Combine Files from a Folder with Power Query the RIGHT WAY!

Combine Files from a Folder with Power Query the RIGHT WAY!


11 месяцев назад

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Peter Benson
Peter Benson - 13.11.2023 00:28

Hi, can I do this, but each file has its own worksheet instead of combing all of the data on one worksheet?

Dereko - 09.11.2023 02:53

I don't understand the interaction between the Sample query (which loads data one specific file) and the Combined query, which only loads names, file extensions, file paths, etc.??? I can't get my Excel to put the two together. :(

Azmat Malik
Azmat Malik - 07.11.2023 15:30

The best thing i notice besides the video is that you responded each and every comment. ❤

Amanzuru Saviour
Amanzuru Saviour - 07.11.2023 00:48

Awesome, your are the best teacher and I can't wait to enrolled for your paid sessions.

I love puppies
I love puppies - 30.10.2023 15:31

What if you want to include the name of the file in a column?

Shubhabrata Dey
Shubhabrata Dey - 16.10.2023 08:21

Very useful video

Lyle P
Lyle P - 11.10.2023 17:16

Absolutely awesome! Thank you for sharing this.

gabz1989 - 02.10.2023 17:44

what happens if your excels are invoices and the data is in not a pretty pivot table spreadsheet but the information is in different columns and rows? how do you get it to pull the data in specific cells and label them with a name, is that possible?

Bernard Arhin
Bernard Arhin - 28.09.2023 15:15

I keep getting only the first file

Ajay Singh
Ajay Singh - 21.09.2023 05:55

Your videos are great and well explained. I have learned to use Power query watching your tutorials. I am stuck at an issue that is as below. Please suggest as what can be the solution - I have a large dataset (around 60 columns and 120k rows) in the source excel file. When I use power query to load data from folder, i am getting this error ---------

