Setup a Unifi Cloud Controller for $5 and under 10 minutes

Setup a Unifi Cloud Controller for $5 and under 10 minutes

Server Side Up

6 лет назад

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@sambuca27916 - 06.08.2022 02:33

can someone please help me

@MohammadOmara - 16.06.2022 20:32

Is this different from Unifi OS Console?

@jacobejameson - 11.12.2020 11:04

Ok I set this up tonight and worked BUT if you follow this video to the letter Java 9 will be installed by default which does not work with Unifi.

So I had to use apt to install Java 8, then use nano to update the JAVA HOME entry of the Unifi config file to point to Java 8.

After that Unifi would start and I can access the webpage from the WAN

@jacobejameson - 11.12.2020 09:23

I just saw the minimum recommended requirements on the Unifi webpage and it says 2GB memory is recommended. Does this still work OK with only 1GB?

@jacobejameson - 11.12.2020 06:12

Just watching this now, although it is 3 years old.

Is this the best way to do Unifi if I plan on managing multiple sites for multiple different customers?

@gurjeetsingh-rx1vb - 03.09.2020 18:45

Do you have video idea of making captive portal using UniFi controller

@krokan1970 - 08.09.2019 14:10

Hi, looks like installation went as it should. Imported my settings from cloud key, all good except that all my AP shows up as disconnected. Any suggestions for a solution?

@digitaldesignagencygroup5235 - 16.01.2019 13:37

I have installed but having an issue of failing to access my unify using the IP address

@obiukas7259 - 07.11.2018 03:50

unable to access mines using the ip and port number on web browser. Please help

@kycking9133 - 21.10.2018 00:56

Is it possible to buy the Unifi-video camera and store it on a server in your LAN? I don't feel like spending $600 for the Unifi video controller :D

@ThePoetssp - 02.08.2018 06:17

hey. i am having issues. this my third platform i've tired this on and for some reason i cant get my controller to pull up on any of the cloud services. google, aws or this one. any suggestions guys. thanks. i followed all instructions to the letter

@abelaguilar8137 - 21.01.2018 18:53

Thank you for these videos. they are well put together.
