The secret to being more likeable

The secret to being more likeable

Better Ideas

1 год назад

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Ronald Kroo
Ronald Kroo - 16.11.2023 01:08

The most likeable people are genuinely positive. Positive mindset, positive energy and they tell positive stories.

Melissa Stark
Melissa Stark - 15.11.2023 04:52

I needed this

The Master
The Master - 15.11.2023 04:10

at one point, faking a persona will drive you insane.

DT87 - 14.11.2023 04:40

The constant switching from regular to mirror look was very distracting. Made me miss some of what you were saying. Guess I'm too easily distracted. I've rarely met anyone who actually makes me feel good about myself. It's all about the other person 99% of the time. So, it's probably my own fault.

CrunchCat! - 13.11.2023 15:49

Great video!
Being likeable should not necessarily be a goal, it should be a positive byproduct of the work you do.
It is the only byproduct that I can trust because it can't come quick.
It was earned. It was put in the oven, planted in the ground, and can not help but sprout in the oven.
This, is something you will experience MUCH later.
So it instantly curbs many negative ideals and people, because those kinds of people won't be able to handle the workload necessary to achieve this same result.
There are no shortcuts in life.
Work and Bleed.
And one day, trust me, you will do it with a smile on your face,
Laughing to the grave! ° w •

Clorox Bleach
Clorox Bleach - 11.11.2023 18:03

Yep this makes a lot of sense tbh. There are a few people I know who seem extremely interested in what I have to say and they show it as much as possible. They are some of the most fun people to talk to. I didn’t realize exactly why those people were so fun to talk to but this video made it so clear, thanks. I think if you can combine that with also being funny you will be seen as extremely likable and charismatic.

Matox - 09.11.2023 21:46

My motto is "be the guy everyone is happy to see"

Neasa Hayes
Neasa Hayes - 08.11.2023 01:24

A lot people are not likeable, but in a work situation we have to tolerate them and try to get along with them if one wants to continue with their job. You know who the problem is when someone goes on holiday and the atmosphere and the harmony of the workplace improves almost a hundredfold. A lot of women are bitchy, petty minded bullies.

TheBigFlop - 05.11.2023 06:05

I literally unconsciously smiled when I saw mr likeable at the beginning😂

S O Я Я U S - 02.11.2023 13:53

When it comes to eye contact, that stupid game as a kid where you stare into your friends eyes and see who laughs first = That's the primary reason why I have poor eye contact, I will burst out laughing.

I also have "Death stare" eyes... apparently I intimidate people. So I scare and burst out laughing when I try to keep eye contact.

Piece4 - 01.11.2023 00:15

i think this is a great deal, not only are you making people like you, you are making them happy to, idgaf if people ask me about my life, i just want to hear there's 😊

rufus - 31.10.2023 07:12

Our childhood shapes how we act socially. If you were forced to make social interactions by yourself, you will be more social. For example, being forced to talk to every relative at a family party. It teaches you from a young age what makes people tick.

Burnout Relief
Burnout Relief - 30.10.2023 19:58

My mom is like that. She gets favors from people where ever she goes. I am not like able because I am a ruminator but I am working on taking myself less seriously. Which I think is another tip. Don’t think about yourself too much.

Fex Term
Fex Term - 30.10.2023 14:12

I love my friend. His name is Kiên. The reason why is that, he like listen to me, straight and thoroughful answer my question, care about wat i said

Ari98 - 28.10.2023 07:57

The one person that i can think of is a coworker who drinks LOTS of coffee.

Emmanuel j Martinez
Emmanuel j Martinez - 28.10.2023 04:28

Nope.... Thank you!!!

Tom Hill
Tom Hill - 27.10.2023 14:14

If you are interested, you become interesting

Interaverse - 25.10.2023 18:58

Does being funny make you a likeable person?

Vaughn Walker
Vaughn Walker - 25.10.2023 15:36

Being likeable, to fake people is something else.

rr - 24.10.2023 07:41

nigga what you have against runescape

Jared Shaw
Jared Shaw - 23.10.2023 14:40

This video is very detailed formative. Thank you very much.