Unexpected error: External component has thrown an exception.
Microsoft.Mashup.Evaluator.Interface.ErrorException: External component has thrown an exception. ---> System.Runtime.InteropServices.SEHException: External component has thrown an exception. ---> System.Runtime.InteropServices.SEHException: External component has thrown an exception.
at System.Data.Common.UnsafeNativeMethods.ICommandText.Execute(IntPtr pUnkOuter, Guid& riid, tagDBPARAMS pDBParams, IntPtr& pcRowsAffected, Object& ppRowset)
at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand.ExecuteCommandTextForSingleResult(tagDBPARAMS dbParams, Object& executeResult)
at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand.ExecuteCommandText(Object& executeResult)
at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand.ExecuteCommand(CommandBehavior behavior, Object& executeResult)
at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand.ExecuteReaderInternal(CommandBehavior behavior, String method)
at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior)
at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand.ExecuteDbDataReader(CommandBehavior behavior)
at System.Data.Common.DbCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior)
at Microsoft.Mashup.Engine1.Library.Excel.ExcelReaderAce.AceTableValue.EnsureInitialized()
at Microsoft.Mashup.Engine1.Library.Excel.ExcelReaderAce.AceTableValue.get_MetaValue()
at Microsoft.Mashup.Engine1.Runtime.Value.Microsoft.Mashup.Engine.Interface.IValue.get_MetaValue()
at Microsoft.Mashup.Evaluator.Services.ValueSerializer.GetMeta(IValue value)
at Microsoft.Mashup.Evaluator.Services.ValueSerializer.WriteLimitedValue(IValue value)
at Microsoft.Mashup.Evaluator.Services.ValueSerializer.<>c__DisplayClass109_0.<WritePreviewFieldValue>b__0()
at Microsoft.Mashup.Evaluator.Services.ValueSerializer.HandleErrors(Action action, Action`1 handler)
at Microsoft.Mashup.Evaluator.Services.ValueSerializer.HandleErrors(Action action)
at Microsoft.Mashup.Evaluator.Services.ValueSerializer.<>c__DisplayClass100_2.<WritePreviewTable>b__2()
at Microsoft.Mashup.Evaluator.Services.ValueSerializer.HandleErrors(Action action, Action`1 handler)
at Microsoft.Mashup.Evaluator.Services.ValueSerializer.HandleErrors(Action action)
at Microsoft.Mashup.Evaluator.Services.ValueSerializer.<>c__DisplayClass100_1.<WritePreviewTable>b__1()
at Microsoft.Mashup.Evaluator.Services.ValueSerializer.HandleErrors(Action action, Action`1 handler)
at Microsoft.Mashup.Evaluator.Services.ValueSerializer.HandleErrors(Action action)
at Microsoft.Mashup.Evaluator.Services.ValueSerializer.<>c__DisplayClass100_0.<WritePreviewTable>b__0()
at Microsoft.Mashup.Evaluator.Services.ValueSerializer.HandleErrors(Action action, Action`1 handler)
at Microsoft.Mashup.Evaluator.Services.ValueSerializer.HandleErrors(Action action)
at Microsoft.Mashup.Evaluator.Services.ValueSerializer.WritePreviewTable(IValue value)
at Microsoft.Mashup.Evaluator.Services.ValueSerializer.<>c__DisplayClass63_0.<WritePreviewValue>b__0()
at Microsoft.Mashup.Evaluator.Services.ValueSerializer.HandleErrors(Action action, Action`1 handler)
at Microsoft.Mashup.Evaluator.Services.ValueSerializer.HandleErrors(Action action)
at Microsoft.Mashup.Evaluator.Services.ValueSerializer.WritePreviewValue(IValue value, Int32 serializeStructuredValueDepth)
at Microsoft.Mashup.Evaluator.Services.ValueSerializer.SerializePreviewValue(IEngine engine, IValue value, Action`2 rowCountCallback, Nullable`1 options)
at Microsoft.Mashup.Evaluator.SimpleDocumentEvaluator.ValuePreviewValueSource.TableValuePreviewValueSource.SerializeRows(Int32 count)
at Microsoft.Mashup.Evaluator.SimpleDocumentEvaluator.ValuePreviewValueSource.TableValuePreviewValueSource.get_SmallValue()
at Microsoft.Mashup.Evaluator.Interface.TracingPreviewValueSource.get_SmallValue()
at Microsoft.Mashup.Evaluator.Interface.NotifyingPreviewValueSource.get_SmallValue()
at Microsoft.Mashup.Evaluator.RemotePreviewValueSource.<>c__DisplayClass0_0.<RunStub>b__0()
at Microsoft.Mashup.Evaluator.EvaluationHost.ReportExceptions(String entryName, IEngineHost engineHost, IMessageChannel channel, Action action)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Microsoft.Mashup.Evaluator.EvaluationHost.<>c__DisplayClass17_0.<TryReportException>b__1()
at Microsoft.Mashup.Common.SafeExceptions.IgnoreSafeExceptions(IEngineHost host, IHostTrace trace, Action action)
at Microsoft.Mashup.Evaluator.EvaluationHost.TryReportException(IHostTrace trace, IEngineHost engineHost, IMessageChannel channel, Exception exception)
