Is Studying Game Development Abroad REALLY Worth The Investment?

Is Studying Game Development Abroad REALLY Worth The Investment?

Rahul Sehgal

3 года назад

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@roundtheclockbreakdownserv7923 - 05.10.2021 12:36

hello sir, I am planning to get into the Canadian Buisness College in Toronto for E sports Management Program, I needed your feedback for the college and suggestion for a different college in canda if this one is not worth the investment. Thank You in Advance.

@jomoncj8129 - 24.10.2021 11:38

Sir, I'm a animation graduate and and a cgi animator for t.v series. But I really want to get into games and the technical side of it along with creative part. So, does getting a pg graduate in game dev abroad will work out well for me?

@vishalgvishalsri1594 - 17.11.2021 13:43

Hi sir... I have studied vfx. Kindly say me how can i get internships in gaming companies which companies is good
How to apply it

@itzarcade5141 - 21.11.2021 18:15

Sir how can i contact you personally pls

@anikettikariha8066 - 27.12.2021 21:05

thanks a lot

@ErrorCompilingShaders - 30.12.2021 11:53

Hi sir, can u tell me if Algonquin is any good? :) thanks in advance :p

@Scorpio-we3lv - 30.12.2021 23:28

This guy is amazing he has too much good knowledge resources

@GameBoy-ur9mb - 23.01.2022 22:03

Hi sir!
I am 15 and I want to do game development as my career. I was looking into Falmouth University and Academy of arts of university. Whats are the advantages and the disadvantages of both universitys?

@strawberryandkiwi3172 - 29.01.2022 11:21

Sir, I want to study abroad with scholarship programs cause I can’t afford thousands of dollars so can u recommend some college in us/canada/ Australia?

@johnpeter1357 - 06.02.2022 15:06

uk has most game dev and design couseres
us and canada has little lessbut they provide major in games dev and dsign if you take bsx computer science

@Ahmed-py7no - 09.02.2022 01:16

I have 2 years experience in related to IT field. Should I take admission in the UK for a masters in computer games or I have to find a job in the gaming industry and get 2 years experience and then try? Because I have an offer letter from Essex university. Please reply and give some suggestions.

@Booty_Harvester - 15.02.2022 15:08

Hello sir,
I have a question to ask you. Im looking forward to study game programming in Canada, and i just graduated plus two. My question is that, i studied biomaths in plus two and i wanna study game programming in centennial college in Canada. Will i be able to do that course?

@Vishtom-x6p - 20.02.2022 18:57

Hey sir
Please guide me
I done my graduation in bachelor of compute application and I have 3 year expireance as website designer now I have to decided to go abroad for further study in digital games in Germany

@saisantoshvasamsetti3450 - 25.02.2022 16:42

hello Rahul, Thanks for the knowledge, as you said iam in a total biginner phase of game development , Any tips to proceed like basic knowledge for designing a games and others, if possible can u post on this one

@FF18Cloud - 28.02.2022 11:02

I wish people emphasized how important it is as well it is to RESEARCH the programs your looking into

As well as figure out WHAT you want to do.

I thought I wanted specifically game dev for a master's, but realizing my gaps with my current job as a senior software engineer and my own game development skills, I figured I actually needed more computer science theory to couple with my bachelor's in information technology degree with game development from NJIT

You have to look at hundreds of schools some times.

You have to look at a school's STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS (Do they have an ACM, IGDA, GDCA, Game Dev club)


AND of course you have to TALK TO PROFESSORS AND ALUMNI (communication is KEY, college is an investment, and DePaul isn't cheap, Drexel isn't cheap, NYU isn't cheap, RIT isn't cheap, Champlain isn't cheap, Full Sail isn't cheap, MSU is not cheap)


@reapercreeper6097 - 08.04.2022 13:04

Information i got from this video is very helpful, thanks!

@sindhumahankali5804 - 10.04.2022 08:52

Hai sir..what are the courses available for 3d animators in Canada?? Please reply

@dgames4892 - 13.04.2022 21:21

Hello sir, I'm the one in your student, from backstage.

@saisushant623 - 18.04.2022 20:53

I am ready to work in a small studio for experience, I have done courses from unity, so I have more than basic knowledge on how to develop games in unity. Also I am currently working as a devops engineer , so what do you suggest I do.

@neerajsahu8294 - 21.04.2022 11:23

What if i have few years, say 3 years, experience as a game designer and I go abroad for further studies, say masters, then will I be able to get a job there post graduation?

@vishalakshijadhav856 - 24.04.2022 10:50

Would appreciate more options for a person being Indian American in India, who wants to pursue masters aboard..

@nishantshilwanikar6037 - 05.05.2022 05:25

Hi I am in the last semester of graduation in BCA game and mobile app development ( Ik this degree certificate IS not important in this industry still telling just FYI) , And doing my internship in a USA based company mobile game company ( one of the top 10 mobile games company in world) as a technical artist , am planing to get a advance deploma in game art with a ultimate goal to get a job in Canada . Please suggest me colleges to study in canada or USA to get a degree and I have good portfolio and I am still updating it .

