Outside or Balcony Cabin - We compare the differences on the Marella Explorer 2 Cruise Ship

Outside or Balcony Cabin - We compare the differences on the Marella Explorer 2 Cruise Ship

Paul and Carole Love to Travel

3 года назад

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@katrinamcsherry8745 - 27.03.2021 13:08

Hopefully by Sept / Oct we can get back to cruising with marella on the med again. Thanks again for you fabulous videos 😎

@angelahorton5745 - 27.03.2021 13:11

I haven't been on Marella but the balcony cabin looks great!

@leeandjancruise - 27.03.2021 14:12

We cruised with Marella on the Explorer, thoroughly enjoyed it but with one exception, having cruised with the likes of Princess and Royal Caribbean on the Explorer the food was alright but not in the same league as the other cruise companies we have experienced, having said that they do offer really good itineraries.

@beereed - 27.03.2021 18:03

Sadly had our cruise cancelled on this ship last May/June hopefully we will book another soon. At least I have these videos to look back on and enjoy, thanks :)

@PaulandCaroleLovetoTravel - 28.03.2021 00:23

Have you cruised on the Marella Explorer 2 Cruise Ship, which cabin did you stay in?

@KenGoesCruising - 28.03.2021 00:54

Just wondering if you have booked any of the UK staycation cruises

@InnocentsAbroad - 28.03.2021 08:17

I liked the cabin comparison in this latest video. That balcony room has quite a bit of storage!

Thanks also for pointing out the lack of quantity of electrical outlets, but at least they had USB. Sending you a direct message regarding a part of the video.

@mauricefoster8648 - 28.03.2021 21:55

Another great video, looking forward to going with Marella next April.

@DolittleCampers - 30.03.2021 08:39

Lovely video, thanks for sharing, we have had an outside cabin but not a balcony bet thats lovely in the morning/evening. Cant wait to cruise again but wont be for a while 😊

@PatJ61 - 01.04.2021 13:39

I loved the comparison of the cabins. For our future cruises, we have everything from an inside cabin to a balcony booked. It will be interesting to compare the experiences. Also, I just bought your book. I can't wait to read it!

@TravelBlogJamie - 03.04.2021 14:03

Balcony for ne pleeeeease! Thanks for the lovely tour :)

@sarahjones4188 - 04.04.2021 08:41

I haven't cruised yet. But I like your video.

@peterlee6745 - 25.07.2022 13:58

Good Vid .Been on Ex 2 Twice and on again in Dec /Caribbean And on Explorer in July .Happy days

@TravelswiththeRussells - 07.09.2022 15:54

Thanks for the upload, interesting to see the different cabins, we mostly go inside for darkness and quite. Great vlog thanks 👍

@wendymccoubrie4402 - 01.11.2022 12:12

We are sailing on the Marella Explorer 2 to the Caribbean on 5th Feb 22 for the very first time!. Love all your very informative videos..Was just wondering the price of the Beach Cove restaurant or is it included in the premier all inclusive. Thanks . Wendy

@gordansmith332 - 23.04.2023 00:10

Outside cabin perfect Good size Just back from Caribbean Excellent stewards Overall excellent cruise

@kenn1936 - 27.05.2023 21:43

Thank you Paul and Carole for this little tour of cabins - I was unsure what kind of plugs to take - now I know. Thanks for all the tips.

@carolynmurtaza1180 - 01.06.2023 23:22

Can you ask them to take out the mini bar from the fridge.

@sharonwhite1985 - 06.08.2023 12:11

Thanks for the outside cabin tour - we are in one next spring!

@iangill8984 - 27.08.2023 12:53

Inside, outside or balcony. A debate in its own right. We have only travelled once in an inside cabin, couldnt get on with it. So balcony or window? Even when we have a balcony Mrs G doesnt sit on it often, it is useful for me to watch the world as I wake much earlier. In general, we like to mooch about and people watch so a balcony is not a necessity. On sailaways we like to be on deck, Sods law states the best views are on the opposite side of the ship to your balcony, eg Fjords. In recent years, we have tended to have balcony cabins because of covid, we were on Explorer 2 and someone on an excursion was later diagnosed with Covid so on our last day we had to isolate in our cabin - the balcony was a benefit. Since then we have been on Sky Princess (twice) and Explorer 2 and had balconies. Going on Explorer 2 in January but have an outside cabin, we will use the savings to go on many excursions in central America. It comes down to budget, itinerary and gut instinct.

@cherylsemrau7100 - 04.03.2024 11:06

Don't go so fast.

@derekgooding9379 - 07.03.2024 15:01

We are sailing on this ship this year, which will be our first cruise. Good to see a walkaround of the balcony cabin on deck 9, which is the same as our booking. Many Thanks !
