Workshops of War | How Rome Crafted and Supplied its Legions…

Workshops of War | How Rome Crafted and Supplied its Legions…

Historia Militum

1 год назад

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@BoopSnoot - 24.04.2024 05:23

The trick with chainmail is that it was never really wasted. You could easily repair it and add to it, and so chainmail could get passed on and on.

@udhayakumarMN - 17.05.2024 19:47

Romans built all this without fiat currency is truly impressive...

@bobbybooshay8641 - 24.05.2024 16:37

No way it would take 30 hours to hammer out a gladius blade. It could easily be done in half a day, probably a little less.

@rises889 - 30.05.2024 16:24

so Jews were gay since Roman times :) didn t know that :)

@oskary8730 - 02.06.2024 16:53

Great channel.

@doctorbryan954 - 20.06.2024 08:29

I’m gonna impress my date tonight!!

@Rafaelbr85 - 26.06.2024 02:02

This Channel is a real Master Piece!! Congrats!!

@chpet1655 - 27.06.2024 12:21

I just can’t see a year to make armour being even possible. They must have had a lot of short cuts we don’t know about and of course they probably had dozens of slaves making rings and rivets non stop all day. That’s the only way I see this as being a realistic thing.

@chpet1655 - 27.06.2024 12:46

I doubt they got away with it long. Unless they. Could bribe a greedy official at some point in the process.

@danielsee1 - 28.06.2024 00:41

The T in often is silent unless you are a gay globalist.

@danielsee1 - 28.06.2024 00:50

Center means you are a communist, Right wing extremist means you are not.

@rickwilliams967 - 28.06.2024 18:04

You mean factories?

@SuperSHOZIN - 01.07.2024 12:43

I didn't know Fletcher means someone who makes arrows. Glad to learn something today🙏

@Will-u8r - 04.07.2024 23:25

Excellent program. It has answered many questions I had regarding roman military. Id enjoy seeing a program that explains recruitment of soldiers and their basic and specialized training. Please

@markboreham1300 - 16.07.2024 05:26

I love the work but your videos are a bit short for paid promotions.

@wyrus1989 - 01.08.2024 02:33

i recognise the music in the background..i heard it many many years ago in a game of the best strategy games i played in my life and that music is like time travel for me...i don't know the name of artist of the soundtrack but excellent choice

@francogiulii - 01.08.2024 14:56

a real good video, just a point from some one that studied latin, when you read a word with the ae/oe the a is mute, for example fabricae is read fabrice, for how it is read the ce sound is like the K sound as for the tio/tie/tia is always read as zio/zie/zia

@drwoodwork1 - 02.08.2024 01:17

Slaves did the work, you kinda skipped over that part.

@drwoodwork1 - 02.08.2024 01:17

Slaves did the work, you kinda skipped over that part.

@drwoodwork1 - 02.08.2024 01:17

Slaves did the work, you kinda skipped over that part.

@leagueoflags - 04.08.2024 02:46

This really was as good as it gets without using machines.

@fourmula4812 - 08.08.2024 07:11

_ pes 20 T numerol _ 20 sid swastika gamadion _ pythagoras tetractys hexagram sexagram 20 _ atlas _ atlast20 _ 048 even _ 1235679 odd _ english T 20th letter _

@glovere2 - 11.08.2024 03:31

Economies can be fueled by war or peace. It’s mind boggling to learn the details of what it takes to create and maintain the machinery of Roman war making. One of the benefits of civilization is specialization. Somebody grows the food, another grinds the flour, yet another arranges transportation of goods, and on and on. Coordinating food production and transport; animal husbandry, clothing and weapons manufacture; mining, smelting, blacksmithing, etc is a gargantuan challenge. Romans built a truly impressive support network, including roads that allowed them to extend the empire. North America had no such thing at the time. Roads are useless without animals to pull the wheeled carts. You don’t need wheels if you don’t have horses and draft animals. You cannot domesticate buffalo. North America was unaware of the trade networks across the ocean where information was shared over millennia on metallurgy and other advancements like gunpowder and shipbuilding. When we engage in cooperative arrangements, technology propels our species forward. War is a great motivator of invention. The Romans got it down to a science and used their advantage to the fullest. The more you learn about it the more you are gobsmacked at what their intelligent brains came up with. It’s so fascinating to me and I really appreciate this series. What was life really like for them? That’s what makes it come alive. You can imagine being a currier or a blacksmith. A maker of armor paid well for the hours worked. Cogs in a human machine.