@mtrxJUTTVODKA - 02.06.2022 22:28

Can i get game development job on UK I've 2 years experience from Pakistan in unity game development plz let me know

@gamingplusstudy5060 - 05.06.2022 17:40

Please create a review on backstage pass institute is it really worth going there or online is better ?

@starzera4108 - 20.06.2022 06:57

i completed my 10th , will be going into 11th now , i have thought of taking commerce + computer sci , any suggestion , or after i do my 11th 12th with commerce which degree should i get , an where to start my game development carier , cause in 11th 12 th they wont be teaching any of that so how to get experince , that after i complete my 11th 12th what degree should i take for game developer

@loveawais4012 - 24.06.2022 01:13

Sir I'm from Pakistan I'm doing Bs in Software Engineering and I am thinking to go abroad for master in Game Development.
1. Now my Question is there is any master degree in gaming.
2. I have interest I'm gaming and I'm learn unity in 2D now next target to learn in 3d
3. Is it worth
4. Which country is Best
Sir plz plz Replied
ITS really help me alot

@kevinkarthik3329 - 27.07.2022 16:57

thanks for the vid homie

@zeejay-junejo - 07.08.2022 13:27

Finally somebody said truth.

@Gluuten - 13.08.2022 07:24

Thank you, I'm from the U.S. and hope to go to Canada, Sweden, or the U.K to develop games and this was a very informative video for me.

@WHITEDEVIL-zq5hi - 11.12.2022 19:22

Sir, i really really want to study abroad because in India there is less scope in gaming industry....but i have a financial crunch and can't afford too much expensive college, can u suggest me one good college abroad with less finance??🙏🙏

@parashchauhan17 - 23.01.2023 19:02

Sir, backstage pass is a good college for game development

@aldodavis4619 - 19.02.2023 14:35

What about in Germany ?

@joker10124 - 04.03.2023 21:47

Thank you very much, Rahul. I am from Russia, and it was my dream to work and create games, work with many diffrent people and create fascinating project. Your video helped me much, and after watching it, I decided to try and get a place in one university abroad. Once again, huge thanks for your the time and for your work you have put in this video.

@parasrambhia9200 - 14.03.2023 22:00

Hello sir i m thinking to join Conestoga College this year in diploma in game design. Is my decision good or bad?

@jeffersonperez8623 - 25.03.2023 02:59

hello Rahul Im back end developer but I wanna make videogames Im from latinoamerica and here its really difficult to enter the industry I am trying to learn something about videogames making a little videogame but I feel that I need more knowledge if i want to work in a company I'm thinking about going to study to George Brown College but like you said It's quite expensive

@it_is_i_gegega - 03.04.2023 20:11

Hey there from Russia! Thank you for making this video, not a lot of people talk about those important details. We appreciate your work!

@ankitallshika261 - 04.06.2023 12:25

Thnku so much for this information about gaming industry that how its work, but i have a question about the gaming industry, as an artist in game company in abroad, is it important that my work experience must be from that country, where I Iived ?

@pragyanbezbo - 08.06.2023 08:53

I have this idea about VR game. I have a bachelor's degree in Computer Science and have a little bit of experience in 2d and 3d animation. I am currently working as a Graphic Designer. I want to take up Game Dev as Masters because I want to learn in-depth about everything and instead of leaving my job and learning everything on my own, I would like to take up Masters so that my time is utilised well.

I am not looking for a job but a good knowledge and networking so that I can build a team to work on this idea.

So to get into a college to learn about games and its development, what will they look for?

@ansharora9361 - 20.06.2023 18:27

Hey, hi sir actually am currently in BBa first year , am interested in learning game developing, ik the basics and has some knowledge about Unity, so I am thinking game developers after my bachelors degree I want to purse game development from abroad so I wanted your guidance for the same

@mohamamadfarzaneh2707 - 20.06.2023 21:40

is it possible that work for a company during our college or university if we have a experience in making game but not much experience?

@aafimalek - 25.06.2023 08:20

Thanks so much for the information

@alieneye2951 - 30.06.2023 17:45

hello, can you suggest some good colleges in europe ?

@shivaysharma3761 - 19.11.2023 21:20

Thank you

@ekgz0 - 28.11.2023 13:12

What about vfx courses?

@alpha_beta3277 - 29.03.2024 12:24

Wow this was informational also wanted know ur opinion on actually just being single handed game developer meaning just making and publishing games single handed and that on long run . Because I only have plans and very passionate about creating games and I have no money to spend on big colleges or courses i have a good programming background and ready to make games and have couple of projects of mind wich I will achieve no matter what

@Harmxnharry - 08.04.2024 09:29

I doing bca i learn unity c# and c++ i made games 2 i go to germany for bsc in game or master??

@akshayprabhug4206 - 26.01.2025 19:48

Do german provide game related couses,? that tution fee maybe very less
