Why Are These BIG Coloring Book Brands Being Terminated On Amazon KDP - Low Content Book Publishing

Why Are These BIG Coloring Book Brands Being Terminated On Amazon KDP - Low Content Book Publishing

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Ravencroft Graphics 3D
Ravencroft Graphics 3D - 02.10.2023 15:52

This is what happens when you use AI to do the jobs people should be, or not AI 'flagging' and kicking it to a human for a real review.

CJ the Singer
CJ the Singer - 30.09.2023 21:28

I once used the phrase “country girl” to sell a one off vintage item on Etsy and got a message saying I had violated a trademark. Turns out the guy that owns it trolls Etsy and eBay and complains of anyone uses it. It’s certainly his right but if it were me I would go after people using it in actual designs. I was just trying to sell a vintage shirt to women that like country. Another one is famous faces. There are 20000 images of Dolly Parton on Etsy easy, all the art is based off of photographs that are copy written by the photographer. A famous person has an right to use their likeness in commerce as well, we don’t. To legally put a likeness on a shirt or print you have to license the image from the photographer and the person.

Owen Breward
Owen Breward - 28.09.2023 01:47

It's already been ruled in US IP court multiple times that titles are not subject to copyright or trademark laws. (Just look at how many movies and books share the same title without having anything to do with each other.) So what's the issue there? If there is any lesson to be learned here it's that you need to develop your own branding and get people that may have bought on one platform to switch to buying from you on your OWN platform / website, and get them to do this as fast as you can, possibly offering them deep discounts on their next order, or something like that. (Note: I'm not an Amazon so I don't really know the intricacies of this; however, this is the reason I am NOT on their platform for fear of something like this happening. I'd rather just sell directly through my own website so I have full control over everything.

wonderer 234
wonderer 234 - 26.09.2023 01:11

Unlike. She does know what she is saying. There isnt eules are the rules. There are massive difference between the rules. Some are just formality and has no real implications. Sick of people like that. They give disservice to REAL problems out there!

steve scott
steve scott - 25.09.2023 05:01

I am an artist and intend to draw the coloring books myself, not snipping art or doing an AI theft. Are people actually creating the work themselves having problems? Just curious.

Jenn M
Jenn M - 15.09.2023 04:02

The real problem is Amazon using bots instead of real people to check things. I do vine and adhere to their rules but often get my reviews rejected because the bot sees a word that triggers its rejection even though the word is used in a context that doesn't break the rules. It's insanely annoying. Also what ever happened to warnings? Would it kill them to be specific and just ask something be changed instead of terminating an entire account. Oh that's right we live in a corporate culture that lacks humanity and empathy, or even reasonableness.

Good Stan
Good Stan - 14.09.2023 02:52

@MyFreedomEmpire would you be able to make a video how to protect copy rights? how to register it? how to check before the publishing and where the issues could come from?

Tammy George
Tammy George - 13.09.2023 22:13

Sounds like a means of a way Amazon isn't making the more money! Etc!! 😤🤬😤

M Wadsy
M Wadsy - 11.09.2023 02:14

Sometimes big brands will quietly trademark a word to take out a competitor as they know its almost impossible to know what words to avoid. I had this happen with a physical product I was selling and Pr0cter and G@mble trademarked the name of a product I was selling (they picked a word that was in the name which was related to a natural plant ingredient of all things) without notification and then reported that to Google adwords who shut down my account. I was not really using Google ads much anyhow at that point was completely shocked and disgusted that this was a very deliberate anti-competitive tactic to try and take my small brand out because I had gained too much market share and got on their radar. I took this as a huge compliment to think my small brand was that much of a threat. Word of warning - if it can happen to me it can happen to you, they can trademark something in your Book title (pick one) and then complain about you. Clever way to take the competition down and easy to so it you have long titles!!!

Sunshine Happy
Sunshine Happy - 10.09.2023 16:02

Amazon can not change title and subtitle! They are internationally registered in the ISBN system.

Fred Kimmel
Fred Kimmel - 08.09.2023 17:09

Why is contacting Amazon problematic? A couple months ago I needed to clarify something, ordered a callback, and a live person called me some 15 minutes later.

