DITCH Microsoft/Google with NextCloud AIO! - Server Setup Guide

DITCH Microsoft/Google with NextCloud AIO! - Server Setup Guide


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TechHut - 06.03.2023 15:01

NOTE: An edit for this video is processing. Please skip the step where we edit the hosts file. This is no longer needed and can actually cause errors. If you have already done this step and you're troubleshooting, undo this step and restart your containers.

Rizan Buhary
Rizan Buhary - 29.09.2023 14:21

Great Man, Thank you so much

RealKeytones - 19.09.2023 16:27

Just get a dedicated block from your isp and give it a dedicated url and a domain. Host it yourself. Its amazing

Astro Boy
Astro Boy - 15.09.2023 14:47

Awsome video! I kinda not expected the public IP required, which is not free.

Varma - 27.05.2023 18:36

The docker run command is giving me invalid reference format error

Horia Americanu'
Horia Americanu' - 15.04.2023 12:29

Can you please tell me how can I modify the upload size limit from 10gb to 20gb. I searched the entire google and reddit and nextcloud forums, I couldn't find anything. I also tried to use the docker commands from github nextcloud, but they don't work. I would really appreciate your help

Pablo Antonio Lillo Cea
Pablo Antonio Lillo Cea - 04.04.2023 14:52

Loved the tutorial. Got it to work through Linode. However, I want to install it on my Raspberry Pi, and when I get to it, I cannot make my domain work. I'm trying to do it through a cloudflare tunnel, but it just doesn't go. Any ideas anyone?

Ryan Wall
Ryan Wall - 20.03.2023 17:27

I’m not great at this stuff. How can I get this running on Unraid?

noumene - 07.03.2023 22:52

reaching the AIO setup page through port 8443, then validate the domain for a new AIO instance never worked for me (without a proxy manager ..) Can one explain? 🤔

noumene - 07.03.2023 22:00


Colin Sellens
Colin Sellens - 18.02.2023 05:39

Did I miss the step where you allowed port 22 through your firewall so you can SSH back in? :) Oh and if you are like me and went to your domain to find that there was no setup password as one had already been set for some reason?!? you can retrieve it with:
sudo cat /var/lib/docker/volumes/nextcloud_aio_mastercontainer/_data/data/configuration.json | grep password

Jordan Harris
Jordan Harris - 14.02.2023 21:23

Can you make a tutorial how to just setup nextcloud, on my own server? I have way more than 2GB of ram and 2 CPU cores here to use... Linode is a waste for me.

André Rademacher
André Rademacher - 11.01.2023 09:53

Great tutorial 👍 tried that before and messed up with the ports, explained well here why and I'll give it one more try

Karl Rainey
Karl Rainey - 06.12.2022 02:31

Pretty cool but question when I click Open your next cloud I get a blank screen nothing is trying to load ? any thoughts ? thanks

autobahnmensch - 02.11.2022 08:55

Awesome tutorial, can't wait to try this out! 🤘🤠

Александр Лысенко
Александр Лысенко - 27.10.2022 19:23

NIce tutorial. thx. like

eth c
eth c - 27.10.2022 18:12

nextcloud AIO on kubernetes tutorial please

Nico Nico Pizza
Nico Nico Pizza - 19.10.2022 13:46

even if you don't have a domain and connect via port 8080 the nextcloud setup still asks for a domain?

Божидар Стоянов
Божидар Стоянов - 20.09.2022 20:57

After opening the Nextcloud AIO dashboard you typed your domain but if i am not using a domain should i type the ip address of the server there or what? I'd appreciate it if someone answers me.

мёдвижонка - 07.09.2022 02:30

do i need to care about rev. proxy when the server is hosted localy behind a router with port forwarding?

1492irina - 27.08.2022 21:20

FYI: If youŕe setting it up at home, YOU WILL NEED TO SET UP PORT FORWARDING. Confused me for hours. (Go into your home router's configuration, set up a port mapping/port forwarding rule that goes to the private IP of your server, from port 443 to port 443.)

Jeffrey Scott Flesher
Jeffrey Scott Flesher - 26.08.2022 00:05

What are the advantages of using Nextcloud all in one?

Basic Shapes
Basic Shapes - 15.08.2022 10:48

I wish nextcloud would fix their file lock issues, apparently they've had this problem for several years and they just never fix it. Ugh....

Jens Gammelgaard
Jens Gammelgaard - 11.08.2022 16:20

Any advice regarding error finding - when it gives 502 bad gateway after a server reboot? Any clues would be much appreciated.

OPENHOST WEB SERVICES - 25.07.2022 20:46

for the life of me i can't get paste the local IP address thing. I have my domain pointing to a server in my house and all ports open and able to connect to the server with external vpn connection but everytime i click submit with the domain it report you have a local ip address configure even though my host files looks exactly like in this video minus the domain name being different.

