Permaculture Design for Wildfire Defense

Permaculture Design for Wildfire Defense

Andrew Millison

2 года назад

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@kevinnolan6316 - 03.12.2022 07:32

Excellent content. Very timely for those of us on the West coast of North America.
Thank you

@ptrainingbytim - 25.12.2022 17:27

Brought to you by weather geoengineering, aka cloudseeding, chemtrails and DEW.

@philliperskine4986 - 28.12.2022 08:41

fog netting catchment is a wonderful thing in dry areas even heavy rocky areas can use fog netting to collect more dew and hydrate an area.

@arbolconrazon4968 - 09.01.2023 16:19

How about blue agave plantations mixed with fig cactus and other succulents? You can use the blue agave to distill Tequila! Just store the Tequila in a place that's save from any fires ;)

@HOHLfmly - 12.01.2023 23:41

Just found you and subscribed. As a Designer I'm Interested in all aspects

@Msmora76 - 19.01.2023 00:26

Hi started watching you yesterday I live of grid in remote rural area in the northeast of spain with severe water problems and am learning such a great deal from your awesome videos !! Thanks so much !!

@cbrashsorensen - 04.02.2023 21:54

This requires some tough landscape design choices and the loss of vegetation but if you plan to remain in a fire-prone area the time and money investment will be important.

@CrossbowRedneck - 05.02.2023 15:05

How do we figure out the more and less desireable locations in the macroscape for fire safety?

@mxtomituck - 07.02.2023 22:19

My understanding is that the fact that trees being the same age is also part of the problem. What are you thoughts on that aspect and how does that fit into recovery after a wildfire? Should new growth be worked enough to add variety to the age of plant life?

@chadcowan6912 - 18.02.2023 19:45

I enjoy all the videos you do and the drawings are superb!
In 2020 my wife and I purchased 8 acres of neglected forest and unused watershed outside of Port Orford Oregon. The land is sloping and southwest facing. Port Orford is known for it's wind, Bigfoot and the Red Fish Marine Reserve - probably in that order.
In the late fall through early summer the creeks flow, but as summer progresses the creeks go underground and the place resembles a dry land area. Water conservation is a reality for many people here.
Fire has been our top concern because we're located outside of the tsunami zone.
The habitat, like so many coastal forests has been disrupted by logging. In our case, what used to be Myrtle groves is now covered with Himalayan Blackberry and other clusterf*cks of invasive, non-native brush.
For the last 20 years I've seen a major increase in wildfires. Rarely a summer goes by without smoke in the air. The sunset in the Rouge Valley can look apocalyptic at times. After loosing all our possessions in the Talent Oregon fire of 2020, the current reality really hit home.
All of the videos you produce are very useful to me. This one especially so. I've got a lot of work to do, but I'm already seeing results. Thanks for the great resource!

@American.Divergent - 20.02.2023 20:02

need someone with this much knowledge to come and design this for a CO Mtn home.

@jeremiahr7585 - 12.03.2023 03:41

I just surrounded my home with a moat.

@RoyZuniga1 - 17.03.2023 06:04

Great advice, thanks!

@michelbedouin3769 - 20.03.2023 17:44

Where I live in Italy specially, near Florence in Tuscany, there are a lot of cypress trees. Cypress trees have been known to have self protection against fire, so it’s something to explore as an extra barrier to slow down fire.

@kinbrisipes8813 - 21.03.2023 14:35

What’s your preference for lining ponds: plastic or clay?

@teaberrywmn - 24.03.2023 03:07

Wow! Great content. My situation is just as you describe as the worst. I live in far Northern California just south of where you are. This area, as you know, has experienced very devastating fires. My home is on the top of a slope surrounded by dense vegetation. I'm attempting to clear ground vegetation and low limbs from pine and oak vegetation. A water storage tank with gravity feed is in my plan. I appreciate your channel and its content. Thank you.

