please subbed the continue.....i alredy watch it but idont understand it.....
Ответитьplease sub the rest! how did Da Tou get in on it? thx for the subs.
ОтветитьHaha... I'm with Xiao Zhu! There wasn't anything to get really angry about... I'd be confused too if I was one of the guests! But this is so funny... these two are priceless!
ОтветитьThank you so much for the subs! Now I can watch, laugh, and understand : D
ОтветитьXaio Zhu, when he looked angry...was really really really scary!!!!
ОтветитьLol Show is so paranoid
Ответитьlol! so funny. but show was scary when he got angry.
Ответитьhe looked acary because we're not used to seeing him like this... he's always smiling, joking around....
ОтветитьShow is so paranoid LOL. I kept laughing because I knew it was a prank, but the glass shattering was like "whoa!". Didn't expect that. And I felt bad for that girl who wanted to cry :p
ОтветитьI would immediately start laughing. Good job for them holding it in. I can't prank people like that :P
ОтветитьIf it wasn't for the title, I would have definitely fell for it. Xiao Zhu and Xiao Gui are the best. I was laughing because i knew it was a joke, but for them...WOW! But if i was in that situation, i would probably cry because i hate conflict. Xiao Zhu is really scary...which means he acted well.
Ответитьrest of april fool's special at mysticalbluebird's channel!
ОтветитьTHEY ACT SO GOOD! im surprised they didn't laugh xD
Ответитьwow that was awesome i loved it!!
ОтветитьIf you didn't say that it's a prank, I could've fell for it. DANG! They're good.
ОтветитьOh god!! XZ is so good at acting, i almost thought he was for reals!
ОтветитьHow on earth did they pull this off without cracking up??? I know its a prank, but if I had been there, I would hav ethought it was real
ОтветитьPoor Xiao Gui, he really is innocent. <3 And you can see Xiao Zhu really is a good actor. xD
Ответитьomg such good actors! ahaha XD dang the breaking the prop thing was good omg! so dramatic! awesome haha!
ОтветитьThey were real good, and Alien, soo innocent <3
Ответить"so into it" JOKE MAN!
Ответитьi tot wtf was happening... shit... april fool...
ОтветитьXiao zhu is so pro actor material <3
Ответитьwow at first i thought the glass breaking was just a sound affect...but it was real...they are REALLY good at acting xD
ОтветитьWas the girl in blue jacket who went to talk to Xiao Gui Xiao Shuang (Show's manager)?
ОтветитьU 2 r awesome teammates
ОтветитьI would have been just like the girls... like nothing has happened... But if those two would really gotten into a fight.. I would have gone between them and stop it. (i have done that before...I mean..gone between two guy because they started to fight...scream to them a little bit..and surely they calmed down)
Ответитьaw you shouldn't spoil it on the title~ evanthough I know it's fake from the beginning, I'd hate to see Show angry ><
Ответитьwow hes smart lol
Ответитьwhr is the next part? 下半段怎么找不到了?
Ответитьhere : watch?v=6SUeZHn0IcU&feature=channel&list=UL
Ответитьmissing both of them <3<3<3
Ответитьasssssssstig!! show!!!1
Ответить小豬很入戲喔 :3
Ответитьhey when will part 2 come out, i need the subs ! Around how long.. This is really funny, i want to see more!@!
ОтветитьI was watching it and I started freaking out because I thought it was real. Then I remembered what the title was and relaxed.
ОтветитьXiao Gui takes Xiao Zhu as his good friend So even when Xiao Zhu angry, Xiao Gui still tries his best not to fight and quarrel with him...