My Mugen Roster As Of:  10/18/2011

My Mugen Roster As Of: 10/18/2011

Jimp Argon

12 лет назад

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Jimp Argon
Jimp Argon - 18.10.2011 23:27

@ZioIsPwnzor Some lol, but not all. I admit. I could go without some of the shittier ones. But I will wait till 1.0 is fully conpatable with older winmugen creations. And if that day never comes. Then fuck it.... I don't care either way.

Zio - 18.10.2011 22:59

@jimpargon Maybe because those creations were shite?

Jimp Argon
Jimp Argon - 18.10.2011 22:58

@ZioIsPwnzor Honestly.... Its cause I know it has problems with some older winmugen creations. And I cannot have that.

Jimp Argon
Jimp Argon - 18.10.2011 14:31

@ReigiOzora18 The one in this video is not 1.0 But I do have it converted by Phantom to work in 1.0. I will send you the link.

ReigiOzora18 - 18.10.2011 14:25

wow dats 2 much 4 me....can i have dat 1.0 screenpack?
