Galaxy S7 vs iPhone 6S - Speed Test Comparison

Galaxy S7 vs iPhone 6S - Speed Test Comparison

C4ETech English

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@nbhd996 - 15.03.2016 18:28

I like samsung galaxy S7

@AMIR-ez3ww - 16.03.2016 05:44

I love samsung

@michaelsoon57 - 17.03.2016 09:16

Can you put side by side for speed test.... more fair I guess!!

@sarthaktalwar6471 - 17.03.2016 10:48

Well 4sec dont even matter. But what i miss on ios is torrent and itunes is sometimes a crap when in android you can add songs directly.

@amit621311 - 18.03.2016 08:23

RAM Management is the biggest issue with MI phones. I don't understand is it with MIUI or its hardware

@antonijoivcic7383 - 18.03.2016 13:59

iphone 6s display is HD and galaxy s7 2k!!

@kevalparkar6558 - 19.03.2016 08:59

Apple sucks !!!

@kevalparkar6558 - 19.03.2016 09:01

thanks for this comparison!!!Do make a in depth comparison between these two and final opinion which one to be bought please !!! Ash you make that video

@AlexisPunch - 19.03.2016 13:08

Did you noticed that the iPhone take 3 Live Photos so fast??? And to the guys saying "resolution helped the iPhone" remember iPhone is only 2cores and 2 gb of ram, Galaxy s7 is 8 cores and 4 gb of ram, stop crying fanboys, iPhone 6plus still beat Galaxy s7 and is 1080p. So shut up fucking fandroids

@harshitking12 - 20.03.2016 15:32

yr sabhi ajj kl ncs ka background music he kyu lg rahe hai ????

@q8abdullah81 - 22.03.2016 09:44


@cdcccdcc1286 - 22.03.2016 09:59

this video was so irritating. the test hurt my eyes while I was trying to keep up with both phones specially after the speed was increased.

@keenanwilson3454 - 22.03.2016 17:42

i like apple better but it looks like he is clicking the apps a lot faster on the 6s

@gwangsuzumiya1485 - 25.03.2016 04:03

if Samsung using ios 8 core and 4gbram. iPhone will be hurt

@dandelioncn3407 - 29.03.2016 07:36


@amanbiwalkar - 01.04.2016 00:00

Being a tech channel u should know that pushing a lot more pixels is not an excuse because it has twice the Ram and cores than iphone.

@manavtalreja4324 - 06.04.2016 14:29

I think its embarrassing that the android world suck in games compared to iOS. It dosent matter if Samsung or another android device put 100GB ram, or 60GHz 32cores, it will still suck compared to iPhone gaming.

Anyway thanks for the video its not your fault!!?

@prithviramesh4007 - 19.04.2016 05:21

Fingerprint test s7 vs nexus 6p vs iPhone 6s

@rumzywarrad7918 - 19.04.2016 22:10

the most put together and composed review I have ever seen, subscribing

@PoodiePieNasro - 20.04.2016 19:42

there is a different between google play music and imusic

@KarthikSoun - 24.04.2016 20:07

Sundar, your reviews are killer... after watching 8 hours of phone reviews I stumbled into your page... this speed test is exactly how it should be done.. however hardware specs like drop test and water test is also needed. My I phone 5s keeps getting moisture inside it's screen when I sweat in summer. So I need to know which phone hardware could take our INDIAN climate.. cheers.

@abdulnavid216 - 26.04.2016 20:09

don't forget that S7 has 2k screen resolution here,

@abdulnavid216 - 26.04.2016 20:10

here I phone 6s is just 750 resolution

@painpeace3619 - 12.05.2016 18:27

His talking style is awesome

@kartikeygautam4225 - 16.06.2016 07:06

Sundar plz do a speed test again between s7 edge and iPhone 6s now plz

@rajdeeppal5653 - 16.06.2016 11:37

The iPhone is just 2 Gb ram and DUAL CORE ...and its still holds in speed test with the mighty S7 ...

