Do girls like giving footjobs?

Do girls like giving footjobs?


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Foot Whisperer
Foot Whisperer - 21.11.2023 04:08

This is such a waste of time these woman doesn't understand the question, and the guy lack the communication skills to explain that ITS TO THE GUY, NOT DONE ON THEM! He explained it once but not enough so the women understood! DAM! Such a wasted opportunity due to bad communication skills. Ask a woman who is wearing sexy open toed high heels, and you'll get a totally different attitude and answers

Thomas C
Thomas C - 18.11.2023 23:28

these bimbos are so artificial as to be sickening!

alex banks
alex banks - 18.11.2023 13:56

I love getting foot jobs but it is difficult to get random or should I say girls you don’t have a relationship with to do them one they don’t really do anything for the woman two like the one lady said they are hard work because it’s not a skill practiced in any way shape or form in regular life so all the muscles involved are untrained and under utilized. Three it’s awkward in addition it places the female further away from the guy so it feels less intimate as well as making the girl feel as if she’s being watched. Hence why it’s easier if you have a relationship and she is comfortable with you and herself around you. Feet also get a bad reputation they are seen as dirty. Though hands would be dirtier in most cases since the come in contact with more things on a daily basis in places where shoes are the norm. It has always amazed me that it’s easier to get a blowjob from the average woman then a footjob. I’m mean logically a footjob has less chance of passing a disease it’s also less personal and if the guy turns out to be a prick it’s hard to throw it in your face in an argument. What’s he going to say “that’s why you were giving me a foot job” or “that’s why I had my dick on your feet” does not quit have the same sting as that why you gave me a blowjob.

mR_m1sch13f - 14.11.2023 04:10

Only ugly feet girls don't like it. The reason most hate feet is bc they have ugly feet. Bottom line.

Dom John
Dom John - 10.11.2023 03:29

Good. I know what girls to avoid lol. They sure couldn't answer the question. They all gave me weird "is this a trick question" or "I have to impress the girls" or "I have to like, whatever the hottest celebrities like....only if its popular(fomo)," vibes. They are entitled to their own opinions but, I can't stand people who cant think for themselves. Half of the ones who said it was gross, didn't even seem like they were against it. Maybe it was the setting. Idk. Ive seen these type of videos before, and am always entertained....these women (though they were beautifu), seemed dull and prude though. On a positive note: it takes balls to approach women with such a question, so I give the guy mad respect. And respect to ALL of the women, for not being rude

I Know
I Know - 09.11.2023 06:47

I think most of them are lying atleast MOST girl ive gotten to do feet stuff with me says "no its weird they not gonna like that" but they will still give me one. 😊

Mihai-Alexandru Preda
Mihai-Alexandru Preda - 07.11.2023 12:42

I asked every woman which i've been in a relationship with to give me a footjob,trample me and even kick me in the balls. None of them said no. It was weird for some of them im the beginning but they got used to it and even becoming to like it.

Marek - 23.10.2023 06:43

the video nicely shows how most women take care of their feet when they find out it is disgusting :D

A. C.
A. C. - 25.09.2023 11:25

If your gf/wife doesn't do it, tell her you're going to pay a dominatrix to get one.

MrDamien1963 - 20.09.2023 08:28

If women's feet are disgusting, why do they spend so much time and money on pedicures, and high heels? Especially open toe sandals. They are not usually trying to impress themselves or other women.

azhomeboy2000 - 05.09.2023 17:54

I'm sure these girls hands have been on much dirtier things than feet.

XSirApocalypseX - 31.08.2023 16:08

It looks like that most of the women did not understand the question. Seems that they think that the man is giving them a footjob - but the question was do they like to give a man/their friend a footjob. Male feet are gross, but female feet, if they are cared well, are nice.
I can imagine that many women per se do not really like to give it without anything else. A footjob is a "real job" and hard work for a woman to make the guy cum - it's a workout. There is no sexual stimulation for the woman. I can imagine that most women would do a footjob during sexual intercourse or when they also get sexually satisfied by Cunnilingus or something.

Adg 87
Adg 87 - 31.08.2023 00:45

The disgust that they're exhibiting makes me think they dont understand what a footjob is. 😂

Ryan's Channel
Ryan's Channel - 29.08.2023 23:50

Does anyone here know who the women in the thumbnail are?

csowner20 - 29.08.2023 00:37

I guarantee these girls also get pedicures and wear heels in public too 😆😆 since feet are “gross” why do they get them all done up and show them off? They capping for sure, they just don’t want to be looked at as weird on camera.

Gurnett - 17.08.2023 16:29

Don’t believe me, but when I was in 8th grade, I asked my hot science teacher for one and she gave it to me while recess was going on in one of the back rooms. I recorded it aswell, prettt sure I still got it

Remo Brown
Remo Brown - 17.08.2023 11:59

Most people that say that they "hate" feet are the most closeted foot freaks.