Moritz K.
Moritz K. - 24.07.2022 10:59

Okay so I am a noob... how is this method different/better than hosting Nextcloud directly via Linode(yeah the office stuff runs smother but what does docker do in this case... does is replace Apache or something?) .... and is there an easy way to migrate my old Nextcloud files to the new instance (if I decide to use AIO)

And some people use Nginx or Portainer... what is that about?

Adam York
Adam York - 12.07.2022 23:57

I recently used your guide to install Nexcloud AIO. I'm very much enjoying it. If you have any additional suggestions for further amping up performance and/or increasing security, I think those would make very nice additional videos. Thanks for your work!

Majd D
Majd D - 10.07.2022 23:26

Wtf is linode! Why don’t just do on a physical build that 99% of us have? Dislike

Mattia Ippolito
Mattia Ippolito - 06.07.2022 00:16

How do you setup backup and restore? For a VM running on virtualbox or any other vm….. can you help on this. I tried reading the document but due to language and that I’m not that expert I don’t understand how to do it. Is that so difficult to incorporate these fundamental features in the UI?
I’m really afraid of this software when time for updates arrives… I already been locked out two times due to upgrade… the only reliefs is that was a test and I didn’t loose any data….

al noman
al noman - 23.06.2022 13:00

nextcloud Talk notification doesn't work.
edit: sometimes doesn't work. sorry!

John Filion
John Filion - 20.06.2022 06:43

This video is quite helpful; however, I am using nginx proxy manager with duckdns, and it requires port 443. Is there a way I can use this container and let nginx proxy manager handle the certificate?

Palpex - 10.06.2022 17:57

Hi, thanks for the tutorial! I strangely cannot login into my domain account and execute your last docker aio script, what should i do?

Artur Corrêa Souza
Artur Corrêa Souza - 10.06.2022 05:58

Please make a part 2 !! Showing Deck for example

Daniel Richert
Daniel Richert - 09.06.2022 18:13

As soon as you said snap package, I'm done. I hate snap!

Kyle Rassweiler
Kyle Rassweiler - 09.06.2022 02:29

Any chance of covering using S3 storage, something like minio through TrueNAS?

Aboubaker Ned
Aboubaker Ned - 06.06.2022 00:33

That's wonderful thank you so much

K L - 18.05.2022 17:46

I've opened the ports exactly as you specified, also on my router and in windows firewall (Running ubuntu on vmware). Error this server is unreachable on port 443??????? any ideas? It says this on the nextcould AIO setup screen.

Waqaar Hussain
Waqaar Hussain - 18.05.2022 12:30

Can we still edit config.php and php.ini files using sudo nano

Felipe Augusto Rieck
Felipe Augusto Rieck - 17.05.2022 20:46

I have Nextcloud running on my Raspberry PI 4 8Gb for a while... do I take any benefit (performance) by running it in this AIO approach? Do you recommend migrating it?

ROG71 - 16.05.2022 01:28

so i just ran into this issue if you do not enable port 22 with ufw you will not be able to ssh back into the linode or server but great video like always

boris runakov
boris runakov - 15.05.2022 12:33

Greatly appreciate this! Any chance you could show us how to use nginx in front of this installation?

Justin Searle
Justin Searle - 14.05.2022 18:44

You mentioned you used the 4GB CPU instance for your personal Nextcloud install. Out of curiosity, what amount of storage do you use for your personal Nextcloud install? I assume not the 50 GB that you selected in the video.

GI D - 14.05.2022 16:12

Shouldn't you first explain what Nextcloud is?

MoonShine - 14.05.2022 12:03

I just set this up and its working like a charm. But i was wondering if i had to do anything before i can restart the server. Do i have to stop the containers first or will docker do that for me?

David kiania
David kiania - 14.05.2022 08:52

This is awesome I love it. It’s ideal for many small businesses.

Nikhil - 12.05.2022 17:54

all the files would be stored on docker container, It's actually dangerous because if container is deleted even accidently all files will be deleted as well.

rrriot fey
rrriot fey - 11.05.2022 03:55

Thank you so much for this tutorial. I followed the instructions to the t, setting everything up on Linode using a subdomain on my website. The only differences are...I installed Fedora 35 on Linode instead of Ubuntu and I opened my ports with Firewalld not UFW. I get all the way to the start containers screen and they just hang on yellow at starting. Any idea what could be happening?

Iqrama Qassim
Iqrama Qassim - 10.05.2022 08:14

Can you please make a guide to setup Nextcloud AIO in a standalone Ubuntu PC.

Ricardo Freixo
Ricardo Freixo - 08.05.2022 10:57

I wish you could make a guide on how to self host an email server (send and receive email) and setup nextcloud to use it. That would be amazing

GoldFish - 08.05.2022 08:53

Very nice tutorial ! I am using plesk to manage my server, and plesk is using 8443 port already, can I install nextcloud AIO without exposing port 8443 when installing it with docker ?
