Terence Mckenna - Psilocybin Is Your Teacher

Terence Mckenna - Psilocybin Is Your Teacher

Infinite Flow

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@meganturner8438 - 05.09.2022 06:48

Such a quick talk, but one of my favorites. 🫶🏻

@robertbendik1364 - 06.09.2022 17:20


@bryandraughn9830 - 25.09.2022 00:43

4-dimentional infinity just means you're getting off.
That's only the beginning!

@tylerdoughty5586 - 27.09.2022 11:20

Awesome video but was trying to fall asleep to it but was physically impossible because of the annoying background noise of what sounds like crackling:(

@psychologicalsuccess3476 - 16.10.2022 13:44

I had extremely powerful visions on LSD alone... But I think I've done more LSD than McKenna ever did, and not a lot of shrooms

@poolboywillis1225 - 21.12.2022 18:03

If he could see the movement now he would go back in time and never say a word this culture at this current point is utterly disappointing and worthless, Terrence do you know what they 🍄told me? they said everything's okay because that's all it can be then they said of course it's like this what did you expect...

@acdebiase - 13.01.2023 14:51

When you come down from a 5g, listen to this talk. You're welcome.

@chrisbilling - 15.02.2023 13:14

Jesus loves you!

@alienape3171 - 17.02.2023 00:57

I wonder how Many folks on dmt met Dr McKenna while on their travels.

@stevenharvey9797 - 23.02.2023 22:58

Why is Mc Kenna claiming that a finite hallucigenic compond is an actual entity? It is obvious that Mc Kenna believes, practices, and teaches, Pantheism. This haraunge parallels the ideology of Animisim, and Mc Kenna's description has an uncanny resemblance to what Blavatsky taught. It's like Mc Kenna was convinced that these psychoactive compounds are alive and were his saviour. I think behind the veil ( so to speak) under the influence he was communicating with demonic entities. What Theosophy would consider to be Devas( spirit guides).I would of liked to of asked him if he believed that he could experience these altered states of consciousness without having to consume these natural plants.

@Apekhan47 - 25.02.2023 06:52

Holy sheesh I just listened to this for the first time in like 5 years I used to listen to Terrance McKenna I’m about to start again listening to him also currently trooping like the good ol days

@geekvinos - 24.06.2023 12:18

This was awesome to listen to.

@A1d4wwg02 - 06.07.2023 04:57

"that's enough." 😂😂

@windre - 06.07.2023 15:51

"its among us, its completely among us"


@chrism8705 - 09.07.2023 22:31

Shrooms are bob on I tried my best but my fingers were sausages and I tried to tell my buddys but I couldn't stop laughing

@localfatty4364 - 29.07.2023 23:45

“Life is a staggering opportunity for adventure” ~ Terence McKenna

@aaronmaloney8282 - 13.08.2023 15:04

I spoke to the mushrooms after listening to Terence McKenna talk about it. It’s sent shivers down my spine. I asked the mushrooms what are you? And the reply I got was , We are everything ! Very spooky

@RichArtLove - 15.09.2023 23:47

Brilliant! Sad over the static on the recording.

@josephsellers5978 - 01.10.2023 19:27

The mushroom is just a tool you can use you to teach yourself more about yourself. Its really just a medicine. You can use it to get messed up, or you can use it to heal. It's not a god or some mystical teacher. It's all about perspective.

@timkbirchico8542 - 03.10.2023 17:42

Psychedelia in plain English means the mind made manifest. Terry talks as if his trips were definitions of the of the experience. I think it is a mistake to influence peoples trips by causing auto suggestion. The visions are subjective manifestations of the consciousness and of the brains visual systems unleashed and combined. The person needs to be free to explore the space for themselves, free of preconceptions. love x

@smiglig - 09.10.2023 05:13

This is making me cry. Absolutely on point

@harryharefoot3058 - 04.11.2023 10:10

Thanks for the video.
Sad that there are these disturbing sounds

@JasonMarano - 07.01.2024 05:31

The cracking in the backround makes this so much more authentic

@pingpongpaddlehead - 07.01.2024 09:19

i can move water and make trees bend their branches. what am i? why? how? what is this place? who am i?

@Ryan88881 - 24.01.2024 08:46

And yet, we can still expect to see anywhere from a few to numerous people responding to these kinds of notions put forth by Terence with the same old, seemingly immutable talking points of the late 1960s and early 1970s that tried to map the entirety of the psychedelic experience; first over Buddhism (middle to late 60s) then tried mapping it over Hinduism/Tantrism (early 70s). This was carried out without second thought even though LSD was really the only major psychedelic to even have this 'Eastern', tantric or indic/Vedic vibe about it, which is the only thing that even gave credence (turned dogma) to this cultural paradigm anyways. But they still tried to sloppily slip all the major psychedelics into this specific modeling of the topic, not realizing that LSD was simply just unique in this regard. 

