GIRL TALK: The Truth About Losing Your Virginity

GIRL TALK: The Truth About Losing Your Virginity


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Angela Gayle
Angela Gayle - 18.09.2023 14:10

It's painful af

Joy Jemmott
Joy Jemmott - 10.09.2023 04:07

I lost my virginity a few months ago (21 years old) ... I was raised in a household to respect our bodies until marriage, so I was pretty much condition that casual sex is wrong. Before marriage and all that stuff..
2. I got a boyfriend a year ago and I would always put measures in place so we wouldn't fall into temptation and have sex... But we explored other options.. But I was generally OK with not having sex tbh. He never pressured me..
But girls... Honestly speaking... The moment we accept even the other options of sex, the exploration phase of different sex, our bodies change with the hormones involved with the bodies preparing for the act of sex.. Looking back in hindsight, my first oral sex had already changed my hormones, not my mentality, but my hormones and body... I lost my oral and innocent tag and many people noticed my changes which freaked me out... Especially my mom and dad... And again ( i wasn't having penetrative sex!) so keep that in mind while exploring.
3. Me and my steady boyfriend broke up under a couple of months.. And it left me wanting the comfort of someone's touch... And speaking now, i don't think he was going to be someone I gave up my virginity to anyways, I held back alot.. So it showed deep down, i knew I'd regret having sex with him. Always trust when you're ready for that moment to share your body with someone.. If its a "idk..." or "I'm unsure about this..".. STOP! You will know when you're ready when you don't over think anything... Sex is a natural act... If it doesn't come ashamed and comfortably, you aren't ready.. ( I mean the moments leading up to it. Not the act lol... It can be very awkward... Just enjoy it)

There wasn't that kind of comfort, trust and assurance that he'd understand and treasure me afterwards.
So I realised that i wasn't the first type of person she talks about, the one that thinks a relationship is necessary.
And neither am I #2... I don't think about virginity in a serious sense but I never wanted to get it out of the way either... I don't get that mentality.
I also feared pain and pregnancy.. And HELLO... STDS! PLEASE! lol...

But yea... With that background... I lost it to someone who was just talking to me as a friend in 5 months into knowing them.
It wasn't a rush decision but neither was it a planned decision.
Honestly, he was so patient and gentle, I didn't even notice when I lost it.
We went from making out, to just.. It happening.. Then it was over so quickly.
I actually convinced myself that I didn't have sex... Because i didn't see no blood... I wasn't in terrible pain the first 20mins and i was so confused... Even when he said we had sex.
But trust was there and i walked away in alot of discomfort but I never regretted it because communication was key.
The peace of mind afterwards was incredibly important!!
Because my friend, who has sex on a constant, basically acted shock and shamed me... Like it wasn't my choice and i was taken advantage of... It can really make you feel dirty when people question you, so be prepared and #1, make sure you are READY! It saves you alot of stress...
And who ever you trust to undress you, make sure they're going to stick around the week after sex, because it's alot of emotional change... Not physical... The vagina actually just goes back to normal after the pain and time... (if anyone is worried)

Talk to your partner.
Or someone you trust to manage your emotional wellbeing and make sure to not regret it. Once you regret it, it will be a traumatic experience.

silly - 02.09.2023 00:01

thank you so much for this video!!

Park S
Park S - 26.08.2023 23:17

if anyone is still around. i need help. i just turned 15 and my boyfriend is late 16 and he is already ready to get it down and doesn’t understand that me being a virgin means it would hurt, and the disadvantages for me. we’ve been together for almost a year not including a break we took. but even then i’m still scared of how bad it would hurt and being embarrassed. please somebody help me or give me advice.

