FV4202 - Tank Design & Theory

FV4202 - Tank Design & Theory

Armoured Archives

4 года назад

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@DamoBloggs - 18.01.2021 21:38

Interesting to see the 'cleft' turret design so early on in British designs. Reminiscent of the turrets used in the Swedish UDES vehicles. I wonder if this idea was adopted by any other countries? Great video - thanks for your work!

@shermanfirefly5410 - 18.01.2021 21:55

Can you please talk about the British hesh rockets?
Mainly malkara and orange william

@Exospray - 18.01.2021 22:04

Does anyone know why the west seemed so obsessed with the IS-3? Was it their experience with panthers and tigers and just assumed tanks would just keep getting heavier or just a failure to appreciate the limitations of heavy tanks until after the war?

@teodor9975 - 18.01.2021 22:21

and this is my favourite tank in war thunder. for me it just works. i can only fantasize what it would be as a lighter medium support tank alongside the chieftain

@captainfactoid3867 - 19.01.2021 00:25

I love seeing everything that resulted as the NATO reaction to the IS-3

@justyouraveragehuman4069 - 19.01.2021 00:28

Hi Ed, thanks for the video on this! I seem to remember (I think the one pictured without the gun) being parked up the road, from where I lived at the time, in the REME training ground. Was quite young at the time and always thought it was a chieftain, but after Mr Fletcher mentioning it being here in his tank chat and seeing that picture I was excited to think I had walked past such an interesting beast without knowing it at the time! Any confirmation that it was in the REME at Bordon?
There have been a couple of other training hulks left in the same area including a challenger 1 driver training vehicle.


@MililaniJag - 19.01.2021 05:49

Have you done a vid on the Churchill Mk.3/75mm? History of the 75mm. Cheers!

@CthulhuInc - 19.01.2021 06:08

i'm spartacus! and i've got the missing tank ;)

@CthulhuInc - 19.01.2021 07:33

hm i wish you also did artillery, ed - just been looking at green mace - an interesting piece of metal

@dohoangnam1536 - 19.01.2021 12:42

I would love to see you make a video about the American equivalent (imo) for this thing: the T95 medium tanks

@georgesabitbol2137 - 19.01.2021 14:44

Any info on the top speed and max reverse speed of the FV4202 ?

@WildBillCox13 - 19.01.2021 17:06

Liked, shared, and subscribed.

@deancorlett7288 - 21.01.2021 05:46

Love the content of your channel mate, as a new sub i am liking going through your crop of videos. Cheers

@MrEsandSecrets - 21.01.2021 19:19

Not sure if I'm imagining it, but isn't there an FV4202 at the Norfolk Tank museum?

@stevenbreach2561 - 04.02.2021 23:39

"This is Bollocks",made me laugh out loud,brilliant.Toodle Pip!!!!"

@steves8482 - 17.02.2021 01:50

Very interesting, thank you - subbed

@sergarlantyrell7847 - 13.03.2021 05:58

What was the hull armour like? It looks more heavily sloped but is it the same thickness as the centurion?

@yereverluvinuncleber - 01.06.2021 18:42

That was most enlightening. When these old (and failed) designs are made redundant they really are considered scrap failures and therefore the thinking at the time would be - why would anyone want to save it? The only people that would have been interested in saving her would have been the Soviets if only for the short term to find out what the capitalists were thinking...

@maddienight732 - 12.07.2021 20:16

She’s still my favorite tank of all time. I don’t care if the tank itself was only designed as a prototype. I happily play one in world of tanks and average about 2,000 damage a battle.

For the real FV4202, I really do hope Bovington decides to restore it because the design eventually led to the Chieftain. In that regard, it is an important tank. The Chieftain was a very successful tank and it may have not been possible; if it wasn’t for FV4202’s design.

@hiro_bltz7055 - 28.08.2021 15:37

Futuristic lookin boi

@alucardvigilatedismas2868 - 24.09.2021 02:52

"I've spoken to the Israelis and they say this is bollocks!"

This is fun it's like a David Fletcher in training

- 03.10.2021 10:05

I recently heard the story from an a retired tanker working for the German Tank Museum on how back in the day his unit obliterated a Leopard 2 prototype hull on a shooting exercise one day by making it the target for his entire unit. An occurance which came about because as he put it, two simpel minded people came together. The guy send to get a new hard target and the guy keeping watch of the vehicle park 😀 what I want to say by this is, that sometimes strage things can happen to this kind of vehicle

@andyturner2355 - 09.10.2021 17:49

Just found your channel, love the quality of your research. Will definitely be following…

@SagaraUrz - 19.10.2021 19:58

I really like the effectiveness of the armor on this one.

@endy8411 - 24.10.2021 13:44

I kind of want a 1/35 scale model kit of the FV4202 lol, was the first tank I got in WoT Blitz (altho now I play the PC one)

@MisteriosGloriosos922 - 04.11.2021 11:20

Thanks for sharing this vid. Liked & subcribed!

@nacholibre9929 - 15.02.2022 14:24

great video

@thedgchannel4249 - 12.02.2023 22:46

A first class channel

@mattbaur9784 - 10.03.2023 22:15

"with an obsession with defeating the fat slow kid" gotta love it!!!

@fv4202x - 25.06.2024 17:46

That's me :)

@jsmith1649 - 24.07.2024 00:41

Great research! Thanks for this.

@thewomble1509 - 07.10.2024 22:55

FV4202, often known as the forty ton Centurion.

@kakakiri2601 - 13.01.2025 17:02

I like fv4202 design