@RankaNikunj - 17.06.2016 09:33

s7 the way faster as we all know that its Qhd vs 720p. So the time gaps should be more, but the gaps is of only 10 seconds. Hats off S7(The Best)

@jaypathak2658 - 17.06.2016 13:17

Can we have S7 speed and camera comparision with iPhone SE?

@3vChava - 17.06.2016 17:37

iPhones slightly better gpu and lower res helped it once it got to games Gs7 couldnt keep up

@leandsz693 - 18.06.2016 21:13

which varient of s7 is this

@aatirzafar - 20.06.2016 20:39

Everyone keeps talking about the fact that s7 has to push twice as many pixels as compared to 6s but no one takes this in account that s7 also possess 4GB Ram and Quadcore processor. So, please cut the crap about the screen resolution!

@parthrudakia3559 - 22.06.2016 15:38

Hey C4Etech! Does Touchwiz lag or slow down after months of use? What would you suggest iPhone 6S 64GB or S7 Edge? Performance is my priority. If the performance is down bcoz of Display, Is it worth it or acceptable for S7 Edge?

@carlosmiguel4756 - 02.07.2016 19:34

The S7 came out in March 2016, the real adversary will be the iPhone 7 coming out in September. Then do a speedtest and we'll see.
Also it's nothing to do with S7 pushing more pixels when opening games or apps, the iphone is faster because it's storage uses Nand NvMe pci-express, much faster than UFS 2.0 on the S7. Check Anandtech review to see.

@Giselle1272 - 31.07.2016 12:16

the iPhone 6s side screen is clearly sped up cause he started that one b4 the s7 and he preloaded them because my friends iPhone is never that fast

@af5772 - 02.08.2016 22:33

+C4ETech in the s7 edge vs one plu 3 the s7 esge had a time of 1 35 so it actually won

@A99YearOld - 12.08.2016 10:58

If you are so concerned with the pixels why didn't you compare the S7 with the 1080p 6S Plus to check if you're right?

@ricog8209 - 14.08.2016 03:47

samsung loses almost every shit on this site. I wonder why.

@lukasbuttner3531 - 26.08.2016 20:54

you have the s7 version with the Qualcomm chip?

@rahul2000 - 28.08.2016 20:32

what to chose s7 or iphone 6s

@Einstein-eq7tc - 07.09.2016 01:23

A person may prefer IOS and the way iPhone works but in general the S7 has (in day to day usage) the same speed as the iPhone 6s with a much higher resolution, better camera, IP68 water and dust resistance, heart rate sensor, Micro SD card expansion and much higher customization options thus is the best phone.

@iudhqjd - 01.10.2016 11:45

Can we have speed comparison without games.. I mean a lot of users don't care about game load up times .. just basic and most popular app speed comparison please ..

@tuliomelo8042 - 24.11.2016 18:55

iphone 6s AND iphone 7 they are better than this trash

@randomuser_2704 - 03.03.2017 19:22

the exynos version of the s7 is much better and the ram management is also fabulous..

@hellolife1241 - 27.07.2017 08:36

screen resolution has nothing to do with spped.. even if you turn the res on s7 edge to 1080p.. the speed remains the same

@Sesyrity - 03.08.2017 23:35

start test betery 6s 27% s7 53% ending test 6s 19% s7 50 %
7s 3% vs 6s 8%

@davout5775 - 22.08.2017 14:53

s7 - screen resolution s6 slower animations older processor and less ram so stop complain about that resolution plz

@9931490104 - 24.09.2017 10:36

mere paas apple iphone 7👍

@yooonoway - 06.03.2018 01:57

well tbh 6s is better in games and galaxy is better in other things they are both great

@indiaisthemotherofterroris2671 - 30.07.2018 12:20

You can't compare S7 with iphone 6s or iphone 6s with s7 both are different chipsets, S7 has more than double pixels than 6s, double RAM, Powerful chipset,Powerful GPU, Powerful camera with dual pixels the only differnce is in software ios is smooth software than android and apps of ios are optimized thats y ios is beat android.