Naro - 24.08.2023 07:01

I’m 20 and a virgin I’m a lil scared but I needed to watch this to hear information I want to lose it to my bf but he’s very huge🤣🤣🤣🤣 and gonna crush me lol maybe I’ll open up to him bout this cuz this is my love for life

Kaitlyn Parker
Kaitlyn Parker - 11.08.2023 07:21

I need advice im not scared to have sex but im scared im going to regret it there is a guy who really likes me and I like him but we’re not in a relationship I’ve known him for years and he’s a really good guy ik he will take care of me but also im scared that afterwards im going to regret it and feel really gross about myself like ik im ready physically but idk if I am mentally because I have always told myself I’ll wait for marriage so this would be going wayyy out of my comfort zone but idk I need someone advice pls but I also feel like once I lose it no guy will want me because I’m used and stuff I’m 15 btw

Kaitlyn Parker
Kaitlyn Parker - 11.08.2023 07:20

I need advice im not scared to have sex but im scared im going to regret it there is a guy who really likes me and I like him but we’re not in a relationship I’ve known him for years and he’s a really good guy ik he will take care of me but also im scared that afterwards im going to regret it and feel really gross about myself like ik im ready physically but idk if I am mentally because I have always told myself I’ll wait for marriage so this would be going wayyy out of my comfort zone but idk I need someone advice pls but I also feel like once I lose it no guy will want me because I’m used and stuff I’m 15 btw

A really big Annoying Orange Fan
A really big Annoying Orange Fan - 09.08.2023 02:53

Sex is like that Will Wheaton quote in The Big Bang Theory “weather it’s the best movie you’ve ever seen or a total piece of crap, your life is not gonna change”

starwolf757 - 20.07.2023 18:25

I've been on this beautiful planet the entire time, and I've still saving my virginity. In no hurry. Would anyone blame me for that? Please comment and like this comment.

Tania - 06.07.2023 19:18

i love u lisette i been following u since i was 10 now im 17.

Annabella - 05.07.2023 22:15

Idk why but this made me so much more confident and have more control. Thank you! 😁

ava ♡
ava ♡ - 01.07.2023 21:42

this is jus me but my mom has found nudes on my phone so idc if she finds out im having sex💀

Ava - 01.07.2023 04:18

Am I the only one irrationally scared of getting pregnant even though I plan on using protection?

Julzeditz - 05.06.2023 07:23

I’m too scared to lose ur because I feel like I could get pregnant and I am so cautious ab it

🦢Persephone🦢 - 29.05.2023 18:25

Another thing I would like to add is MAKE SURE YOU TRUST THE PERSON YOU DO IT WITH. Do not rush it and find the right person.
Another thing is that if you’re nervous it will hurt more (your muscles will tighten up) ❤️

Eileen Sibanda
Eileen Sibanda - 23.05.2023 14:01

What is virginity?

MissSnow - 21.05.2023 07:34

Im 17 about to be 18! And my boyfriend is coming over for my birthday because we are long distance! Im still a virgin i dont wanna ruin the moment bc idk what im supposed to do lol

burner account 😁
burner account 😁 - 04.05.2023 00:42

the thing ab me is that i’m insecure about my body 😭😭 it’s horrible idk why i feel that way ab myself , i just do . idk

Bethelhem Bekele
Bethelhem Bekele - 19.04.2023 22:13

thank you for being this open

DanteMustDie - 15.04.2023 07:23

I’m a dude and I feel absolutely gross…because as a man, if you don’t do the deed, you are worthless, you are not human, “he’s not a man yet”

reinavlog - 10.04.2023 00:53

I grew up whit parents that were in a religion that sees you digusting if you have sex before msrriage this helped me alot

reinavlog - 10.04.2023 00:53

I grew up whit parents that were in a religion that sees you digusting if you have sex before msrriage this helped me alot

JJ - 07.04.2023 10:11

I'm not really scared I just don't want to do that stuff and I am too immature for that stuff still, still find it yucky 🤮🤣

yaz z
yaz z - 04.04.2023 14:33

i almost lost it last weekend. he tried to put it in but it hurt sooo bad omg that pain i’ve never felt in my life, tmi maybe but i’ve never put anything in there so maybe that’s why?? any tips for this anyone ? how do i make it hurt less

kanhaiya jee
kanhaiya jee - 24.03.2023 05:11

Is there any legend here watching this in 2023🥰🥰?

Shrek's wife
Shrek's wife - 19.03.2023 20:21

Please stop normalizing sexual immorality. There are a lot of young girls watching your videos and taking inspiration from you, it's disgusting to see how corrupted we are. Our bodies should be kept private because woman are extremely precious and we should respect ourselves just like we want othersto be respected by others

Jamiel Cotman
Jamiel Cotman - 18.03.2023 15:25

Losing virginity is losing power!

