Rome's GENIUS border defense strategy | 3D modeling the Rhine frontier

Rome's GENIUS border defense strategy | 3D modeling the Rhine frontier

Historia Militum

1 год назад

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@ognjen8888 - 07.04.2024 11:38

Not Germanics tribe, its Serbs. How? Because Rhine in Frankish empire is called Serbium linium

@carlonevs2137 - 11.04.2024 22:29

Imagine ! So old fashion !...defending borders ... ahahah.

@pornos1 - 15.04.2024 23:50

Wow. Found a new channel heavn't heard of. First seconds is an ad. The first thing in desc is an ad.
What a crap.

@stevehartman1730 - 17.04.2024 16:33

Dont forget Hadrian s wall which kept the Picts and Scots at bay. Then the Great Wall of China kept the Mongols out. If the wall seperateing US and Mexico and our Govt deports ILLEGALS our country would be safer but with this IGNORANT ADMINISTRATION allowing anyone incliding sex traffickers, mules ie drug smugglers, criminals, in the wall cohld work.

@mariadespina80 - 18.04.2024 11:59

'''The role of the Dacian Soldiers, the ancestors of the the construction and defense of Hadrian's Wall in Britain. "Cohort I-st Aelia Dacorum". Aelia=Elite. '''''
The wall of the Hadrian, the northern border of the Roman Empire. There, in the province of Britania, a cohort of the DACIANS from Dacia , actual Romania ,was also detached. "Cohors I-st Aelia Dacorum". The regiment was transferred from Dacia to Britain not later than 125, when it was stationed briefly at Fort Fanum Cocidi (Bewcastle, Cumbria) and appears to have participated in the excavation of the so-called Vallum, a huge ditch running along the near side of Hadrian's Wall (constructed 122-8). It was permanently stationed at Fort Banna (Birdoswald, Cumbria), on Hadrian's Wall, from 126 to at least 276/82, where it is attested in numerous inscriptions.The regiment carries the epithet Aelia, implying that it was either founded, or honoured for valour, by the emperor Hadrian (Publius Aelius Hadrianus). .....Dacian soldiers spread their national flag ,, the dragon or DRACO "to Britain. The Emperor Hadrian (at 120-125 d. Chr.) sent in the UK today a military unit formed from Dacians : "Cohors I Aelia Dacorum" to fight against Scotland, chili and Picts from the north. Of course, the Dacian went there with their specificities, including the flag Dracon. .According to the evidence available today, presented by local guides, the Dacians were the most numerous and best fighters of all nations of the empire went there on the British Isles. Here, they built the city Banna, traces of their existence is kept up today. In the north wall of the Chester castle there is a tombestone from the second century d. Chr. commemorates the death of two boys with Dacian names, one named even Decebalus, the name of the last Dacian king. The image of a Dacian knight with the Dacian flag- the Draco - Romania is the ancient Dacia .

@mariadespina80 - 18.04.2024 12:07

The ancient kingdom of Dacia, now Romania, was partially conquered by the emperor Trajan in 106 AC. The borders of the empire - Limes - were fortified with camps, many visible today in Romania. Rome's wars with the Dacians are carved in bas-reliefs on Trajan's Column in Rome. There are the ancestors of the Romanians, the Dacians.
The Dacian Limes is the generic modern term given to a collection of ramparts and linked series of Roman forts on the frontiers (see Limes (Roman Empire)) of the Roman province of Dacia dating from the early 2nd century AD. They ran for about 1,000 km and included the:
Limes Alutanus on the eastern side of the Olt river
Limes Porolissensis
Limes Transalutanus in Wallachia
so-called Trajan's Walls between Constanta and the Danube including:
Lower Trajan's Wall or Athanaric's Wall just north of the Danube delta in Moldova
Upper Trajan's Wall or Greuthungi Wall in central Moldova from the Prut to the Dniester rivers, although they may not have been Roman
Constantine Wall, or Brazda lui Novac de Nord in Walachia from around 330 AD and 300 km long.
Many of these "walls" consisted of earth ramparts, 3 m high and 2 m wide similar to the Antonine Wall.

@mariadespina80 - 18.04.2024 12:10

The Danubian Limes, or Danube Limes, refers to the Roman military frontier or limes which lies along the River Danube in the present-day German state of Bavaria, in Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria and Romania the ancient DACIA , In UNESCO.

@DaniellaCoronel-pr9pq - 18.04.2024 13:27

When there is no enemy within, the enemies outside cannot hurt you.

@jeremy5602 - 23.04.2024 08:52

What’s with the random mispronunciations? Is the narrator a nonnative English speaker or an ai voice?

@Jhimbo3 - 25.04.2024 18:17

Hadrian and his walls...

@GarfieldRex - 25.04.2024 20:18

Incredible the complexity of such defenses, not only locally, but the regional strategy done, they were truly advanced and sophisticated. Great video as usual, excellence is the cognomen if this channel 👌🏼

@naardri - 02.05.2024 00:54

Since Opera is basically Chinese owned why would a person download a quite possible spyware product?

@CellTherapyCream - 02.05.2024 03:56

Good voice, interesting content but your videos are way too short for your topics. I'll sub for now but they are too short for me.

@gpavlidis90 - 04.05.2024 10:57


@RemoteAntidote - 07.05.2024 10:39

The way the roman empire operated infrastructure, military and logistics are mind boggeling. Their quality was impeccable which is one of the reasons they managed to last for all those years I would assume

@danielthomassen9192 - 12.05.2024 00:44

Ditches: check! 10/10 on the Konijnendijk scale 😂

@levoGAMES - 16.05.2024 02:18

The necessity for such an elaborate fortification speaks to the vigor and steadfastness of the people beyond it.
Those who refused to be conquered by the mighty Rome.