Miss Bilby Badinage
Miss Bilby Badinage - 06.09.2023 02:27

A bit like music notes, that time has already passed approx 20 years ago. There's not an infinite combination of cohesive sentences or phrases and inevitably will over lap with other peoples work at some stage, as long as upcoming authors give credit and these bot things recognize that too. Cadbury choc tried to copyright not just the word, bout also the colour 'purple in all it's forms (obviously failed). 🤨 😂

Dawn Desu
Dawn Desu - 05.09.2023 21:09

🔥🔥This was quite interesting and helpful. You gave me a lot to think about. I have not been able to publish due to the pages not meeting measurement standards. I have to go and start all over to ensure that the pages are right, but I can slow down and look a little closet at my titles. Thank you

Cee - 31.08.2023 22:13

Wow this is scary indeed... good thing Etsy's policies are clearer than Amazon's lol

John Lenin
John Lenin - 30.08.2023 06:25

You haven't figured out that they don't have rules? They have excuses.

John Lenin
John Lenin - 30.08.2023 06:17

You must like Fascism.

Chris Ford
Chris Ford - 27.08.2023 06:03

So if I understand you, its really not fair that some businesses get away with stuff BUT your business will get terminated immediately. In today's political climate - we see the same thing. There is a movement in the state of Georgia to remove the state attorney so as to some how make this Donald Trump trial go away? So, he can commit a crime and there are people on his side that ignore the law? Following the rules yourself - means the other guy continues to flourish no matter what you do. The question become not what you know but WHO= do you know?

Art by Evelyn
Art by Evelyn - 26.08.2023 17:53

Can you please explain the rules?

Lars - 26.08.2023 03:15

So word to the wise: Look at FDA regulations regarding "claims" of nutritional supplements or medical devices. The word "claim" is an intensely protected LEGAL TERM used by the FDA. It is how they protect the drug companies that own American congress, and all media. It's why news network NEVER say anything bad about pharmaceuticals. "Claims". BY LAW, YOU CAN'T MAKE MEDICAL CLAIMS WITHOUT RESEARCH AND EVIDENCE.

Linda W. Fossum
Linda W. Fossum - 23.08.2023 11:40

👍Thanks for sharing this!

Rodee1 - 23.08.2023 02:37

Amazon takes over any industry thats revving up. Eventually they will own all categories. Bezoz is pure evil.

ActionCat2000 - 23.08.2023 01:51

I'm a bit confused, here, because titles cannot be copyrighted. How is this a copyright issue if it only involved the title or subtitle?

jen davis
jen davis - 18.08.2023 21:02

Project #2 and #3 are biographies of my father and husband. I am sure they are loaded with copyright issues. I would like to get answers without obtaining a lawyer for just questions.
1-In the book content or description, can I list titles of copyrighted songs that they both performed as musicians or clubs they played at , or famous or not-so-famous people they played with? It can open up to many copyrighted issues.
2- Can I list the trademark name in the content and Description Name "Playboy" and include photo of my father's LP cover with the Playboy logo, Bunnies and other old trademarks such as Hi-Fidelty?. I want to tell my dad's story and much of it included him as Playboy Clubs Music manager. Parts will include Hefner. Nothing Adult content or drama filled or damning, but I know there seems to eb copyrights I need to check on. I though of even reaching out to Playboy to get Publishing / marketing support.

So if I get their permission, can that be relayed to Amazon and KDP or whomever are the Powers That Be.? It is not just for the Amazon hassle of little customer help, but of course I do not want to do anything illegal with copyrights.

jen davis
jen davis - 18.08.2023 20:51

seems everyone agrees it is a big risk with Amazon because of unclear vague rules and lack of customer service..
So, does anyone know of another good venue to sell online ebooks or paperback & hardcover?

I guess this copyright rule would not apply to a generic Notebook -journal type that says what it is for and the word "Notebook". Now I am rethinking my cover art because of this copyright issue.
And if they deny publishing it then I can try a new cover. The image I want to use is a Stock internet photo. I also contacted my church denomination synod to see if a certain symbol is still copyrighted. They say no, not any more.=, so I can use it. But it sounds like Amazon may flag items they may be wrong about. It is a notebook but I want to include a couple pages of bible verses. I wonder if they have an issue with using those if they are from a well known copyrighted translation.