at Microsoft.Mashup.Evaluator.EvaluationHost.ReportExceptions(String entryName, IEngineHost engineHost, IMessageChannel channel, Action action)
at Microsoft.Mashup.Evaluator.RemotePreviewValueSource.RunStub(IEngineHost engineHost, IMessageChannel channel, Func`1 getPreviewValueSource)
at Microsoft.Mashup.Evaluator.RemoteDocumentEvaluator.Service.<>c__DisplayClass9_0.<OnBeginGetPreviewValueSource>b__0(EvaluationResult2`1 result)
at Microsoft.Mashup.Evaluator.RemoteDocumentEvaluator.Service.<>c__DisplayClass12_1`1.<OnBeginGetResult>b__0()
at Microsoft.Mashup.Evaluator.EvaluationHost.ReportExceptions(IHostTrace trace, IEngineHost engineHost, IMessageChannel channel, Action action)
at Microsoft.Mashup.Evaluator.RemoteDocumentEvaluator.Service.OnBeginGetResult[T](IMessageChannel channel, BeginGetResultMessage message, Action`1 action)
at Microsoft.Mashup.Evaluator.RemoteDocumentEvaluator.Service.OnBeginGetPreviewValueSource(IMessageChannel channel, BeginGetPreviewValueSourceMessage message)
at Microsoft.Mashup.Evaluator.MessageHandlers.<>c__DisplayClass3_0`1.<AddHandler>b__0(IMessageChannel channel, Message message)
at Microsoft.Mashup.Evaluator.MessageHandlers.TryDispatch(IMessageChannel channel, Message message)
at Microsoft.Mashup.Evaluator.ChannelMessenger.ChannelMessageHandlers.TryDispatch(IMessageChannel channel, Message message)
at Microsoft.Mashup.Evaluator.MessageHandlers.Dispatch(IMessageChannel channel, Message message)
at Microsoft.Mashup.Evaluator.ChannelMessenger.OnMessageWithUnknownChannel(IMessageChannel baseChannel, MessageWithUnknownChannel messageWithUnknownChannel)
at Microsoft.Mashup.Evaluator.MessageHandlers.<>c__DisplayClass3_0`1.<AddHandler>b__0(IMessageChannel channel, Message message)
at Microsoft.Mashup.Evaluator.MessageHandlers.TryDispatch(IMessageChannel channel, Message message)
at Microsoft.Mashup.Evaluator.ChannelMessenger.ChannelMessageHandlers.TryDispatch(IMessageChannel channel, Message message)
at Microsoft.Mashup.Evaluator.MessageHandlers.Dispatch(IMessageChannel channel, Message message)
at Microsoft.Mashup.Evaluator.EvaluationHost.Run()
at Microsoft.Mashup.Container.EvaluationContainerMain.Run(Object args)
at Microsoft.Mashup.Evaluator.SafeThread2.<>c__DisplayClass3_0.<CreateThreadStart>b__0(Object o)
at Microsoft.Mashup.Evaluator.SafeThread2.<>c__DisplayClass9_0.<CreateAction>b__0(Object o)
at Microsoft.Mashup.Evaluator.SafeThread2.<>c__DisplayClass3_0.<CreateThreadStart>b__1(Object o)
at Microsoft.Mashup.Container.EvaluationContainerMain.SafeRun(String[] args)
at Microsoft.Mashup.Container.BootstrapAppDomainManager.Execute(String[] argv)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Microsoft.Mashup.Evaluator.EvaluationHost.OnException(IEngineHost engineHost, IMessageChannel channel, ExceptionMessage message)
at Microsoft.Mashup.Evaluator.RemoteEvaluationContainerFactory.Container.OnException(IMessageChannel channel, ExceptionMessage message)
at Microsoft.Mashup.Evaluator.MessageHandlers.<>c__DisplayClass3_0`1.<AddHandler>b__0(IMessageChannel channel, Message message)
at Microsoft.Mashup.Evaluator.MessageHandlers.TryDispatch(IMessageChannel channel, Message message)
at Microsoft.Mashup.Evaluator.MessageHandlers.Dispatch(IMessageChannel channel, Message message)
at Microsoft.Mashup.Evaluator.ChannelMessenger.ChannelMessageHandlers.TryDispatch(IMessageChannel channel, Message message)
at Microsoft.Mashup.Evaluator.MessageHandlers.Dispatch(IMessageChannel channel, Message message)
at Microsoft.Mashup.Evaluator.Interface.IMessageChannelExtensions.WaitFor[T](IMessageChannel channel)
at Microsoft.Mashup.Evaluator.RemotePreviewValueSource.PreviewValueSource.WaitFor(Func`1 condition, Boolean disposing)
at Microsoft.Mashup.Evaluator.RemotePreviewValueSource.PreviewValueSource.get_SmallValue()
at Microsoft.Mashup.Evaluator.Interface.TracingPreviewValueSource.get_SmallValue()
at Microsoft.Mashup.Evaluator.Interface.NotifyingPreviewValueSource.get_SmallValue()
at Microsoft.Mashup.Evaluator.Interface.NotifyingPreviewValueSource.get_SmallValue()
at Microsoft.Mashup.Evaluator.Interface.NotifyingPreviewValueSource.get_SmallValue()
at Microsoft.Mashup.Evaluator.Interface.NotifyingPreviewValueSource.get_SmallValue()
at Microsoft.Mashup.Evaluator.Interface.NotifyingPreviewValueSource.get_SmallValue()
at Microsoft.Mashup.Evaluator.Interface.NotifyingPreviewValueSource.get_SmallValue()
at Microsoft.Mashup.Host.Document.Analysis.PackageDocumentAnalysisInfo.PackagePartitionAnalysisInfo.SetPreviewValue(EvaluationResult2`1 result, Func`1 getStaleSince, Func`1 getSampled)

