Microsoft Flight Simulator - Sim Update 5 Performance Comparison - Before and After

Microsoft Flight Simulator - Sim Update 5 Performance Comparison - Before and After


2 года назад

42,529 Просмотров

Sim Update 5 for Microsoft Flight Simulator included some big performance improvements. Here I compare both before and after the update in a variety of locations. The update also seems have have caused MSFS a number of issues, some including crashes, bugs as well as some potential visual issues.

Microsoft Flight Simulator hotfix has also been released, to correct some of the problems.

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Microsoft Flight Simulator

Digital Foundry Settings

PC Build
RTX 3080, Ryzen 7 5800X, 32gb RAM

Epidemic Sound

#MicrosoftFlightSimulator #Xbox #SeriesX


#Microsoft_Flight_Simulator #Microsoft_Flight_Simulator_2020 #Flight_Simulator_2020 #Flight_Simulator #Airplane_Simulator #Flight_Simulation #Flying_Game #Flying_Simulator #Dynamic_Weather #Full_Scale_World #Simulated_World #Simulated_Earth #Microsoft #Asobo_Studio #Xbox #Series_X #Series_S
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ZeeC - 18.09.2021 09:25

you sound like the DF guy.

SCORPION FIRE - 30.08.2021 19:14

I'm depressed

Mark - 25.08.2021 05:52

It’s abundantly clear the visuals are downgraded. Such a shame.

j3gm0194 - 20.08.2021 02:15

For clarity please also add to the comparison a popped out G1000. It is important to know that the FPS will drop in the stuttering low 20s. Very important for G1000 owners and a warning for potential buyers.

chaingunner60 - 13.08.2021 00:31

This is my opinion only but maybe I'm not the only one thinking this? I spent £3800 on a new computer to run this software and after the initial wow factor of the mapping and graphics, boy what a disappointment this game has been. One year later and we still have very few study level aircraft, constant hotfixes which break something else and now graphics downgrades to accommodate xbox users. I refuse to call this a Flight Simulator anymore, it's now shown its true colours as a console game. Roll on X-Plane 12, I wish I'd never bought this. This is my opinion only and I do not speak for anyone but myself.

Mike - 08.08.2021 23:09

I got no FPS gain after downloading sim update 5; it is the same as always. Can somebody please tell me what I did wrong! I’m quite upset

404notfound - 06.08.2021 19:52

Jup they downgraded the sim quite a bit.. the trees look blurry. And grass isn't even there anymore In most places.. the ground textures look much worse than before

SolarisOne - 05.08.2021 17:59

Still looks better than FSX.

Paulo Santos
Paulo Santos - 04.08.2021 19:34

So far for update 5 is not working for because in VR still performace so poor end disaster in VR .Best game simulator in VR is Aerofly fs2 nice end smooth.

cbcdesign001 - 04.08.2021 16:00

You didn't notice the popping because it wasn't happening before SU5.

epos79 - 03.08.2021 18:00

who cares about frames, if it's smooth, it's all good. gone are the old days of FSX slide shows.... the mire optimization the bette rof course, it only can get better now! unfortunately the draw distance has been dumbed down significantly due to XBOX, just a fact....

Peter Zinn
Peter Zinn - 03.08.2021 10:22

After the upgrade to Verizon 5 I immediately noticed that the loading times, the frame rates were a lot faster and improved on my mid range old PC.
Here's the but, I immediately saw that the quality and clarity of the graphics, such as buildings, tree's etc had degraded. Blurry. The brightness is also to bright. The contrast is to low.
I knew immediately that Microsoft made a sacrifice by dumming down the graphic quality for improved frame rates. Simple as that, even though they deny that. Yea right. It's all about money, and profits to sell lots of Xbox's and software. But it isn't fair on the PC users after selling this flight sim for its amazing quality graphics, is it.
They must make a separate setting in options for PC users with high end PC's. So they can get their high quality clouds, trees, buildings etc back again. It all about profits and sales I am afraid .

