API Security: Best Practices

API Security: Best Practices

93 Просмотров

How to Secure APIs and mitigate it from common attacks such as SQL Injection, DDoS, XSS, MITM. Also the video shows how to use API Gateway and WAF gates to help secure APIs. The video describes escalation privileges that can results in more extended attacks on Databases and Infrastructures. Securing API is discussed in the context of Vulnerabilities, Attack Surfaces and Attack Vectors. The video also illustrates the Top 10 Best practices for securing APIs which includes.

Top 10
1. Prioritizing Security.
2. Inventorying, Scanning and Managing APIs.
3. Using Authentication and Authorization (OAuth+OIDC).
4. Using the rule of Least Privilege.
5. Encrypting APIs payloads with TLS.
6. Validating Input
7. Rate Limiting API Connections
8. Use a WAF Gateway to inspect API payloads for OWASP Top 10
9. Don/t expose more/confidential Data
10. Use API Gateways
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