@melvinquinones3328 - 24.03.2023 07:45

I have learned so much from you and your drawings explanations I have actually transformed a piece of desert following your videos... seriously

@spiritinus3365 - 16.04.2023 06:27

About the biochar, I made a system of making biochar with wood and propane, to the point it is safe to make in the house and heat your home. I am not sure how to start it. Would you like to start something with me?

@AntonyGruber-sj4rs - 30.05.2023 12:52

Tanks a lot

@hootboon5323 - 06.06.2023 20:05

yes mah dude but california refuses to do what Texas does and its even dryer over there! environmentalists actually don't understand fires and think its evil. control burns ok!

@leelaloop - 07.06.2023 00:44

Hey dude,
Important topic


The segment that skims biochar is way bunk:

-> Biochar is just normal charcoal added to compost to inoculate it so that soil fungus can network bacterial cultures & byproducts as nutrients to plants, aiding in remediation of soil and supporting biodiversity

If your “biochar” isn’t inoculated, it isn’t biochar! It’s just plain old charcoal that will dry out your soil and kill plants until it gets saturated in a few years or more, then it will eventually be inoculated “biochar” via rain-moistened soil.

Gotta get into compost cultures, dude!

@audreyokamoto9459 - 16.07.2023 20:14

For the hugelkultur barrier covered in dirt, can nul y be buried and mounded over instead?

@dr.reviratempos2336 - 18.07.2023 12:26

Your info is great, however do know climate change is all b.s. by the rich to control the plebs, herd us into smart cities and keep nature pristine for them. It's been 50 years since the Club of Rome. Any change is based on the tons of chemtrails and weather modification materials sprayed on us everyday. Barium, Aluminum (flammable), Strontium, Silver Iodide. Soon they'll try Klimate Lockdowns for "our protection" and to "save the planet" lol. Fear porn and mind control all of it. Stop the psychosis everyone!

@GeorgymonF - 21.07.2023 20:41

Wildifre resistant homes? Just build your house inside of the ground, like into a hill or mountain. Even if the entrance and front yard area catch fire, temperatures inside the ground will always be stable

@SH101-pt9ms - 25.07.2023 00:08

Wonderful presentation! I really appreciate the fact that you mentioned controlled burns to reduce fuel loads. The deprivation of fire from ecosystems is part of what got us into this mess and hopefully people will begin to recognize the value of reintroducing fire in controlled circumstances. In my area (the piedmont of the Eastern coast) fire dependent savannas and prairies used to be the dominant ecosystem before Europeans arrived, and there has been a lot of biodiversity lost from the suppression of fire.

@tasnimfarah6139 - 27.07.2023 13:43

@francoistron3788 - 08.08.2023 23:54

Wonderful, clear and actionnable! Thanks.
I suggest you put a lttle more emphasis on ''fuel mgt'' : removing highly flammable species and favoring fire retardant ones.
Scientific litterature is growing fast in this area ; empiric experience while looking around limits of burn areas and listening to elders and traditionnal knowledge are all available. China has 3000 years of experience.
Happy to chat more thru LinkedIn

@Nphen - 22.08.2023 01:25

This should be mandatory training for land use in the American West, including all of Canada. National forests would be better off as low-impact permaculture farms than unmanaged fire nests. Trying to "protect" forests by removing all farming & forestry, has filled up millions of acres with dry fuel. The gov should offer a homestead plot to anyone who wants to manage the area (100 acres or so), around their granted 20 acres. Granting 20 million acres to a million families (First Nations included) could protect 100 million acres and get it into limited permaculture production, reducing the need for commercial pesticide ag & feedlot animal products.

@valeriesmith9408 - 31.08.2023 17:51

Great information, so glad I watched this. I'll be forwarding to many friends too because I think you're right. We'll see many more fires causing so much damage and people need to think ahead when they are making land and home decisions.

@salihinh - 11.09.2023 09:39

@ProjectKamp Should consider this for your camp!

