11.2017 17:12

While writing the second query where we need to find the name and no of quantity sold, why have you used left join?

@youthcollections23 - 30.03.2018 14:09

Sir, I want your database script. So from i would get that?plz....

@ds2244 - 26.06.2018 16:18

amazing videos sir, please keep uploading videos and we will keep watching

@boboz2543 - 16.07.2018 03:14

all your videos are excellent if you release updated versions of your courses on udemy or another site I will buy them guaranteed. I highly recommend his c# videos as well.

@pujakaushal8143 - 09.12.2018 22:40

really this channel have good stuff and SQL concepts.

@igorr4682 - 21.02.2019 06:32

Better example for Sub-query would be to show Total Sales (select Sum(sls) from tblsls) as total and total percentage for each product. This is bit more difficult to achieve with joints Sub-query is pretty handy in that situation

@non-dualist - 01.03.2019 10:25

Awesome!! Good examples.

@RalphNgOfficial - 09.06.2019 16:55

Hi, thanks for sharing. May I know is "Subqueries" the same as "Nested SELECT"?

@StevieMasters - 06.07.2019 20:41

Thanks, good instruction. I recently had an exam and messed this up, but now I get it.

@AdrianJuliusRandall - 10.07.2019 19:00

this was very helpful thank you

@meenakshishukla5265 - 25.08.2019 14:33

Can anyone let me know that in the second example, why didn't he put a group by in sub query, but he put it in join?

@donfeto7636 - 26.09.2019 06:09

var notsaledProducts = db.tblProducts.Select(e => e).Where(e=>e.tblProductSales.Count<=0).ToList();

@ashwinidesai4886 - 24.11.2019 20:01

Really salute sir... I saw ur all vedios... no words .... Verry easy to understand... Verry nicely u have explained all concept.... Easily I can clear interview

@Tgarth99 - 30.11.2019 18:53

You are a very good instructor.

@siddeshbagali13 - 17.01.2020 18:55

awesome content

@mummz3371 - 15.08.2020 13:55

Gets excited when Venkat says "Look at this" 😊

@saisai-yo4nv - 03.11.2020 17:26

Updated test
Create Table tblProducts
Id int ,
Name nvarchar(50),
Description nvarchar(250),

Create Table tblProductSales
Id int ,
ProductId int,
UnitPrice int,
QuantitySold int,
FOREIGN KEY (ProductId) REFERENCES tblProducts(Id)


INSERT INTO tblProducts (Id,Name,Description) values (1,'TV', '52 inch black color LCD TV')
INSERT INTO tblProducts (Id,Name,Description) values (2,'Laptop', 'Very thin black color acer laptop')
INSERT INTO tblProducts (Id,Name,Description) values (3,'Desktop', 'HP high performance desktop')

INSERT INTO tdlproductsales (Id,ProductId,UnitPrice,QuantitySold) values (1,3,450,5);
INSERT INTO tdlproductsales (Id,ProductId,UnitPrice,QuantitySold) values (2,2,250,7);
INSERT INTO tdlproductsales (Id,ProductId,UnitPrice,QuantitySold) values (3,3,450,4);
INSERT INTO tdlproductsales (Id,ProductId,UnitPrice,QuantitySold) values (3,3,450,9);

@rahulberry4806 - 21.12.2020 15:45

just wanted to know which is faster subquery or join.
or it depends on indexing?

@michelchaghoury870 - 09.02.2021 22:12

this playlist is gr8, can you make a SQL server DBA tutorial please we need your help and you are a gr8 teacher and a Xamarin tutorial for beginners will be awesome you are a master when it comes to programming tnx a lot I have learned a lot from you and still

@mr.prasadyadav - 29.03.2021 06:29

You are Magician of SQL SERVER

@nikhilupadhyay8082 - 12.05.2021 00:38

Your videos are helpful even after 8 years. Thank you

@sazzadurrahman7293 - 29.06.2021 06:14

you are the best SQL tutor i have ever had. Keep up the good work

@nammozhi819 - 19.01.2022 05:50

Cleared my interview🙏

@koyyanamanojkumar6758 - 06.02.2022 14:00

Kudos venkat🙏

@swindersingh3280 - 17.03.2022 19:06


@aziserak4743 - 29.04.2022 02:51

you are the best teacher

@nan-syphotographsmemories2051 - 07.04.2023 20:34

I am using not exists or exists, got to try IN.

@cscdesk6109 - 05.02.2024 05:28

you are awesome teacher

@cscdesk6109 - 05.02.2024 05:29

you made this tutorial 11 years ago🙃

@maskanist - 06.02.2024 18:45

Hello Sir.

Thank you so much for the utmost informative lessons & brilliant teaching method. I am following you since long and honestly, I learned and still learning SQL from your lessons.

Thank you so much for this unique lessons and teaching method & I recommend your channel as best place for learning SQL🌟💯⭐.

Lots of love and respect from Kabul, Afghanistan.❤🙏

@ABHISHEKSHARMA-zd2on - 30.01.2025 12:01

Even though the video is posted 12 years ago, the examples that you take to explain are way too complicated to understand for somebody who is learning sql for the first time. Most of the time I forget about the objective of the topic and waste my time understanding what operation you are performing to get what idk.

@be-yo-nd-all2637 - 06.06.2016 00:06

I appreciate your efforts in preparing and uploading these videos which i found very helpful and very explanatory. I get excited to watch the videos and try the syntaxs. Thank you Venkat, keep uploading such invaluable videos. If you can make videos that can help in tackling the microsoft certification preparation topics, that would be great.
