Historia Militum

The Impressive Training of Alexander the Great's Army Historia Militum 365,954 1 год назад
The Genius Supply System of Rome’s Army | Logistics on the March Historia Militum 934,868 2 года назад
The officers and ranking system of the Roman army Historia Militum 1,359,446 3 года назад
The Shocking Cost of Raising a Roman Legion Revealed Historia Militum 291,970 7 месяцев назад
The Hidden Tactics of Rome's Cavalry Training Historia Militum 98,653 6 месяцев назад
Rome’s Greatest Challenge | The Dacian Wars (Part 1) Historia Militum 306,824 1 год назад
A Day in the Life of a Roman Soldier | Struggles, Envy, and Promotion Historia Militum 113,902 11 месяцев назад
Did the Romans live better than us? | Quality of Life and Salaries Historia Militum 2,377,894 3 года назад
Full Tour of a Roman Naval Base - Fort Flevum Historia Militum 544,901 2 года назад
3 MOST Impressive Centurion Careers Historia Militum 158,557 2 года назад
Roman Auxiliaries - The Unsung Heroes of Rome Historia Militum 242,911 2 года назад
Hidden Marriages | The secret family life of Roman soldiers Historia Militum 43,209 1 месяц назад
How Rome dealt with mutinies in the army Historia Militum 242,244 1 год назад
86th Roman Emperor, Constantius III Discarding Obsolescence 25 2 дня назад
Roman Rules for War - How to conquer an Empire Historia Militum 367,234 10 месяцев назад
How did ancient people travel without maps? | How did they imagine the world? Historia Militum 520,482 3 месяца назад
Workshops of War | How Rome Crafted and Supplied its Legions… Historia Militum 387,508 1 год назад