@Ryanscoolness - 19.09.2023 06:33

… bunker with an O2 supply

@jonathanblum2994 - 25.09.2023 06:23

Do you have any suggestions for an emergency fire bunker? A neighbor in Sonoma, CA, which has seen massive fire storms over the past decade, curried a steel shipping container in the side of a hill (for convenience and lower cost), cleared the immediate area of fuel sources, and placed an oxygen tank in the container with vents out of the container to provide oxygen for people in the bunker and positive pressure to keep out smoke and particulates. Any thoughts?

@Jaylea1010 - 17.10.2023 08:17

Incredibly helpful! I appreciate your teaching and look forward to implementing into the design of my property.

@uribove - 20.11.2023 20:10

What would you suggest if you are at/near the lowest part of a valley? I'd assume the only wildfire that will get you will come from uphill or sideways. Would placing a Hugelkultur between your house and the upward slope be of any help to avoid the wildfire traveling down

EG a house in the south of spain with an olive grove going up the slope and the house at the bottom of the slope. Would a Hugelkultur between the house and the olive grove help? The house is in the north of the land, with the slopes going upwards to the south and the river (which dries up completely i nthe driest period) to the east of the land

@TurboLoveTrain - 21.12.2023 04:51

Oregon is NO LONGER HEAVILY forested: they used to be heavily forested but now are heavily logged.
In BLM land the soil moisture retention is lower and water retaining biomass is significantly less than it ever has been in recorded history.
The timber industry creates forest fires on the west coast and I'm tired of people either down playing it or outright lying about it--especially "experts"
...on top of all this deforestation of the west coast is a major driver of drought in the mid west.

@homesculptor - 24.12.2023 19:05

I've been in N. California for 50 years. All of a sudden, the trees didn't start growing and dropping flammable materials on the dirt, and then cars really didn't create all the dead limbs and piles of pine needles because these dead flammable piles have been here since dinosaurs really. You have the best permaculture info on the planet! I love it.

I think as equally questionable as that humans have caused the fires to occur through bad ecology, what about economics and organized crime? The first time I saw victims of disaster faced with FEMA and other tax funded cleanup, was during the major floods that occurred a decade ago. What was evident was that there was a superfund distributed to companies. I am sure these companies were lobbyist oriented, and received the funds. What resulted was cleanup and the result of billionaires profiting from disaster relief funds. Wow, organized crime would take advantage of this. To be facetious, would they increase bad ecology to cause massive floods? Could that be possible? Like God and Noah, man, organized criminals, could actually create weather conditions to trigger disaster funds? Is there any evidence that "billionaires" are created from disasters? Well, if you google "Wildfire billionaires," prior to the Maui fire, you would only see a Forbes article about a timber mogal who made "billions" from harvesting wildfire timber for lumber. Yes, from burned trees! Well, the trees do not burn. They are green and wet. I'm a victim of Caldor fire, and I have a saw mill. I make $2500 to $5000 per tree, these burned trees in lumber sales from my own property, 32 acres. The only trees that were not useable are the bark beetle kills. Those beetle trees burned through. The live trees still had pine needles in them: all of them! They were only scorched, and about 10% came back to life green. So, if you drop one match at the backside of a wind pattern, it's amazing that your evidence shows that the fires didn't start on the valley side, but the back east side. Same with Caldor wildfire. In fact, 60 minutes reports the now retired "fire chief" reporting that "USFS obstructed Cal Fire from fighting the fires the night they started, and they grounded water choppers that typically fight fires at night in the most extreme conditions against the pilots objections that it was safe to fight the fires. The USFS let them burn destroying our town and all the way to Tahoe.

Even though the timber industry had all the USFS timber to harvest without the usual hundreds of thousands of dollars of permits and fees, Forbes reports up to "70%" discount on "fees for wildfire harvesting." The general public would probably not be concerned. I never thought that wildfire trees were sold as lumber the same as harvesting live trees. So, really it's diabolically brilliant if it is organized criminals getting someone to set fires. Is this claim outlandish? Well, google "100 firefighters arrested annually for arson." The National Volunteer Firefighter counsel, and others reveal this fact! From unemployed firefighters to fire chiefs are arrested for creating employment opportunity, regardless of the loss of life and property. Now, for those with the head in the sand! Organized crime exists, and the disaster creates a barrier hiding any chance of suspicion of any crime, yet billions of dollars are released with little oversight. The crews were here for months idling equipment with hour meters doing nothing creating free money unlike counterfeiting where anybody would notice. Disasters are a way to counterfeit billions of dollars where congress prints the dollars.