Matt Demo
Matt Demo - 12.08.2023 01:20

🔥That one chick thinks a foot-job is a
"step too far" and "can't stand for it"😂👌🏽🔥

Weeknd Scratcher 🍺
Weeknd Scratcher 🍺 - 06.08.2023 00:55

I don’t think they understand what he’s asking them 😂

argsgsgs gnngndg
argsgsgs gnngndg - 31.07.2023 01:51

Well, you don't have to be into hands to give a guy a handjob...weird logic here but then again, women...

OJ McClanahan
OJ McClanahan - 27.07.2023 14:54

This is one of the saddest videos I've ever see. I just don't get it. More than willing to take a throat full of man milk, but they think feet are gross? What the fuck's wrong with people?

Anonymous65 - 20.07.2023 07:08

They don’t even know what one is. A foot job is like a handjob but with feet.

Frederic Huot
Frederic Huot - 14.07.2023 13:32

Not open girl

Huey Freeman
Huey Freeman - 08.07.2023 20:18

Talk about stupid, they would rather give a guy a blowjob than a foot job?

UnPHadaBle RESILIENCE Records&Film Broadcast SHOW!
UnPHadaBle RESILIENCE Records&Film Broadcast SHOW! - 27.06.2023 18:43

Best love, & sex come from women that love men with foot fetishes.

Sami Rh
Sami Rh - 14.06.2023 04:49

Damn! This video made me sad. What’s wrong with liking feet? 😢

Kiara Ramenburg
Kiara Ramenburg - 10.06.2023 14:49

I mostly see women who have ugly calloused, rough soles and bunions, while men have uglier toes. But that is not a shame,it is just how feet can be 😄.

Carrol Ruvinda
Carrol Ruvinda - 08.06.2023 11:45

Lasy british 😂😂girls

PRT001 - 06.06.2023 01:44

Soo you would stick the cock of a guy you just met in your mouth with no issue, but wouldnt rub one with your foot...

🌸Victoria Rodriguez🌸
🌸Victoria Rodriguez🌸 - 05.06.2023 04:28

I’ve given my first footjob in March of this year and I gotta say I did enjoy it

Bathing Panda
Bathing Panda - 02.06.2023 00:41

that is why pornstars are still the best

Justice - 01.06.2023 02:13

A lot of these girls are just either not open minded or too ashamed to say admit they like it or would.

Christian G
Christian G - 31.05.2023 17:28

Ehm... they all didn't get the question right! They've thought about the men's feet, didn't they?

Leonard Clements
Leonard Clements - 29.05.2023 05:51

I had many women gave me a foot job I like it & they loved it as long as they pleased me!🙂

Leonard Clements
Leonard Clements - 29.05.2023 05:49

The MAGARITY of these women who doesn't like feet if they get marry their husbands will cheat on them & that's a fact!

D.78 - 19.05.2023 11:00

If these girls say that feet are nasty why expose her feet with open shoes in summer?

Thunderstorm - 14.05.2023 10:03

I'm just going to be real foot fetish are not weird foot fetish is normal non of them girls couldn't be my girlfriend if a girl was to tell me that I cant go near her feet I would break up with her just being real first off feet are not gross u just half to take care of them what just heard on that video I would break up with every last one them girls just being real

wayne tigges
wayne tigges - 06.05.2023 04:57

Hilarious!!! This is gross? I think sticking your thing into something that heavily bleeds every month in clumps is WAY worse!!! HA!!!

American Dissident
American Dissident - 04.05.2023 05:35

The majority of girls will pretend to hate feet and be grossed out, but would be happy to sell pics of their feet, and would give anything for a chance to give a footjob to a chad who has a decent career and his own place.

How does society still call men who like feet “creeps”, it women who sell their feet “strong and empowered”?

Tdrums8 - 09.04.2023 22:08

if its the "right " Guy or there celebrity crush that has $ they all would do it in less than a second ..I dont believe any of them and all the woman i dated loved it

George Schlaline
George Schlaline - 08.04.2023 15:14

Its 6 am Repent

DJ G.O.J. - 05.04.2023 09:49

I wish

nunya bussiness
nunya bussiness - 05.04.2023 04:00

To many vanilla prudes. They probably have nasty ass feet. Haha

Messianic Hebrew Shawn Kawcak
Messianic Hebrew Shawn Kawcak - 31.03.2023 07:21

These women don’t even what a foot job is. You need to explain it to them.

kolo toubas
kolo toubas - 27.03.2023 19:04

What the fat chicks always say "if the guy is really hot" you think you will ever get such a guy?
