10 BEST ADC Tips for SEASON 12 - INSTANTLY CARRY Your Games - LoL Guide

10 BEST ADC Tips for SEASON 12 - INSTANTLY CARRY Your Games - LoL Guide

GameLeap LoL Challenger Guides

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@MrBubblecake - 26.12.2022 15:18

I agree with every tip other than “And if your support is constantly feeding, that’s actually your fault, because you’re not telling him what to do”
I know it’s become a trend in this game to blame the ADC but when you start suggesting the ADC is in the wrong for not telling his teammates how to play their roles, you’re officially jumping the ship 😂

@faghat6454 - 21.06.2022 17:26

after adc become fucked riot now think we need learn how can play adc? to many adc main left this lane for play top or mid no need teach need fix it adc need more dmg for early game, letarity varus mf draven and sivir is trash sivir and varus become robot champ game play become 0 now swain is adc ziggs veigar and karthus to all games after 2 item become end this season and after 3 or 4 item adc have good dmg how this work? infinity edge is ussles item this season 3400 gold for what? serylda to 99% slow dmg become to 30 % ok 99 % is to high but 30 % and 3400 gold for what? tris is ussles champ this season build colector and gealforce to another trash idea for tris just one game become lucky and take 25 kill for tris if u think u are winer game your head is to empty but if vlad got 6 kill riven camile yone game become end just dont play need team fight for kill yone enemy have team to adc need fix no teach

@quincyfellows2636 - 31.05.2022 01:05

Thanks 🙏🏿

@snaves9217 - 29.04.2022 10:39

Anyone else tilted we didn’t get to see if renekton died at the end

@dead9580 - 15.04.2022 18:24

“Caitlyn who has the biggest range in the game”
Enter level 17 trist, Jinx with at least 3 points in q, senna with at least 60 stacks.

@tellmewhenitsover - 22.03.2022 09:35

1: uninstall
2-10: play mid or jg

@mmGsix - 12.03.2022 13:39

Jesus, the ammount of supports I see that "afk and auto attack", they litterally seem AFKing but they keep auto attacking minions, one dies they aa the next one.

please for the love of god, WHY.
I tilt even when I think about it.

@ollep0lle - 06.02.2022 01:06


@flamingdelta9853 - 03.02.2022 23:33

Adc is the easiest role, mid is the hardest

@richpete - 31.01.2022 16:04

Playing with unlocked cam is the one that I struggle with the most. I've just returned back to LoL and I've always been a jungle main but want to play ADC. I've played for 10 years or so off and on and it just feels so weird to me playing with an unlocked cam

@bowmanator - 18.01.2022 19:03

Thoughts on attack move left click instead of A key?

@NamNguyen-lg3gr - 14.01.2022 06:41

Best Advice. Dont play ADC until bot lane gets buffed

@abradkadabra1541 - 07.01.2022 15:49

0/2/2 Zed laughs

@quiz4624 - 06.01.2022 07:09

Thoughts on Syndra Bot?

@juderivera3470 - 28.12.2021 14:01

legacy cursor number 1

@dkdodbs359 - 25.12.2021 10:57

Ad carry is the easiest role to play because you just press right mouse button or download an autoclicker.

@sahelanthropus4991 - 25.12.2021 10:38

Watch their next video about the item changes. Now the most important tip of playing ADC - don't. Go Jhin or Caitlyn with Galeforce, otherwise go APC or double support.

@MsDrogba92 - 24.12.2021 16:54

As a 1 million Draven main player I use most of these tips a long time ago. You forget to mention stutter-stepping for adc players

@sololeveling7390 - 24.12.2021 14:24

Typing for them to shove takes too long. I always try to ping them if i need them to help me shove, but they just do not get it. Asking things in which they dont know how to respond can even tilt them some times. I usually just accept my fate and b.

@mavvdeus - 24.12.2021 11:31

These tips helped me to get to S4. Thanks 👍

@catnip_addict_raccoon - 24.12.2021 09:23

I got heavy trigger with this sup part. Is this some high elo guide? i try adc after long time supporting and i cant expect 90% of my sups to push when i ask them and ping. They do tho blind push when want to proc relic.

@tarkhna - 24.12.2021 07:45

The way janna stole the pentakill 😭

@vizimanoyy - 24.12.2021 04:37