@MilesBoydston - 08.06.2024 08:56

What happened to the merch website? That Hispana hoodie was so fresh 😭

@RayRobinson0311 - 13.06.2024 07:02

Little Known Fact:

Borders - as you'd understand them - didn't exists until around the 1600s. And until the early 20th Century they didn't really mean much politically, i.e. you didn't need documentation to cross a "border".

Historians use terms like "borders" in classical instances due to either 1. Lack of time/understanding to explain how "borders" worked pre-modern definitions, and 2. (Supposedly) to give the impression that political boundaries are "natural" and as old as civilization itself (they're not).

@jeffmiller-f4f - 19.06.2024 16:35

To some degree I despise the Romans and a number of other hyper aggressive/slave impressing cultures. But I do like hearing about they and other civilization of questionable repute, as forewarned of human known behavior of the past is forearmed for the future.

@The_ZeroLine - 20.06.2024 09:30

The Governor of Briton always having a large enough army to make a play for Emperor is actually what doomed the province and possibly even the Western Roman Empire itself. On at least four occasions, its governor took nearly every last soldier in a bid to take the throne by force and once even succeeded.

@zlcoolboy - 26.07.2024 20:47

Man, the Roman Empire was amazing. I did not realize their borders were this well guarded. It is crazy that they aren't still around with how advanced they were in so many things.

@ihavegymnastics - 29.07.2024 10:32

A perfect an empire as we will ever see.

@Chase_Crawford - 29.07.2024 18:41

I thought defending boarders was racist

@maksymilianszulc4872 - 30.07.2024 00:09

+++++++++ for "Praetorians" soundtrack

@rebjorn79 - 01.08.2024 22:55

Actually wanted to check out the merch but couldn't find a link :(

@NoPantsBaby - 04.08.2024 14:43

Fortlet. It made me laugh.

@teevee2145 - 06.08.2024 04:45

Damned germanics

@lancecozad5704 - 06.08.2024 14:36

Fron-tier? Goo-bye

@alpinealpine2793 - 08.08.2024 15:51

Organized chaos, that sounds like humanity on any given day.

@lordterra1377 - 19.08.2024 05:24

Frontier is one word it's not FRON TIER.

@DeezNuts-kl2te - 21.09.2024 19:45

Hadrian has a thing for looooooooooooooooooooooooong wals

@yogioto - 29.09.2024 11:13

Wow you really start your video with a merch ad after monetizing it 😂
Thus has to be exceptionally good for me to ever watch a second one from your channel 😊
Edit: good luck

@googlehepimizifisliyor2968 - 03.10.2024 14:24

The way watchtowers operate, and how small "fortlets" dot the countryside alongside the border surprisingly similar how modern border forces operate in modern era.

@nuju4480 - 06.10.2024 00:57

The region of the Agri Decumates was already being settled by Roman settlers(mostly Gallo-romans) around 0 AD. Before that, the region had been inhabited by the helvetians, whose numbers had been dwindling there since 200 bc. Even after the Alemanni took the region, large parts of the Gallo-roman population stayed behind and roman culture persisted for centuries, they partly still spoke romance languages till the 10th century. Most of the people living there today are ancestors of these gallo-romans.

@nuju4480 - 06.10.2024 01:26

The Romans also reestablished some forts on the eastern side of the Rhine during the 4th century.

@Ally4Gamer - 14.10.2024 00:19

If you have opened more than ten tabs... you are an idiot.

@UID574 - 19.10.2024 06:08

Not very smart. No air defence is a huge oversight. What is Rome going to do once anyone with airpower attacks?

@LowWhite-h5d - 20.10.2024 18:34

Great is the art of beginning, but greater is the art of ending.

@HoraceAlerandrr - 20.10.2024 19:42

I find hope in the darkest of days, and focus in the brightest. I do not judge the universe.

@michaelmanning5379 - 26.10.2024 16:15

A friend of mine gave me an MDF model of a watchtower. Now I feel obliged to staff it with model soldiers. My original thought was to surround it with a ditch and palisaded bank but from this video I see I need a straight ditch and palisade. Varying 1 metre over 51 km is mighty impressive!

@brittakriep2938 - 28.10.2024 19:20

About 20 Miles/ 30 Kilometer away from my german village, is the point , where there is the former Imperium Romanum / Germania Magna border, and also border of provinces Germania Superior and Rhaetis. So i have seen many relicts of this fortifications.

@Sheepmanthegoat1 - 14.11.2024 06:48

What the hell is a “frAntier”. FRONT… ier. Sorry but dude, cmon

@DefeatedRoyalist - 20.11.2024 08:29

New life goal: Earn enough dough and develop personal skills to be able to build my own Roman Fortlet as a home.

May Jvpiter guide me 😂

@thekurdishtapes8317 - 21.12.2024 04:50

Your watch tower is depicted incorrectly. Not sure how you could have missed such an elementary detail since it's known for decades but they had three storeys. The lower one was used as storage, the middle one as living room and the upper one as watch room. The entrance was in the middle one, so the ladder did not go up all the way to the balcony but to a door on the middle floor.

@BoomMC_Inc - 04.01.2025 08:02

This video pops up. I've never seen this channel before, and it's.. guys buy merch. Let me get to know ya first.

@dougdouglas2112 - 06.01.2025 08:49

Like always, really good stuff!