The victims get nothing. They cleanup destroys the rest of property, for instance, expensive driveways are cracked and destroyed by heavy equipment as well as septic tanks, and the whole they did to remove the foundations now requires thousands of dollars of soil engineering and compaction expense. The left all the branches and rutted peoples land. If you did not comply, the liened and stole peoples property that did not trust them and for good reason not the trust these invader pillagers.

I know you're not the platform of this negativity, but human empathy has to be found for disaster relief victims! Disaster relief does little to help victims if anything at all. It creates billions and incentivises arson death and destruction where people can live for decades from the profits.

@BarbellMethod - 22.01.2024 13:03


@1966nyc - 30.01.2024 19:53

One idea I have is to use the wind power during an extreme fire event to disperse some kind of fire retardant spray mulch.

@adelaredding1594 - 08.02.2024 23:21

Your channel is awesome!!! thanks for the wonderful lectures!!!

@user-vt9rj9gn8z - 10.02.2024 02:16

Winds will come downhill each night as a cold air drain from higher elevation.
This effect is more pronounced in valleys with a lake.
Chinook, adiabatic or foehn winds compress, dry and warm the air as they descend,
often on the leeward side of the range.
Large trees in a stand will contribute evaporation transpired through foliage, which
maintains water vapour in your local air shed, so your relative humidity will be higher
than over a less vegetated landscape. This process also retains groundwater in the soils
as water is drawn up into the tree roots.
If you have a water source, purchase a fire pump.
Install outdoor stand pipes that operate off the main waterline usually 1”
compared to 1/2” flow through the house.
Keep rain barrels to catch flow from your roof.
Have many small hand piled fires,
and pile the thinnings and branches so that the fire burns the ground fuels.
Let your fire creep around to consume the litter and duff.
The ash is useful to fertilize the soil and your piles will be too small to harm soil biota.
In my temperate forest, these burnt areas come back as moss which helps to build
soil biota and develop the mineral soil layer.

Thanks for your work.

@RyhnoMight - 18.02.2024 07:08

Do you have any tips on creating or buying a diy bio char oven? How effiective is this biochar?

@HomeScanRollouts - 24.02.2024 05:44

Here in California I have cultivated succulents all around the perimeter of the house which acts like a fire blanket..... the more the better! Concrete roof tiles with bird stops to prevent wind and fire from getting underneath and stuccoed wood trim facia, rake and soffits. A basic above ground pool or a permeant pool with a pumping system is also beneficial as a reservoir. Not to mention a generator if the power goes down. A sprinkler system as mentioned or fire gel administered around the exterior of the house is a great idea. An evacuation plan for the worst case scenario is essential with all valuables such as documents kept on file drawers to remove quickly as needed or to keep in a safe deposit box. This is a a very important video to view and understand!

@DreamersOfReality - 04.03.2024 05:13

Rather than paving over every square inch of the land, we could choose to transform it back into the garden it was always meant to be.

@benr7294 - 05.03.2024 22:20

90% of all fires in the United States are started by people. just get people to stop doing that imagine how much nicer it would be

@johnathanwyer3555 - 03.04.2024 12:14

With the bunker you might remember the fire will take all the oxygen away from the area and suffocate you

@calindafleishman - 23.04.2024 18:19

Permaculture is so amazing. This is a fascinating video and will be more important over time. Thanks so much for sharing.

@MicsLanguages - 06.05.2024 21:42

Amazing video, thanks a lot for the effort put into this!

@MrSomethingdark - 23.05.2024 22:52

pre-heat - not a word, fuel - group noun,