Taweewut Waicharoen
Taweewut Waicharoen - 21.09.2023 05:20

Great for share me the tips , edit Transform sample files query if we want to clean and transform before combine.

google google
google google - 17.09.2023 08:10

I have 1 m record on which I want to apply group by to get max value of each category and then same value should reflect against each category in separate custom column.....I tried it but it will take almost 2 hours and eventually system hanged....any suggestions pls

Justin Bischoff
Justin Bischoff - 15.09.2023 22:05

Love how you don't mince words, and keep it clear by comparing and contrasting, and telling WHY to do a thing as opposed just explaining WHAT to do, thanks!!

Raghwendra Pandey
Raghwendra Pandey - 12.09.2023 21:56

It's really useful !

Wiz de Asis
Wiz de Asis - 06.09.2023 03:56

Thank you so much for this tips! SHould the number of rows too the same in all files? Or just the columns? Also, after uploading a new file on the same folder, and clicking all refresh button, the new data from the new file won't show. What could be the problem? Appreciate your response Mam. :)

Zachary K C Ngan
Zachary K C Ngan - 26.08.2023 19:03

could the power query combine the protected password workbooks?

Lawrence Alleyne
Lawrence Alleyne - 25.08.2023 17:59

Why am I not seeing "from file" & "from folder" on Macbook?

Debra Silbert
Debra Silbert - 16.08.2023 21:51

It seems that this doesn't work on Excel 365 on a Mac. I imagine because the file system is completely different?

Stephen Zipprich
Stephen Zipprich - 31.07.2023 08:38

Rather than manually refreshing, go to Data Ribbon > Queries > Properties and set it to refresh whenever the file opens. This ensures you dont have to remember to refresh the data, and potentially have an error in your output.

Iván Cortinas
Iván Cortinas - 28.07.2023 21:19

Great video Mynda. As always a clear explanation!

benjamin quispe perez
benjamin quispe perez - 18.07.2023 21:31


Tracie - 14.07.2023 09:12

Power query is game changing I use it for document control and working out what is held on relevant company systems so it can actually be found. I do like how if data is not in a table in the source due to being in a form with merged cells, you can run a few queries with results next to each other which create a bigger table that all works together.

Notes from Leisa-Land
Notes from Leisa-Land - 14.07.2023 04:19

Great video. I would add that you can combine pdfs as well from folder. I did this for point of sale reports in order to automate a journal entry go uploading. Dropped all weekly sales for each store into a discrete weekly folder. Grabbed the data from the folder. Repoint each week to current weekly folder. Power query has allowed me to save my clients time and money while improving accuracy.

Jorge Lara
Jorge Lara - 09.07.2023 01:38

Thanks for this video !! Help me a lot .

Mo Garrett
Mo Garrett - 06.07.2023 06:44

always love your tutorials....excellent

Joseph Del Vecchio
Joseph Del Vecchio - 28.06.2023 18:04

Thank you. Yours is the only video I was able to find that explained the need to apply transformations to the sample file to cause them to be applied to all files in the specified folder before combining the data. My issue is that my weekly CSV source data is formatted is such a way that there are data in multiple discontiguous tables arranged vertically throughout the file which need to be collected and then combined into one table. The only way I've been able to accomplish this is creating multiple duplicates of the original sample file, each of which take different data from different areas of the source file. I use the original sample file to get the first set of necessary data, the first duplicate to get the next set, and so forth. The resulting data sets from each query do not have matching columns but do need to be put together to create a complete table. So I insert an index column in each query's data set and then merge them using the original sample file. However, the final query table only shows the first set of data from the original sample file for each respective source file. All other data for each of the duplicate sample files is just repeated down the column for every respective source file. I imagine this has something to do with the fact that only the original sample file is respected in this manner, but I don't know if/how I can fix this or if I'm taking the wrong approach to this altogether. Any help would be appreciated.