The more women you run through the less likely you are to build wealth

The more men who run through you the less likely you are to marry


StarAngelbofficial - 17.03.2023 02:06

When I lost mine I put on a ton of weight and my voice deepened :( ((at 13))

Merwa Ahmed
Merwa Ahmed - 13.03.2023 09:49

Is it wrong if I barely felt the dude 😂

xo_Kaay - 11.03.2023 23:18

whats it supposed to feel like? is there supposed to be certain things left on the guys part? what about the normal discharge what happens to it during the moment?

Life is Here
Life is Here - 10.03.2023 12:33

This video is not for everyone, but it could be a helpful discussion for those who are interested in the topic of sex and virginity.

raindrop - 05.03.2023 04:07

it wasnt up to me or in my control st all i had it forcibly taken away from me it wasnt my fucking decision

icame here oping id beable to learn what it mightve acrually been like not to have that fact rubbed in my face

Adelin - 04.03.2023 16:32

wait 86 days,that a baby

Rásàñ GØD
Rásàñ GØD - 02.03.2023 02:28

NGL I’m a guy and I’m watching this for my gf because I want to know what she is gonna have to go through

Natalie The JoJo Siwa fan
Natalie The JoJo Siwa fan - 26.02.2023 06:00

Hi im 16 and now that I learned more about sex I don't want to have sex with my bffs anymore

Suzie __
Suzie __ - 25.02.2023 15:51

Damn…. I’m 20 I am pretty sure I am ready to lose it. The only reason why is because I am sooo insecure. I feel like the other person won’t like what they see. Yeah they can say “you’re so cute” and all that good stuff but they don’t know how you look DOWN THERE. Having these thoughts OF COURSE makes me think of other people and compare myself to them such as pretty well known people.

Ülle Harjaks
Ülle Harjaks - 19.02.2023 22:22

I’m scared of pregnancy. Yes I know about condoms but still 😭

Dano Rose
Dano Rose - 19.02.2023 10:35

Im losing my virginity tomorrow (technically not because i was sa’ed and yeah but he is the first person im choosing to be with) so im nervous lol

kore ♡
kore ♡ - 10.02.2023 12:28

only thing im afraid of is bleeding or hurting a lot

PILGRIMS OF CHRIST - 06.02.2023 18:35

When you have sex with someone you marry them in spirit.

Daith Blessed Wright
Daith Blessed Wright - 06.02.2023 14:25

Hey girl
Am really impressed ...with dis
Thanks beb

Anubis wolf
Anubis wolf - 01.02.2023 21:39

What should a girl do when girl is 0% sensitive during the sex how to gain sensitivity??? Is there any way for this??? @aileen moreno

Chameleon boy
Chameleon boy - 30.01.2023 05:51

I literally just lost mine today and honestly it wasn’t that bad. It only hurt for a minute or 2 and there was only a bit of blood because my hymen wasn’t completely broken. Other than that it was a great experience. He was patient and kind and we even had a few laughs during it. I was nervous at first but that went away when he told me that everything was going to be ok.
I know not everyone has the same experience but it’s ok if there is a bit of Blood and/or pain. It’s completely natural, especially if you haven’t done anything else. Either way make sure to follow the CC rule. (Condoms, comfort)

Hayden - 23.01.2023 22:04

I'm watching these video cause my girlfriend wants to but I don't want to do anything wrong or hurt her.

GazmaFilms better
GazmaFilms better - 22.01.2023 20:13

Male lurker here

i hate austin's life
i hate austin's life - 16.01.2023 04:07

i’m worried about being awkward because i have a lot of social anxiety and i get super nervous thinking about it. but i want to have sex. and i’m conventionally attractive so it’s not hard for me to find a guy interested, and i have one interested right now and i’m hella interested in him, but nervous as FUCK. any advice?

vort issues
vort issues - 15.01.2023 11:23

Maturily explained.... i love your hair!

Ella Langfield
Ella Langfield - 06.01.2023 23:12

This video was really helpful for me I just wish I’d seen this video sooner because I do have regrets but I am still a virgin but I did some things I shouldn’t have with an ex

collector💜 - 06.01.2023 01:26

I haven't done it yet lol want to meet my soulmate first

Dee Hippie Mistakes
Dee Hippie Mistakes - 05.01.2023 22:24

I just need to be comfortable and feel like we at least friends 😂 fuck the rest