This was largely due to the fact that the 1960s was really, honestly not a big moment for psychedelics overall or in general. It was really just a big time for marijuana and LSD. Mescaline was not nearly as common and much of the "mescaline" making ways around that time was apparently just weaker LSD that was instead marketed as 'mescaline' according to some sources. DMT was only known and used by some, and psilocybin might've been the least common of all with no reputation or even spot held in the street market. So perhaps to Terence's own detriment, it wasn't until around 1976 when him and his brother wrote that book on how to grow them at home which set the trend for similar mushroom cultivation books to follow, steadily leading to psilocybin mushrooms becoming a common street drug and accessible to urbanites which it really wasn't before. So really, all this emphasis on eastern religion and talking points about "getting 'there' sober without psychedelics" can literally just be directly correlated with and explained by specific historical processes and the sociocultural grapplings with regard to the LSD experience in particular, rather than the psychedelic experience at large.

@oscargardner75 - 12.02.2024 02:04

Oddest thing the mushrooms told me was that I shouldn’t listen to the Beatles and that they’re overrated

@GodLandon - 08.04.2024 06:02

I notice a serious tension between a lot of what he says and what the proceeding psychedelic community has come to embody. Like, saying that psilocybin is an "ultimate tool of transcendence," for example, would be what I consider a serious deviation from the groove that the proceeding psychedelic community established and as such would be an extremely marginalized opinion dripping in too much hyperbole to be considered as the truth of the matter. It shows a decline in fervor and zeal, I think, and in that decline, we are quick to ward off such spiritually centralizing hyperbole. Is the reason that we don't seek such grandiosity in our descriptions about what we think psychedelics are as a psychedelic community because we don't believe it is all that grandiose, or is it because of the intense marginalization of the conceptualization that these things are the genuine Truth? If it is the latter, what community-structuring event led to it becoming a marginalized idea? Or is the radicality of such a notion as true transcendence too sweeping for any community to retain coherence, and as such, was it rejected for the sake of coherence and cohesion?

@VeganWithAraygun - 18.04.2024 23:19

Psilocybin eradicated my 45 year bout with major depression & taught me how to stand up perfectly erect on a plumb line without slouching at age 70. There's no words for my gratitude. The fact that it's still mostly illegal is obscene & borderline Kafkaesque.

@th3m3tim39 - 11.05.2024 17:03

Floods 2060

@markbell7904 - 12.05.2024 20:43

He had become a human that realised we've become separated from every other plant and animal that had ever existed by having an ego

@cherylbenton7107 - 17.05.2024 23:55

My first journey with psyllisibin was in the mid 1980s....Among other things, I saw several bath towels transform into a council of tribal elders who then showed me something that wouldn't happen for years. I think it was a warning about our planet, but at the time I didn't know how to process it. They showed me a vision of the polar ice mostly melted and skinny dying polar bears and an ocean of blood.

@Ma_rkw589 - 23.05.2024 19:07

‘A niagra of alien beauty’… Terence McKenna

Surely the best orator of all time

@SapereAude562 - 15.06.2024 14:07

I asked once what/who the Mushroom was in silent darkness.

Yup, I had to ask it to stop.

@joaoj1593 - 22.06.2024 22:22

You dont find the 🍄 it finds you when your ready to receive the message 🤯

@desertweasel6965 - 25.06.2024 02:56

I've taken psilocybin many times, but I remember one time I took a really high dose kind of by accident. It was absolutely the most zany, weird experience. I remember it was around 1 or 2 in the morning and this old biker flick came on The Savage Seven and it was absolutely hilarious. I kept seeing this entity that had a goat body and human head and it's body was really jagged like lightning bolts.

One of the main places I notice that I go on high doses reminds me so much of a few Alex Grey paintings where it's a cavern underground and it seems like this place has walls that never end. It's like this enormous, cosmic, psychedelic carasel. Everything is spinning at different speeds and if you look at any one point it is incredibly detailed.

@JohnGeorge-pw2xo - 30.06.2024 12:14

Psilocybin are 100% amazing. I was severely traumatized years ago as a teenage, got diagnosed with BPD. Spent my whole life fighting BPD. I suffered severe depression and mental disorder. Not until my wife recommended me to psilocybin mushrooms treatment. Psilocybin treatment saved my life honestly. 8 years totally clean. Never thought I would be saying this about mushrooms.

@DevinCruise777 - 06.08.2024 11:28


@GowryLekshmiOfficial - 13.08.2024 05:16

@pokemone397 - 14.08.2024 23:28

Why dosent he like lsd?

@sethstine4698 - 21.08.2024 10:25

The mushroom told me that the Scarlet/Fire from 2/3/78 was better than the Scarlet/Fire from 5/8/77. I agreed. Kind of. The transition into Fire from 5/8/77 will always be better. Always.

@rozannemaness5177 - 25.08.2024 16:27

Just imagine. The wrangling of particles that have coalesced through time forming matter whether living or not. But in an infinite universe of which it really is, the process of nature that we perceive in this one is merely relative and arbitrary. We don’t know Jack about anything.

@dont.ripfuller6587 - 30.08.2024 13:24

Be careful with too much wisdom you didn't earn. 😊

@atedinahalf6288 - 17.09.2024 03:24

The mushroom told me it will make itself known again.

@atedinahalf6288 - 29.09.2024 20:45

I remember. I remember it all. We created this realm. I am you and you're me. We figured it out this time.

@richardtorres312 - 08.10.2024 20:48

I love the way these people had so much consumption of these now in 2024 it’s so hard to come by these days, finding psilocybin in California now n days is hard to find unless you already know someone who was in these circles