Eduardo Santos
Eduardo Santos - 03.08.2021 05:11

It was the worst stupidity for microsoft to have hired this asobo studio to make the flight simulator! In addition to delivering an unfinished game, for every 1 thing fixed, they manage to ruin two!!!! This latest update simply made my game unusable!!! I want my money back! I bought a game and don't make any mistakes that you love and it doesn't work anymore!!!!!

Tido - 02.08.2021 18:33

German magazine was talking about 70% better performance. I see 6 FPS more

BigDawg Cleveland
BigDawg Cleveland - 02.08.2021 18:07

In this update they did do a performance update! Only PROBLEM is: buttons and features stop responding!!! Flying to one airport is OK, but set up a second route, and the buttons stop responding??? Can not make changes in the H135 Like changing from map to Eng etc... the longer one flies, the worse it becomes. I have a RTX 2070 Super and 32GB ram?

Michel Berube
Michel Berube - 02.08.2021 16:24

What utility do you use to measure system performance? Thx

Bigdaddy - 02.08.2021 16:20

How about the ground textures up close? I've only ever played in 1080p. Pre update I was getting 30-40 with everything max, after the update 60-70. Even though it's butter smooth, it just doesn't seem to look as good. And I sure as hell can't remember the ground textures being like a 0.1 mp photo blown up to thel size of a football field. It's a massive eye sore.

VR Flight Sim Guy
VR Flight Sim Guy - 02.08.2021 14:19

Great video thankyou

HybridNz - 02.08.2021 14:00

There is massive colour pallette compression. Take a look at the before and after of the sky / clouds and the color banding artifacts that have now been introduced.

Nathan Brown
Nathan Brown - 02.08.2021 13:14

I haven't played for months but the popin was harsh before with everything maxxed out on a 3080. Looks no different from your video. I dont think they have changed the LOD to be honest.

Katie M
Katie M - 02.08.2021 12:52

I haven't experienced a lot of the issues that other people are experiencing, my sim has been running pretty damn smoothly. I've had maybe 2 CTD, but that was with custom liveries, once i switched back to default liveries, things have been fine. I did do a completely fresh install of the sim when SU5 came out, so that might have made a big difference with the reliability of the sim.

Ray Nibbs
Ray Nibbs - 02.08.2021 10:29

Measure it with DEVELOPER MODE OS.... comon... Man....

Conor Thornton
Conor Thornton - 02.08.2021 05:48

If you'll notice, a game was released yesterday for PC and Xbox called the Ascent. There is a ongoing issue that the game pass version of the game, doesn't have the same graphical options that are on the Steam version of the game. Reason? Windows dream is to have the same games run on Xbox and PC. As in, the same versions of the game. Obviously this is silly. We didn't pay $2,000 for 8GB of extra VRAM for nothing. But, Microsoft is indeed pushing it. Why have one version of a game have Ray-Tracing and DLSS and the other not? Both are PC games? Because they want this new game pass ecosystem to be streamlined and seamless. Play the same game on Xbox and PC, there was always going to be the lower common denominator. This issue is going to become more and more common. Its a hit and miss, because some of the older PC's out there, are slower than Xbox Series X, which supposedly has a GPU that is slightly faster than a RTX 2080 Super. We'll see what happens. Ultimately, I think it should be up to the player to decide. Give us all the options.

Scars of Europe
Scars of Europe - 01.08.2021 21:59

The update just fucked up the complete user interface of the game, everything is so wierd now.

Topfiful - 01.08.2021 20:48

Need help to toggle the spoilers on Eurofighter Typhoon after the update. I can find the button for closing it, but not open it. Using T.16000M FCS Hotas Flight. Someone know how?

SBS - 01.08.2021 19:08

I have an rtx3080 and I have to watch the graphics load in front of me on the flight, it's horrible, it lost realism

Oliver Morales
Oliver Morales - 01.08.2021 17:50

I also noticed it, I think they gave us the console version on PC, after the update there were many things that annoyed me, and I also noticed the graphic donwgrade.

