RimWorld - Fresh Start 2021 Colony

RimWorld - Fresh Start 2021 Colony


3 года назад

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@allweb7728 - 08.11.2021 16:15

nice to be first

@tomt5745 - 08.11.2021 16:15

Rimworld. Such a bliss :)

@DixDark - 08.11.2021 16:22

I feel like every few months you start a new colony in RimWorld, and then you never get through with it...

Not that I want a RimWorld series, I'm just saying.

(actually, I'm trying to start a colony almost every year, but then fail miserably and forget about the game for a year or two)

@Diovanlestat - 08.11.2021 16:41

RIMWORLD, RIMWORLD, RIMWORLD.... and Nook 🎵 Perfecf combination for washing dishes

@jannekvapil2533 - 08.11.2021 16:43

If you think about it, the Earth is one big roundabout :)

@carlsbl - 08.11.2021 20:07

I did 370 hours of RimWorld last November. I have spent the last year looking for something different/better. Here I am a year later playing RimWorld again, it seems that all roads lead back to this gaming jewel. 40 hours already this month. I absolutely love this game or story teller as they call it. I call my 91 year old dad everyday and he asks what's new in RimWorld and the fun part is that there are relatable stories I can tell him and he understands them, mostly. I tell him what I am researching and the next day he asks something like "what did you do with your solar power research in the game? Did you really get killed by a squirrel? Often at the end of the day I will save my days progress and just let the pawns run things for a while and get caught up. Very relaxing....

@zarinth - 08.11.2021 20:46

The good lord pulled me into the start of that stream and I didn't know why but now I'm glad I was there.

@Jerginsss - 09.11.2021 23:43

You talk entirely too fast.

@Edaryion - 10.11.2021 11:50

Nook, how come you do not play with mods?
There are so many cool ones out there. (There are always some available for the latest updates too).

@StarlasAiko - 17.11.2021 17:06

What Ideology needs is a cannibal specific funeral ceremony that combines a ceremonial send-off for dead colonists with the Canibal Platter.

@dflatt1783 - 20.11.2021 10:32

I just came here to watch Nook's Rims die :)

@5k337minecraft - 19.12.2021 02:33

Ewwwww...... Vanilla!😬🤣

@sewerhunk5327 - 18.04.2022 05:54

Nice a long vid vanilla

@zacklightman9055 - 08.06.2022 14:23

“Roundabout” chooses a square icon lmao