Eimantas Ramanauskas
Eimantas Ramanauskas - 21.10.2023 12:49

This is a great description of what it means to "Start with yourself." This video should be shared with those who have difficulty understanding what it even means when we say, "Everything originates from the center of the circle."

billielith - 18.10.2023 23:50

Good video. I like the fact that you address that someone has to find ways to focus on the upsides in their own life before they can genuinely appreciate others and become successful social creatures. The pandemic hurt our social skills, most of us, especially introverts who found a comfort in the isolation. We have to learn to be social again in the real world. Videos like this one, pin the whats and the hows and it's helpful. Thanks!

Scott Jackson
Scott Jackson - 14.10.2023 17:30

If you naturally attract others, you do not need to “worry” about pleasing others. Your authenticity is cooked into the presentation.

john loza
john loza - 12.10.2023 17:11

i only smilled when i was in middle school. and i got bullyed and hated from it. not sure it works for all

Tactice - 10.10.2023 16:59

Editing is fire and video is just as fire if not more

Zahra - 09.10.2023 14:30

Hi, Demetrios. I like your editing.

Quadrobic cats:3
Quadrobic cats:3 - 07.10.2023 12:23

Erica my friend is so likeable she always agrees to things and is basically a sweetheart i just realised she has all these things

Raj 94
Raj 94 - 07.10.2023 01:46

When you start to.understand your own life does not matter you become one with the earth vibrating at a high frequency. Now this depends on how you percieve your life not to matter which can fall on any pendulum. Being likeable is very important to have while being respected . There are people i would want to help in this world ,but do you know how many people hurt themselves by not being approachable or by speaking negatively you close possible doors that could be open to you.the truth of the matter no one wants to open up to someone who is not likeable its also a protective mechanism.

unidentified matter
unidentified matter - 04.10.2023 20:26

I thankfully do not aspire to be likeable

Luminessen - 28.09.2023 21:32

The most likeable people, like some people I really love about is how laid back they are, they’re up for fun and don’t make you feel icky. They bring positive laid back vibes in the room and those are people I just love so much. I like people who like to have fun but also don’t make you feel left out and forget about you while having fun. I’m taking notes right now because I want to be the best version of myself! This video is helpful, thank you!

Ivan - 28.09.2023 11:23

I carried myself the same way that the most likeable person I knew at the time carried themselves for a year, and I had talked to more people in that year than my whole life. This friend carried herself like she was the main character in a room, not minding anybody's business but her own, she moved as if a camera was at her center view and this seemed to catch a lot of people's attention; she seemed so unbothered with everyone else in the room. So when it came down to communicating with her, people were intruiged in getting to know her. I tried it for a year and I gained a lot of stranger's respect instantaneously, there's something about acting nonchalant while being nice-just my observation.

sorrtt - 27.09.2023 12:30

my friend makes everyone laugh and when trying to help someone he does his due diligence and advises them what to do and what not to do, which along side his ego makes him fun to be around

Shoaib Halimi
Shoaib Halimi - 26.09.2023 19:29

👥 Likability is the key to success, and it's about how you make others feel rather than what you say. 💡 Good manners, genuine interest in others, and making people feel important are crucial aspects of likability. 🤝 Being secure in yourself allows you to be genuinely interested in others, creating a positive feedback loop of likability.

- Likability is a crucial factor in personal and professional success.
- People remember how you make them feel more than what you say.
- Good manners and genuine interest in others are essential for likability.
- Being secure in yourself enables you to be more genuinely interested in others.
- Building connections based on making others feel valued can lead to stronger relationships and a more enjoyable social life.

Quince White
Quince White - 26.09.2023 03:44


Quince White
Quince White - 26.09.2023 03:42

Secret #1:
Don't be bald.

キルジョイ - 17.09.2023 23:06

my best friend is the most likeable man ive ever seen. He's so kind to everyone. Even bad people. He's a sportsman. In a good shape. He's very confident in himself and he's never afraid to look dumb or to crack some cringe jokes. And nobody is annoyed by him.