Hugo Black
Hugo Black - 16.08.2023 20:04

Amazon is the devil.

Rabeea Jamil
Rabeea Jamil - 16.08.2023 17:13

Please create a video on making ebooks of activity books. I found out that we're not supposed to do that. I really wanted to use that as an advertising strategy for my children's activity books.

Also, you talked about keyword stuffing. Could you please make a video on what exactly is keyword stuffing? Other than repeating words.

Adventures In Ayr
Adventures In Ayr - 14.08.2023 20:55

With Alice in Wonderland... the OG book is under public domain, but I believe the IP is not (Disney cartoon and movies in the 2000s). Not 100% sure how it all works but it's probably a gray area that Amazon would rather not risk litigation.

Gen X
Gen X - 14.08.2023 20:38

A lot of "publishers" copy the content from an existing coloring book and just reorder the pages. I wonder how they can get away with this.

MetaSamsara ∞
MetaSamsara ∞ - 14.08.2023 17:36

Amazon KDP help center states coloring books do not belong to the low content book category.

Judy Nieman
Judy Nieman - 11.08.2023 06:37

I have heard that Amazon will transfer your reviews to your newly published book. I have not done this, but I have read it in some of the forums that I belong to that others have done it.

Lady V Elements
Lady V Elements - 09.08.2023 21:31

Sounds like amazon is selling the product as their own, and with copyright in place, they are commiting a crime

Infinity - 07.08.2023 07:38

Thank you for this!

frieda sorber
frieda sorber - 06.08.2023 21:31

Do not use amazon

Shannonm75 - 04.08.2023 23:19

I've been buying their books the last few months.

MasterFeiFongWong - 03.08.2023 13:51

Thank you for the info

ganmerlad - 03.08.2023 05:40

For the Alice coloring books, it's probably because of Disney (who will go after you for anything they can). Lewis Caroll's book is titled "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland". The Disney movies are called "Alice in Wonderland". Small difference but a difference nonetheless, one that can get you tangled up in litigation with the mouse. Either stick "adventures" in there or play with the words, but "Alice in Wonderland" is a no go.

Jenny Wickman
Jenny Wickman - 02.08.2023 19:26

I’m thinking about starting KDP. I have Canva. Do I have to use book bolt? Is this what you use? What would you suggest that someone uses when they start?

Starlight Mckennah
Starlight Mckennah - 02.08.2023 05:42

Is it safe to use public domain disney character like Alice and wonderland and check the box or is it best to just stay away?

Oswaldo Rosales
Oswaldo Rosales - 27.07.2023 07:09

Excellent video! Thank you and best luck to you.

KC - 26.07.2023 08:22

Amazon just terminated my account last week. No explanation

Angela Earl
Angela Earl - 25.07.2023 20:16

Thank you for all of that information, those are all good things to know before you get started.😊

Geli - 23.07.2023 20:29

Read the fine lines. Amazon KDP can terminate your accounts for no reason at all. They reserve the right the terminate accounts as the feel.

christophe coat
christophe coat - 21.07.2023 14:45

Coco Wyo is back on Amazon

Katherine Amao
Katherine Amao - 21.07.2023 14:34

Thank you so much for this video, I was just about to advertise my coloring that has exact subtitle you talked about. wow! I just had to press the 'BREAK' on it. Thank you.

Dragons & Dungeons
Dragons & Dungeons - 21.07.2023 08:28

Amazon treats their sellers and warehouse employees horribly!

Aleksandr Grigorjev
Aleksandr Grigorjev - 21.07.2023 06:49

Got my KDP account terminated for using dead trademark, checked the trademark and it was dead for 2 months already, published book with that phrase in the title, account terminated within 24 hours. Appeals didnt work, even sent them screenshots from uspto site.

CreativeCollector - 21.07.2023 04:10

Sounds line Amazon is just upping their measures to avoid legal issues. I don't blame them. There has been a lot of image stealing coloring books out there.

Michael Albert
Michael Albert - 21.07.2023 01:13

I don't know why anyone would want to build a business on a platform so precarious as Amazon.

Lea L
Lea L - 20.07.2023 12:02

I noticed today that mine has been closed. I probably only had one notebook - no keywords stuffing or any incorrect words. I just assumed they went 'this chick is not going to put up another book - kick her out' ha ha