Lemlem Woldemariam
Lemlem Woldemariam - 24.06.2023 02:40

Hi Mynda,
I have added a new data to my folder and refreshed my power query in excel 365, but it isn't updating the new record. under "Applied steps" double clicked source & I can see its added to the source. But it isn't getting added to the final output of the power query table. Appreciate your feedback on this? I don't understand why refreshing isn't working.
Thank you!

Bruno Melki
Bruno Melki - 20.06.2023 18:47

Your new look is a winning one and the content as usual outstanding!

Ram Kumar
Ram Kumar - 16.06.2023 22:40

Excellent video. A basic question: What could be examples of transformations before the files are combined as opposed to after the files are combined? I am not clear about this difference. Thanks much.

TVS Chitra Subramanian
TVS Chitra Subramanian - 15.06.2023 21:04

Thanks a lot Madam 🎉🎉🎉...could you also do an example of combine or merge pdf bank statements??? please... thanks 😊

Eleph Kwong
Eleph Kwong - 13.06.2023 03:14

The transpose trick is very useful to say the least. Thank you!

Giorgio Bikos
Giorgio Bikos - 12.06.2023 20:03

The fact that the sheets must have the same name is annoying.. some programs export data in sheets named by month ecc, it should be able to choose the first sheet...

Emre Murat
Emre Murat - 11.06.2023 19:47

Mynda, if we have different header names and we have to combine all files with different headers? What will we do?

fashihah ahmad
fashihah ahmad - 10.06.2023 06:31

What happen if we combine live data? Example, we want to capture the student's height in 4 clases. Notice that there's new student register during the day which in class 1. Can the teacher update/add new line for the new student? And can the master data capture the new line item?

Sajid Aman
Sajid Aman - 09.06.2023 18:16


Arifa Kanwal
Arifa Kanwal - 29.05.2023 07:47

Dear Mynda,
Thank you for all the great work..I have been following you on LinkedIn as well
But I am in trouble..I want to develop a Training and Development Dashboard without Power BI can I? I am unable to find something easy and relevant

Aicx Paru
Aicx Paru - 28.05.2023 16:00

Thanks for sharing.

Claude Balleux
Claude Balleux - 28.05.2023 15:26

Very good one. Thank you.

IT Szkolenia
IT Szkolenia - 27.05.2023 13:00

Great stuff. It would be great if you could also show how to manage data from folders which are availiable through sharepoint. There might be some authorization errors occurring.

Dmytro Fryashchikov
Dmytro Fryashchikov - 26.05.2023 01:47

Hi Mynda,
Your channel is the best Excel-related resource I've ever seen in my life.
Keep up!

N Z - 25.05.2023 20:33

How to make the number of files in the folder dynamic, so PQ always only grabs the most recent 5 files? I tried to sort the files by dates and keep top 5. But when I tested by adding the 6th file in the folder, the PQ loaded it. Thanks!

Stop Think
Stop Think - 25.05.2023 05:46

Brilliant! Thx!

carlos - 25.05.2023 03:52

Does this method works for 3 different data sources in a single folder?

Nicolas BORDE
Nicolas BORDE - 25.05.2023 03:11

I had no idea we can make transformations on the sample file.... Will check the improveness on load time on a huge report.

DavidB - 24.05.2023 17:05

My Query with appended csv files from a folder have multiple rows of same column names (one from each file)
What's the best way to keep only one row?
Thanks. Subscriber :)

Alfred Tomi Amubiaya
Alfred Tomi Amubiaya - 24.05.2023 08:26

Many thanks,this is awesome.

saumil paradkar
saumil paradkar - 24.05.2023 08:05

I use PQ at my workplace and end up doing many things manually... This video was extremely insightful... Thanks Mynda

IamTheReaper911 - 24.05.2023 06:17