Tyler-A - 17.09.2023 04:47


Draganso - 17.09.2023 00:03

And then there's people like me lol. People that are likable at least it's what my friends tell me but I'm kinda unapproachable so only those that already know me see me as likable since it's very hard to me to start interactions

Nik Glas
Nik Glas - 15.09.2023 17:08

a lot of ppl think being likeable is being a nice guy that gets walked over so they'd rather be just admired. these ppl do not understand what being likeable is about. Some people here in the comments are confusing being likeable with being a people pleaser

JayLinkz_7 - 14.09.2023 16:32

The most likable person I’ve ever met is a guy at my youth group

Jerry Littlefield
Jerry Littlefield - 13.09.2023 20:32

Thank you Mark Zuckerberg's Cousin

Prime - 13.09.2023 03:55

Who watched this because ur friends tease u in a bad way at school

Digital Strategy and Marketing
Digital Strategy and Marketing - 12.09.2023 12:06

This is amazing by liking yourself, you can be more likeable? Interesting. I like the ambiguous style video since they arent limited, there's a lot one can do with the information

Alex Spa
Alex Spa - 11.09.2023 18:02

I'm just like Larry from Curb your enthusiasm series, and now I'm identifying with him. What should I do?

Kimberly Willis
Kimberly Willis - 10.09.2023 18:14

Sometimes how people perceive you isn't dependant on you or your behavior, traits, looks, personality, etc, but is dependant on them. Some people don't like you because they are jealous, callous, jaded, resentful, angry, damaged, etc. As a former model, I have been liked and practically worshipped by all types of people, and never had a reason to try to impress, but I'll tell you what "the beautiful people" know, or the famous, rich, whatever. The ones that never have to try to be liked, so here it is... IGNORE PEOPLE. Seriously. If you're in a group, say, at a party, or at work, or in a crowd, choose MAYBE one person to interact with, better yet, be on your phone, even if it's a fake call, like totally ignore people, because socialism is a SEESAW. your either in the air or on the ground. Now, which do you think is the better position? Don't get it twisted, in the air just because physically it's higher means it's better is not thinking this through, being on the ground gives you the power, the control, because you can keep them dangling there indefinitely, and what's more, you can dismount and slam them instantly and painfully to the ground and walk away. So don't a!ways feel the need to interact. In fact, flip it over and go at this opposite, don't listen to their ridiculous ramblings, don't make eye contact, don't act interested in their completely boring lives and comp!aints, as a matter of fact, if you want to make someone immediately feel insignificant and feel compelled to get your attention, give them about ten seconds into one of their blasé stories and without a word walk away. Trust me, they won't hate you, they'll wonder what's wrong with them, may e even seem out therapy to as why they are so unlikeable, lol. Eventually you'll be able to weed out the useless ones and along the way maybe discover some that really do catch your interest, and that helps you weed the garden so to speak. Careful, though. Ignoring people can make them chase you in futile attempts to prove to themselves it's not them, why, they're certainly interesting enough, lol, oh please, let them seek out the undercrowd, incessant talkers who want to tell you everything that's wrong in their world, or every opinion they have on every topic which undoubtedly they feel makes them superior EGO ALERT because why else would they rudely feel so inclined to overtake the stage, knock them down a peg or two. Yawn. Walk away. Say I'm sorry, what did you say every 30 seconds, but best top shelf advice is IGNORE THEM. This instantly slams them into inferiority position, and people will become obsessed with impressing you and etting your attention, make them feel you are apparently of such status their doldrum blatherings are pathetically of zero importance. If someone ever asks you hi remember me, always say no. Let people know they made absolutely no impression on you. And whatever dejection you ever felt wondering why people don't like you or if you need to fix your personality will immediately be erased once people begin clamoring for your attention. Just the simple act of ignoring someone makes them shrink down a few sizes and of course they want to regain their status so the chase begins, lol. Regardless, why should you be a suck up, staring googly eyes at people as they relay their dumb daily dawdlings to you. As if. Starve them of your attention if you want to make people hungry for you! Plain and simple as I can get,. Practice at some low key parties. Master it, but like I said, be careful , people get obsessed, remember you always want what you can't have. You're either the celebrity or the fan club. Choose wisely. 😎

POUYA ZED - 09.09.2023 22:09

I really need help

TimClips - 09.09.2023 18:08

This guy knows what he's talking about. It's time to face reality people.