@BensonCaisip - 11.08.2024 07:33

How long do these equipment last? Does the legion re-issue them to new legionnaires after the old ones retire or die?

@geordiejones5618 - 18.08.2024 05:03

Really shows you how devastating the 3rd and 5th centuries must have been to military infrastructure. It's amazing that even half the empire survived through all that.

@areghankingsley5645 - 28.08.2024 11:45

To lose a legion legend in a battle is a defeat oin their side

@skatetrooper5285 - 16.09.2024 07:41

3mm rings!!!🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯

@РомаПетров-ж1н - 26.09.2024 19:03

Ain't Roman citizens could bear arms? I fail to see how they could get a weapon except inheriting with the mentioned law.

Another path is mentioned: substandard item... Still doesn't sound a Roman way.

@mustizgaming - 21.10.2024 22:02

I started watching this channel with the comparison between the budgets of 3 different people from different social standing from the roman empire and got hooked!

@morzh1978 - 25.10.2024 20:40

So un-American approcach to supplies and production, quite uncivilzed. American troops are not allowed to repair or even disassemble ssome of their eqiupment and weaponry as to not endanger commercial secrecy and sacrisanct patents involved - only representatives of the manufacturer itself are allowed to touch it, even in Afghanistan.

@frankstippel5988 - 26.10.2024 17:56

That is why Romans could to afford to loose battles.

@ΣυνέσιοςΠαρτσάφας - 31.10.2024 00:46

btw i really liked they put music from Praetorians PC game. Mattheo Pascal, the composer of the songs for praetorians really has to be proud!

@chaganlalmeghwal2590 - 29.11.2024 07:11

In Christian Europe, the Hundred Years' War (1337–1453) was a pivotal conflict between England and France, with both sides vying for control over French territories. This war profoundly impacted the region, shaping the political and social landscape for centuries. *History documentaries* often highlight how this war led to significant changes in military tactics and the rise of nationalism, as well as the role of figures like Joan of Arc, who became a symbol of French resistance.

@starsixtyseven195 - 11.12.2024 14:24

Im a blacksmith and i can tell you it wouldnt take 30 hrs to make a shortsword

@MightyBryanGaming - 26.01.2025 09:19

I’ve seen people say they would be too bored too live back then. Trust me you would be too busy just trying to live to be bored

@RanCham727 - 04.02.2025 08:34

Cassous Dio is not the best source for anything tbh

@JesusSaves-v9n - 11.02.2025 23:51

"Hmm.. I'l need to order about 2000 steel washers.." like.. it'd be easy to make chainmail nowadays.. not the way they did it but, decently... but you can buy like, body armor for a few hundred bucks that's lightweight and mostly bulletproof.. so weird. so, if they made a no-tech zone.. and why wouldn't they do this? but :D oooo imagine, a medieval zone where like, people do all this stuff.. and sure they get the full education, but MOST OF OUR TIME IS WASTED IN SCHOOLS. and.. it's too lofty for me, to like.. idk

but.. "let's turn a part of the world medieval." Okay. That's almost as possible as it is logical :D and the bread is done.

@idrathernot_2 - 18.02.2025 10:55

There is no way in hell it took 20 plus hours to make a pointed chucking stick

@HistoryTreasure88 - 20.02.2025 06:47

It’s fascinating to see how Rome organized and supplied its legions, but why is it often overlooked that this 'perfect organization' was built on the exploitation and subjugation of entire peoples? Would Rome have won so many wars if it hadn’t constantly conquered and exploited new territories

@italianduded1161 - 26.02.2025 04:54

The Centurion on the thumbnail is from a figurine/model (I think in scale 1/12) by ICM.
Amazing one

@zzseabearzz3859 - 26.02.2025 21:21

W thumbnail James. The face of the franchise been spoiling us with content

@wildrose2748 - 09.03.2025 05:02

Im a silversmith. I can confirm making chainmail is a royal pain in the arse