Stuart Warren
Stuart Warren - 01.08.2021 17:23

Worked yesterday...won't load today stuck on the 'Rhino ' load page with the community folder emptied...what's going on!!!??

The Toppat Channel
The Toppat Channel - 01.08.2021 17:13

I want this game soo bar but I'm only 12 and I don't have 50+ pounds

Gordon Ramsay made himself cry
Gordon Ramsay made himself cry - 01.08.2021 09:08

30 second to a minute clips for a before and after is waaay too long, especially with no side to side...

trace mitchell
trace mitchell - 01.08.2021 07:03

anyone else having a problem where they cant even find the mandatory download from the store

Adam1 - 01.08.2021 05:14

Anyone knows how to save Flt and pln together ? Because everytime it load my flight the pln is not there?

Unknown Person
Unknown Person - 01.08.2021 04:50

Have you considered checking out starbase?

GokouZWAR - 01.08.2021 04:46

What about VR performance? Was there any improvement for that?

Darth Melbius
Darth Melbius - 01.08.2021 03:22

Forget the performance. The rest of this Xbox game is now a shitshow.

Dale - 01.08.2021 02:43

I'm going to be trying this out on my 960m laptop with an i7 6700hq and 16gb RAM. Hoping it has better results than last year!

John Sergeant
John Sergeant - 01.08.2021 01:47

SettinG terrain LOD to 2.5 un the cfg file brings the low res threshold up to FL400 much better!

A C - 01.08.2021 01:03

This is great for gamers on a budget but I do feel for the PC players who really want to use this Sim as a technical showcase.

MAJOR CLANGER - 01.08.2021 00:33

dEAR , oBSIDIAN aNT , GREAT stuff , I,ve got MSFS 2020 on steam, where do i get the Hot fix please , as the SIM is totaly unflyable.

schlumpf Olchi
schlumpf Olchi - 01.08.2021 00:29

the clowds where better before...

Lulzwhat - 01.08.2021 00:28

MSFS working better in 4k than Elite in 1080p. What a joke...

James M
James M - 01.08.2021 00:22

Definitely helped as I took that rendering slider and slid it to 6K now and still achieve 60fps on ultra settings maxed out in 4K with a 3090. I did notice RAM usage went down though as it's not using 25 to 30 GB of RAM.

Andrew Ferry
Andrew Ferry - 01.08.2021 00:18

The FS community need to demand a separate version fo PC. All that awesome PC hardware on the horizon and we wont be able to make use of it....Its a sad day.

Andrew Ferry
Andrew Ferry - 01.08.2021 00:16

Its pretty bloody obvious between your comparisons that half of the objects inc vegetation and buildings in the distance disappear in the SU5 version. Asobo have just ruined MSFS on behalf of the XBOX, Damn them!!!

Andrew Ferry
Andrew Ferry - 01.08.2021 00:12

Potentially scandalous statement form an un verified source. I hope its wrong for all our sakes..." No Addons above 2GB in size after loading in the Sim will work properly and will crash the system, MS and ASOBO have restricted the FS in update 5 to 6GB of Memory so it runs on the XBOX. To do this they have severly reduced the PC versions FOV and graphics and set a memory hard Limit to 6GB Memory and 6GB Video despite your own Config Mem and Video Card Size. The FPS may be quicker as they have narrowed the Field of View to front facing only as well, Whatever settings and textures you set or load you only have 6GB to squeeze it in to. Please do not delete this as it is important for all PC FS2020 uses to know the Sim is now downgraded and restricted so XBOX runs better than a PC."

Nick Pyecroft
Nick Pyecroft - 31.07.2021 23:50

it looks utter garbage now....shame. There is a massive downgrade it's ridiculous .

Brave Heart
Brave Heart - 31.07.2021 23:21

ANT! I just saw your voice pack for Star Citizen :P No offense but I'll be sticking with Alix for now :P

Ahmad Carlos
Ahmad Carlos - 31.07.2021 22:20

This simulation is epic. I don't think we should call this a "game".
